Orion's Photos: places - Illinois - uiuc - 2003 - air_night_2003_10
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dscf0145-165 are my night return flight from Chicago on October 30,
2003 at about 6:30 pm. Virtually all of these shots are
blurry, as there was significant turbulence coming in.
We approached from the north, heading south-southwest
with me sitting on the left, so the shots all face east.
dscf0145 is I-74 (vertical) and University avenue in Urbana.
dscf0178-199 are my night return flight from Chicago on October 12,
2003 at about 9pm. We approached from the north, but passed
quite a distance west of I-57.
dscf0185-189 are as we passed over I-74, just west of I-57.
dscf0196 may show the lights of Memorial Stadium.
All images taken by Orion Lawlor
and placed completely in the public domain.
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