19 bool firstInstance =
24 CkVec <MapType1> AtomImaptable;
25 CkVec <MapType2> GSImaptable;
26 CkVec <MapType2> RSImaptable;
27 CkVec <MapType2> RPPImaptable;
28 CkVec <MapType2> RhoGSImaptable;
29 CkVec <MapType2> RhoRSImaptable;
30 CkVec <MapType2> RhoGHartImaptable;
31 CkVec <MapType3> RhoRHartImaptable;
36 CkHashtableT<intdual, int> GSmaptable(10000,0.25);
37 CkHashtableT<intdual, int> RSmaptable(10000,0.25);
38 CkHashtableT<intdual, int> RPPmaptable(10000,0.25);
39 CkHashtableT<intdual, int> AsymScalcmaptable(10000,0.25);
40 CkHashtableT<intdual, int> SymScalcmaptable(10000,0.25);
42 CkHashtableT<intdual, int> GSmaptable;
43 CkHashtableT<intdual, int> RSmaptable;
44 CkHashtableT<intdual, int> RPPmaptable;
45 CkHashtableT<intdual, int> AsymScalcmaptable;
46 CkHashtableT<intdual, int> SymScalcmaptable;
48 CkHashtableT<intdual, int> RhoGSmaptable;
49 CkHashtableT<intdual, int> RhoRSmaptable;
50 CkHashtableT<intdual, int> RhoGHartmaptable;
51 CkHashtableT<inttriple, int> RhoRHartmaptable;
52 CkHashtableT<intdual, int> Orthomaptable;
53 CkHashtableT<intdual, int> OrthoHelpermaptable;
56 CProxy_main mainProxy;
57 CProxy_PhysScratchCache pScratchProxy;
59 CProxy_TimeKeeper TimeKeeperProxy;
61 CProxy_TemperController temperControllerProxy;
62 CProxy_ENL_EKE_Collector ENLEKECollectorProxy;
91 CkVec <CProxy_PIBeadAtoms> UPIBeadAtomsProxy;
92 CkVec <CProxy_CP_State_GSpacePlane> UgSpacePlaneProxy;
93 CkVec <CProxy_GSpaceDriver> UgSpaceDriverProxy;
94 CkVec <CProxy_CP_State_ParticlePlane> UparticlePlaneProxy;
95 CkVec <CProxy_CP_State_RealParticlePlane> UrealParticlePlaneProxy;
96 CkVec <CProxy_CP_State_RealSpacePlane> UrealSpacePlaneProxy;
97 CkVec <CProxy_CP_Rho_RealSpacePlane> UrhoRealProxy;
98 CkVec <CProxy_CP_Rho_GSpacePlane> UrhoGProxy;
99 CkVec <CProxy_CP_Rho_RHartExt> UrhoRHartExtProxy;
100 CkVec <CProxy_CP_Rho_GHartExt> UrhoGHartExtProxy;
101 CkVec <CProxy_AtomsCompute> UatomsComputeProxy;
102 CkVec <CProxy_AtomsCache> UatomsCacheProxy;
103 CkVec <CProxy_EnergyGroup> UegroupProxy;
104 CkVec <CProxy_FFTcache> UfftCacheProxy;
105 CkVec <CProxy_StructFactCache> UsfCacheProxy;
106 CkVec <CProxy_StructureFactor> UsfCompProxy;
107 CkVec <CProxy_eesCache> UeesCacheProxy;
108 CkVec <CProxy_CP_LargeSP_RhoGSpacePlane> UlsRhoGProxy;
109 CkVec <CProxy_CP_LargeSP_RhoRealSpacePlane> UlsRhoRealProxy;
111 CkVec <UberCollection> UberAlles;
112 CkVec < PeList * > UavailProcs;
117 CkVec < CkVec <int> > UpeUsedBySF;
118 CkVec < CkVec <int> > UpeUsedByNLZ;
119 CkVec < CkVec <int> > UplaneUsedByNLZ;
125 TopoManager *topoMgr=NULL;
Config config
addtogroup Uber
CProxy_InstanceController instControllerProxy
CkVec< MapType2 > LSPRhoRSImaptable
CkVec <MapType1> LSPRhoGSImaptable;.
CkVec< int > PIBImaptable
INT_MAPs are the ones actually used so these are being changed to CkVec's for beads.