Orion's Photos: places - Alaska - Fairbanks - regatta2k

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Saturday, July 15, 2000.

Several of the post-Nerland gang participated in the 2000 Red Green River Regatta. Layla and I cheered them to a first-place finish (in the irrelevant "speed" category) in a double-canoe katamaran. Their boat number was pi. The procession started at the University Avenue boat launch, and proceeded past the Mitchell Expressway bridge to Pike's Landing. It was a warm, sunny Fairbanks day.

6 shows the participants-- left-to-right: Gregg Christopher, Colin McGill, Todd, Debra Strom, Alecia, Eric Rau, and Emily Nichols.

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All images taken by Orion Lawlor and placed completely in the public domain.
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