Agents: an Undistorted Representation of Problem Structure
Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing (LCPC) 1995
Publication Type: Paper
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It has been observed that data-parallel languages are only suited
to problems with ``regular'' structures. This observation prompts a
question: to what extent are other parallel programming languages
specialized to specific problem structures, and are there any truly
general-purpose parallel programming languages, suited to all
problem structures? In this paper, we define our concept of
``problem structure''. Given this definition, we describe what it
means for a language construct to ``directly reflect'' a problem
structure, and we argue the importance of using a language
construct which reflects the problem structure. We describe the
difficulties that arise when the language construct and the problem
structure do not fit each other. We consider existing language
constructs to identify the structures they fit, and we note that
language constructs are often designed with little regard for such
generality. Finally, we describe a parallel language construct
which is designed specifically with the goal of being able to
reflect arbitrary problem structures.
Joshua Yelon and L. V. Kale, "Agents: An Undistorted Representation of Problem
Structure", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Publ: Springer-Verlag, August 1995,
vol. 1033, pp. 551-565.
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