OpenAtom  Version1.5a
GStateSlab Member List

This is the complete list of members for GStateSlab, including all inherited members.

a2NHC (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
a4NHC (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
addForces(complex *, const int *) (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
cp_min_opt (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
degfree (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
degfreeNHC (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
degFreeSplt (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
destroyNHC() (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlabinline
ees_nonlocal (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
eke_ret (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
ekeNhc_ret (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
fftReqd (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
fictEke_ret (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
fNHC (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
iendNHC (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
ihave_g000 (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
ihave_kx0 (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
ind_g000 (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
initNHC(int _len_nhc_cp, int _num_nhc_cp, int _nck_nhc_cp) (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlabinline
iplane_ind (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
istate_ind (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
istrNHC (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
kTCP (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
kx0_end (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
kx0_strt (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
len_nhc_cp (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
mNHC (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
mysizeX (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
nck_nhc_cp (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
ngridaNL (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
ngridbNL (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
ngridcNL (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
nkx0 (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
nkx0_red (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
nkx0_uni (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
nkx0_zero (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
num_nhc_cp (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
numFull (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
numFullNL (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
numLines (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
numNonZeroPlanes (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
numPoints (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
numRuns (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
packedForceData (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
packedPlaneData (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
packedPlaneDataScr (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
packedPlaneDataTemp (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
packedPlaneDataTemp2 (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
packedRedPsi (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
packedRedPsiV (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
packedVelData (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
planeSize (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
potNHC_ret (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
pup(PUP::er &)GStateSlab
S_grainSize (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
setKRange(int, int *, int *, int *)GStateSlab
tauNHCCP (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
v0NHC (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
vNHC (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
xdim (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
xNHC (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
xNHCP (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
ydim (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
zdim (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab
~GStateSlab() (defined in GStateSlab)GStateSlab