Orion's Photos: places - Alaska - Alex_creek - 2000_6

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After the wedding, Layla, Eben, his friend Chrissy, and I flew out to Layla's homestead (and birthplace) across the inlet from Anchorage in Alexander Creek.

22-26: We flew out on Sunday, June 25, 2000.

27-29: An attempt at stereo on Mount Susitna from Alexander Creek. The baseline-resolution product must not be big enough here, because I see no depth on the mountain. Nice pix, tho.

30: Layla's three-legged dog, Frisky. 34: Ivan's dog, Reggie. 35: Sparkus.

38-45: The flight back in, Sunday, July 1, 2000. 38-39 form a nice left-going stereo pair. They've been cleaned up in l and r.

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All images taken by Orion Lawlor and placed completely in the public domain.
Converted to HTML on Thu Jul 29 12:48:03 CDT 2004.
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