array2d< T > | == Regular rectangular 2D array |
 ArrayElement4D | |
  InputDataHandler< leftHandlerType, rightHandlerType > | A very thin wrapper class |
 Atom | |
 AtomNHC | |
 cp::ortho::Builder | A class that orchestrates the mapping and creation of one ortho array and accompanying chares like OrthoHelper, CLA_Matrix etc |
 cp::paircalc::Builder | A class that orchestrates the mapping and creation of one paircalc array and accompanying chares like InputDataHandler etc |
 CBase_AtomsCompute | |
  AtomsCompute | |
 CBase_CLA_Matrix | |
  CLA_Matrix | |
 CBase_CLA_MM3D_multiplier | |
  CLA_MM3D_multiplier | |
 CBase_CP_LargeSP_RhoGSpacePlane | |
  CP_LargeSP_RhoGSpacePlane | The Large Sparse RhoG is where we interface with NAMD in QMMM for the large grid |
 CBase_CP_LargeSP_RhoRealSpacePlane | |
  CP_LargeSP_RhoRealSpacePlane | The Large Sparse RhoR is where we interpolate dense RhoR onto the large grid for QMMM |
 CBase_CP_Rho_GHartExt | |
  CP_Rho_GHartExt | |
 CBase_CP_Rho_GSpacePlane | |
  CP_Rho_GSpacePlane | |
 CBase_CP_Rho_RealSpacePlane | |
  CP_Rho_RealSpacePlane | |
 CBase_CP_Rho_RHartExt | |
  CP_Rho_RHartExt | |
 CBase_CP_State_GSpacePlane | |
  CP_State_GSpacePlane | 2D chare array [nchareG][nstates] Handles the electronic structure in Fourier space (referred to as GSpace) |
 CBase_CP_State_ParticlePlane | |
  CP_State_ParticlePlane | |
 CBase_CP_State_RealParticlePlane | |
  CP_State_RealParticlePlane | |
 CBase_CP_State_RealSpacePlane | |
  CP_State_RealSpacePlane | |
 CBase_ENL_EKE_Collector | |
  ENL_EKE_Collector | |
 CBase_GSpaceDriver | |
  GSpaceDriver | 2D chare array [nchareG][nstates] Handles flow of control within an instance, always same dimensional cardinality and mapping as CP_Gspace_State_Plane |
 CBase_InstanceController | |
  InstanceController | |
 CBase_Ortho | |
  Ortho | For definition of CkDataMsg |
 CBase_OrthoHelper | |
  OrthoHelper | |
 CBase_PairCalculator | |
  PairCalculator | |
 CBase_PIBeadAtoms | |
  PIBeadAtoms | |
 CBase_StructureFactor | |
  StructureFactor | |
 CBase_TemperController | |
  TemperController | |
 Chare | |
  main | The class which creates the main chare |
 CkArrayMap | |
  CkArrayMapTable1 | Helper class for map hashtables copied from femrefine.C |
   AtomComputeMap | Class used for instantiation of G-space group objects |
  CkArrayMapTable2 | |
   GSMap | |
   RhoGHartMap | |
   RhoGSMap | Provide procnum mapping for RhoG |
   RhoRSMap | Provide procnum mapping for RhoR |
   RPPMap | |
   RSMap | Class used for instantiation of real-space group objects |
  CkArrayMapTable3 | |
   RhoRHartMap | |
  CkArrayMapTable4 | |
  CLA_MM3D_Map | |
  OrthoHelperMap | Map group for placing OrthoHelper chares |
  OrthoMap | Centroid based ortho map (actual map creation in MapTable.C) |
  SCalcMap | Paircalc's map group that provides procNum() to place paircalc chares as determined by the map logic |
 CkMcastBaseMsg | |
  CLA_Matrix_msg | |
  CLA_MM3D_mult_init_msg | |
  CompAtmForcMsg | |
  EnlCookieMsg | |
  ICCookieMsg | |
  initCookieMsg | |
  initGRedMsg | |
  initResultMsg | |
  multiplyResultMsg | |
  orthoMtrigger | |
  paircalcInputMsg | The new message for sending input data to the PairCalculator |
  ProductMsg | |
  StructFactorMsg | |
 CLA_Matrix_interface | |
 CMessage_AtomMsg | |
  AtomMsg | |
 CMessage_AtomXYZMsg | |
  AtomXYZMsg | |
 CMessage_CLA_Matrix_msg | |
  CLA_Matrix_msg | |
 CMessage_CLA_MM3D_mult_init_msg | |
  CLA_MM3D_mult_init_msg | |
 CMessage_CompAtmForcMsg | |
  CompAtmForcMsg | |
 CMessage_EnlCookieMsg | |
  EnlCookieMsg | |
 CMessage_entireResultMsg | |
  entireResultMsg | |
 CMessage_entireResultMsg2 | |
  entireResultMsg2 | |
 CMessage_GHartDummyMsg | |
  GHartDummyMsg | |
 CMessage_GSIFFTMsg | |
  GSIFFTMsg | |
 CMessage_GSPPIFFTMsg | |
 CMessage_GSRedPsiMsg | |
  GSRedPsiMsg | |
 CMessage_GStateOutMsg | |
  GStateOutMsg | |
 CMessage_ICCookieMsg | |
  ICCookieMsg | |
 CMessage_initCookieMsg | |
  initCookieMsg | |
  orthoMtrigger | |
 CMessage_initGRedMsg | |
  initGRedMsg | |
 CMessage_initResultMsg | |
  initResultMsg | |
 CMessage_multiplyResultMsg | |
  multiplyResultMsg | |
 CMessage_mySendMsg | |
  mySendMsg | |
 CMessage_NLDummyMsg | |
  NLDummyMsg | |
 CMessage_NLFFTMsg | |
  NLFFTMsg | |
 CMessage_OrthoHelperMsg | |
  OrthoHelperMsg | |
 CMessage_paircalcInputMsg | |
  paircalcInputMsg | The new message for sending input data to the PairCalculator |
 CMessage_partialResultMsg | |
  partialResultMsg | |
 CMessage_pcSetupMsg | |
  pcSetupMsg | Paircalc::CreationManager returns relevant chare array handles via this msg |
 CMessage_PPDummyMsg | |
  PPDummyMsg | |
 CMessage_priorSumMsg | |
  priorSumMsg | |
 CMessage_ProductMsg | |
  ProductMsg | |
 CMessage_RDMAHandleMsg | |
  RDMAHandleMsg | |
 CMessage_RDMASetupConfirmationMsg | |
  RDMASetupConfirmationMsg< tokenType > | Reply from data receiver to the data sender indicating completion of setup on the receiver side |
 CMessage_RDMASetupRequestMsg | |
  RDMASetupRequestMsg< tokenType > | A request from a data sender to setup an RDMA link. Initiates the sender-receiver handshake required to setup such a link |
 CMessage_RhoGHartMsg | |
  RhoGHartMsg | |
 CMessage_RhoGSFFTMsg | |
  RhoGSFFTMsg | |
 CMessage_RhoHartRSFFTMsg | |
  RhoHartRSFFTMsg | |
 CMessage_RhoRHartMsg | |
  RhoRHartMsg | |
 CMessage_RhoRSFFTMsg | |
  RhoRSFFTMsg | |
 CMessage_RPPPFFTMsg | |
  RPPPFFTMsg | |
 CMessage_RSDummyResume | |
  RSDummyResume | |
 CMessage_RSFFTMsg | |
  RSFFTMsg | |
 CMessage_sendBWsignalMsg | |
  sendBWsignalMsg | |
  sendFWRDMAsignalMsg | |
 CMessage_SFDummyMsg | |
  SFDummyMsg | |
 CMessage_StructFactorMsg | |
  StructFactorMsg | |
 CMessage_TMsg | |
  TMsg | |
 complex | |
 Config | |
 CounterStruct | |
 CPcharmParaInfo | |
 CProxy_InputDataHandler< leftHandlerType, rightHandlerType > | Input handler chare array proxies |
 CProxy_InputDataHandler< cp::paircalc::MessageDataCollator, cp::paircalc::MessageDataCollator > | |
 CProxySection_InputDataHandler< leftHandlerType, rightHandlerType > | |
 CProxySection_InputDataHandler< cp::paircalc::MessageDataCollator, cp::paircalc::MessageDataCollator > | |
 EnergyStruct | |
 essl_work | = Holder classes for the plans : Allows many fft libaries to be used |
 FastAtoms | |
 fftplanholder | |
 FindProcessor | |
 GCHAREPKG | Data class : Minimal copies of big redundant data sets |
 GPPDATA | Data class |
 Group | |
  AtomsCache | |
  CPcharmParaInfoGrp | |
  eesCache | Group Container class : Only allowed chare data classes have data |
  EnergyGroup | EnergyGroup class |
  FFTcache | |
  PhysScratchCache | PhysScratchCache class |
  StructFactCache | |
  TimeKeeper | |
 GSlabInfo | |
 GSPDATA | Data class : Minimal copies of big redundant data sets |
 GStateSlab | |
 cp::paircalc::InstanceIDs | A tiny structure to hold the relevant IDs/ proxies required to interact with a paircalc instance |
 intdual | |
 IntMap1 | |
 IntMap2on1 | |
 IntMap2on2 | |
 IntMap3 | |
 IntMap4 | |
 inttriple | |
 MapFile | |
 MapTable1 | Abstract base class |
  AtomMapTable | |
 MapTable2 | Abstract base class |
  GSMapTable | |
  OrthoHelperMapTable | |
  OrthoMapTable | |
  RhoGHartMapTable | |
  RhoGSMapTable | |
  RhoRSMapTable | |
  RPPMapTable | |
  RSMapTable | |
  VdWGSMapTable | |
 MapTable3 | |
  RhoRHartMapTable | |
  VdWRSMapTable | |
 MapTable4 | Abstract base class |
  SCalcMapTable | |
 MessageDataCollator< msgType, dataType > | A template message collator |
 cp::paircalc::MessageDataCollator< msgType, dataType > | Class that buffers incoming data (via messages/RDMA) till it counts a pre-specified number of arrivals, and then spits the collated data out (packaged in the same incoming message type) via a CkCallback |
 cp::ortho::orthoConfig | Configuration settings for the ortho world |
 ParaGrpParse | |
 cp::gspace::PCCommManager | Manages communication with a single paircalc array |
 cp::paircalc::pcConfig | Dumb structure that holds all the configuration inputs required for paircalc instantiation, functioning and interaction |
 cp::startup::PCCreationManager | Manages the creation of a complete paircalc bubble that includes two paircalc instances (symmetric and asymmetric), an ortho instance and all accompanying helper entities (map groups, InputDataHandler, OrthoHelper, CLA_Matrix etc.) |
 cp::startup::PCMapConfig | A container for assorted mapping inputs to pass around easily |
 cp::ortho::PCSectionManager | Class that manages the paircalc sections that each Ortho chare communicates with |
 PeList | |
 PeListFactory | Hacky solution to passing a PeList to GSpace(0,0) for use in paircalc mapping without actually having to pup the arrays in a PeList |
 PIMD_CM | |
 PlaneAtom | |
 PlaneCount | |
 rdmaHandleType | Based on whether RDMA is enabled, the handle type is either the actual handle or just an empty structure |
 RDMApair_GSP_PC | A (hopefully) tiny token that is unique to every data sender-receiver pair, and is shared by them during the RDMA setup process |
 RealStateSlab | |
 RedundantCommPkg | |
 rfftplanholder | |
 RHOGDATA | Data class : Minimal copies of big redundant data sets |
 RHOGHARTDATA | Data class |
 RhoGSlab | |
 RhoRealSlab | |
 RHORHARTDATA | Data class |
 RPPDATA | Data class |
 RunDescriptor | == Index logic for lines of constant x,y in gspace |
 size2d | == Size or location in a regular 2D array |
 UberCollection | Holds the UberIndex and the offset for proxies |
 UberIndex | |