The Faucets Cluster Scheduler

Faucets schedules jobs on a first come first served basis until the nodes are completely allocated. For queued jobs the scheduler will favor jobs belonging to a user without currently running jobs as nodes become available. Research into fairer resource allocation schemes which maintain good utilization is ongoing. Jobs with runtimes longer than 24 hours will be limited to one third of the cluster.

A rough approximation of cluster usage can be found at Cluster Viewer.

Job Management:

  • fkill, kills the job

    fkill [job_id]

  • fjobs, reports the status of all the running and queued jobs.
  • fwho, reports a summary of usage of the cluster


    If the cluster itself is unreachable or has obvious problems send email to Userhelp. If the scheduler takes longer than five minutes to respond, or returns an error send email to Eric Bohm. The cluster itself is maintained by TSG, so standard sysadmin issues should be directed to them. PPL only maintains the scheduler and does not have the power or authority to create accounts or other system administration level tasks.

    The architecture cluster occasionally suffers from transient network faults which make job launching difficult. TSG is studying the problem. The scheduler may appear unresponsive (i.e. hung) as it tries to filter out those nodes. Workarounds to improve scheduler response time under adverse conditions are under development.

    Node sharing:

    At the request of the architecture user community each processor of the dual node cluster is individually scheduled. Therefore, your jobs may share nodes with other jobs that have been scheduled to run on the other processor of a node within your allocation. Options to minimize node sharing across users are under development.

    Head node use:

    Avoid processor intensive operations on the headnode. The scheduler and its database run on the head node (arch-server) and performance will be negatively impacted if you run CPU bound operations there. Use arch-devel for heavy compilation or analysis work.