00002 #include "charm++.h"
00003 #include "stats.h"
00004 #include "stats.def.h"
00006 CkChareID theGlobalStats;
00007 CkGroupID theLocalStats;
00009 extern void POSE_exit();
00012 void localStat::SendStats()
00013 {
00014 if (pose_config.dop) {
00016 fclose(dopFilePtr);
00019 dopFilePtr = fopen(dopFileName, "a");
00020 if (dopFilePtr == NULL) {
00021 CkPrintf("WARNING: unable to open DOP file %s for append...this probably doesn't matter, though, as long as this is at the end of the simulation\n",
00022 dopFileName);
00023 }
00024 }
00025 CProxy_globalStat gstat(theGlobalStats);
00026 localStatSummary *m = new localStatSummary;
00027 m->doTime = totalTime;
00028 m->rbTime = rollbackTime;
00029 m->gvtTime = gvtTime;
00030 m->simTime = simTime;
00031 m->cpTime = cpTime;
00032 m->canTime = canTime;
00033 m->lbTime = lbTime;
00034 m->fcTime = fcTime;
00035 m->commTime = commTime;
00036 m->cpBytes = cpBytes;
00037 m->maxDo = maxDo;
00038 m->minDo = minDo;
00039 m->pe = CkMyPe();
00040 m->dos = dos;
00041 m->undos = undos;
00042 m->commits = commits;
00043 m->loops = loops;
00044 m->gvts = gvts;
00045 m->maxChkPts = maxChkPts;
00046 m->maxGVT = maxGVT;
00047 m->maxGRT = maxGRT;
00048 gstat.localStatReport(m);
00049 }
00052 globalStat::globalStat(void): doAvg (0.0), doMax (0.0), rbAvg (0.0), rbMax (0.0), gvtAvg (0.0), gvtMax (0.0), simAvg (0.0), simMax (0.0),
00053 cpAvg (0.0), cpMax (0.0), canAvg (0.0), canMax (0.0), lbAvg (0.0), lbMax (0.0), fcAvg (0.0), fcMax (0.0),
00054 commAvg (0.0), commMax (0.0),
00055 maxTime (0.0), maxDo (0.0), minDo (0.0), avgDo (0.0), GvtTime (0.0), maxGRT (0.0),
00056 cpBytes (0), reporting (0), totalDos (0), totalUndos (0), totalCommits (0), totalLoops (0),
00057 totalGvts (0), maxChkPts (0), maxGVT (0)
00058 {
00059 #ifdef VERBOSE_DEBUG
00060 CkPrintf("[%d] constructing globalStat\n",CkMyPe());
00061 #endif
00063 }
00066 void globalStat::localStatReport(localStatSummary *m)
00067 {
00068 double tmpMax;
00070 totalDos += m->dos;
00071 totalUndos += m->undos;
00072 totalCommits += m->commits;
00073 totalLoops += m->loops;
00074 totalGvts += m->gvts;
00075 maxChkPts += m->maxChkPts;
00076 doAvg += m->doTime;
00077 if (maxGRT < m->maxGRT) maxGRT = m->maxGRT;
00078 if (maxGVT < m->maxGVT) maxGVT = m->maxGVT;
00079 if (m->maxDo > maxDo)
00080 maxDo = m->maxDo;
00081 if ((minDo < 0.0) || (m->minDo < minDo))
00082 minDo = m->minDo;
00083 if (m->doTime > doMax)
00084 doMax = m->doTime;
00085 rbAvg += m->rbTime;
00086 if (m->rbTime > rbMax)
00087 rbMax = m->rbTime;
00088 gvtAvg += m->gvtTime;
00089 if (m->gvtTime > gvtMax)
00090 gvtMax = m->gvtTime;
00091 simAvg += m->simTime;
00092 if (m->simTime > simMax)
00093 simMax = m->simTime;
00094 cpAvg += m->cpTime;
00095 if (m->cpTime > cpMax)
00096 cpMax = m->cpTime;
00097 canAvg += m->canTime;
00098 if (m->canTime > canMax)
00099 canMax = m->canTime;
00100 lbAvg += m->lbTime;
00101 if (m->lbTime > lbMax)
00102 lbMax = m->lbTime;
00103 fcAvg += m->fcTime;
00104 if (m->fcTime > fcMax)
00105 fcMax = m->fcTime;
00106 commAvg += m->commTime;
00107 if (m->commTime > commMax)
00108 commMax = m->commTime;
00109 cpBytes += m->cpBytes;
00110 tmpMax = m->doTime + m->rbTime + m->gvtTime + m->simTime + m->cpTime
00111 + m->canTime + m->lbTime + m->fcTime + m->commTime;
00112 CkFreeMsg(m);
00113 if (tmpMax > maxTime)
00114 maxTime = tmpMax;
00115 reporting++;
00117 #ifdef SEQUENTIAL_POSE
00118 totalLoops = totalDos;
00119 totalGvts = 1;
00120 #endif
00121 CkAssert(totalGvts > 0);
00122 CkAssert(totalDos > 0);
00123 CkAssert(totalLoops > 0);
00124 GvtTime = gvtAvg/totalGvts;
00125 if (reporting == CkNumPes()) {
00126 avgDo = doAvg / totalDos;
00127 doAvg /= CkNumPes();
00128 rbAvg /= CkNumPes();
00129 gvtAvg /= CkNumPes();
00130 simAvg /= CkNumPes();
00131 cpAvg /= CkNumPes();
00132 canAvg /= CkNumPes();
00133 lbAvg /= CkNumPes();
00134 fcAvg /= CkNumPes();
00135 commAvg /= CkNumPes();
00136 maxChkPts /= CkNumPes();
00138 CkPrintf("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n | DO | RB | GVT | SIM | CP | CAN | LB | FC | COMM |\n---|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|\nmax| %7.2f| %7.2f| %7.2f| %7.2f| %7.2f| %7.2f| %7.2f| %7.2f| %7.2f|\navg| %7.2f| %7.2f| %7.2f| %7.2f| %7.2f| %7.2f| %7.2f| %7.2f| %7.2f|\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nMax time on a PE:%7.2f, Speculative Events:%d Actual Events:%d Commits:%d\nGRAINSIZE INFO: Avg: %10.6f Max: %10.6f Min: %10.6f\nGVT iterations=%d Avg time per iteration=%f\ntotalLoops=%d effectiveGS=%10.6f\n",
00139 doMax, rbMax, gvtMax, simMax, cpMax, canMax, lbMax, fcMax, commMax, doAvg, rbAvg, gvtAvg, simAvg, cpAvg, canAvg, lbAvg, fcAvg, commAvg, maxTime, totalDos, totalDos-totalUndos, totalCommits, avgDo, maxDo, minDo, totalGvts, GvtTime, totalLoops, (doAvg*CkNumPes())/totalLoops);
00142 if(pose_config.dop){
00143 CkPrintf("Overhead-free maximally parallel runtime=%f Max GVT=%lld\n", maxGRT, maxGVT);
00144 if (pose_config.dopSkipCalcs) {
00145 CkPrintf("\n");
00146 CkPrintf("WARNING: Skipping DOP calculations. Not writing dop_mod.out or dop_sim.out files.\n");
00147 CkPrintf("Save the following parameters for use with the DOPCalc tool in the\n");
00148 CkPrintf("BigNetSim/trunk/tools/DOPCalc directory of the BigNetSim svn repository:\n");
00149 CkPrintf(" #PEs=%d, maxGRT=%f, maxGVT=%lld, and the starting virtual time\n", CkNumPes(), maxGRT, maxGVT);
00150 CkPrintf(" of the simulation (which should be 0 unless there are skip points)\n");
00151 CkPrintf("\n");
00152 } else {
00153 DOPcalc(maxGVT, maxGRT);
00154 }
00155 }
00157 POSE_exit();
00166 }
00167 }
00170 void globalStat::DOPcalc(POSE_TimeType gvt, double grt)
00171 {
00173 long long int i, j;
00174 #else
00175 CmiInt8 i,j;
00176 #endif
00178 POSE_TimeType vinStart, vinEnd, gvtp = gvt + 1;
00179 double rinStart, rinEnd;
00180 FILE *fp;
00181 char filename[32], line[80];
00182 unsigned short int *gvtDOP, *grtDOP;
00183 unsigned long int grtp = (unsigned long int)(grt*1000000.0) + 1, usStart, usEnd;
00184 int modelPEs=0, simulationPEs=0;
00186 CkPrintf("Generating DOP measures...\n");
00187 gvtDOP = (unsigned short int *)malloc(gvtp*sizeof(unsigned short int));
00188 grtDOP = (unsigned short int *)malloc(grtp*sizeof(unsigned short int));
00189 for (i=0; i<gvtp; i++) gvtDOP[i] = 0;
00190 for (i=0; i<grtp; i++) grtDOP[i] = 0;
00191 for (i=0; i<CkNumPes(); i++) {
00192 sprintf(filename, "dop%lld.log", i);
00193 fp = fopen(filename, "r");
00194 if (!fp) {
00195 CkPrintf("Cannot open file %s... exiting.\n", filename);
00196 free(gvtDOP);
00197 free(grtDOP);
00198 POSE_exit();
00199 return;
00200 }
00201 CkPrintf("Reading file %s...\n", filename);
00203 const char* format = "%lf %lf %lld %lld\n";
00204 #else
00205 const char* format = "%lf %lf %d %d\n";
00206 #endif
00207 while (fgets(line, 80, fp)) {
00208 if (sscanf(line, format, &rinStart, &rinEnd, &vinStart, &vinEnd) == 4) {
00209 usStart = (unsigned long int)(rinStart * 1000000.0);
00210 usEnd = (unsigned long int)(rinEnd * 1000000.0);
00211 for (j=usStart; j<usEnd; j++) grtDOP[j]++;
00212 if (usStart == usEnd) grtDOP[usStart]++;
00213 if (vinStart > -1)
00214 for (j=vinStart; j<=vinEnd; j++) gvtDOP[j]++;
00215 }
00216 else CkPrintf("WARNING: DOP post-processing corrupted... likely NFS to blame.\n");
00217 }
00218 fclose(fp);
00219 }
00220 CmiInt8 avgPEs = 0LL;
00221 int zed = 0;
00222 fp = fopen("dop_mod.out", "w");
00223 for (i=0; i<gvtp; i++) {
00225 if ((i & 0x03FFFFFF) == 0) CkPrintf(" current index: %lld of %lld\n", i, gvtp);
00226 if ((gvtDOP[i] != 0) || (zed == 0))
00227 fprintf(fp, "%lld %d\n", i, gvtDOP[i]);
00228 if (gvtDOP[i] == 0) zed = 1;
00229 else zed = 0;
00230 avgPEs += gvtDOP[i];
00231 if (gvtDOP[i] > modelPEs) modelPEs = gvtDOP[i];
00232 }
00233 avgPEs /= gvtp;
00234 fclose(fp);
00235 fp = fopen("dop_sim.out", "w");
00236 for (i=0; i<grtp; i++) {
00237 fprintf(fp, "%lld %d\n", i, grtDOP[i]);
00238 if (grtDOP[i] > simulationPEs) simulationPEs = grtDOP[i];
00239 }
00240 fclose(fp);
00241 CkPrintf("Max model PEs: %d Max simulation PEs: %d Recommended #PEs: %lld\n",
00242 modelPEs, simulationPEs, avgPEs);
00243 free(gvtDOP);
00244 free(grtDOP);
00246 }