Live Webcast 15th Annual Charm++ Workshop

ACM SRC: Fast Profiling-based Performance Modeling of Distributed GPU Applications
International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC) 2019
Publication Type: Poster
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An increasing number of applications utilize GPUs to accelerate computation, with MPI responsible for communication in distributed environments. Existing performance models only focus on either modeling GPU kernels or MPI communication; few that do model the entire application are often too specialized for a single application and require extensive input from the programmer. To be able to quickly model different types of distributed GPU applications, we propose a profiling-based methodology for creating performance models. We build upon the roofline performance model for GPU kernels and analytical models for MPI communication, with a significant reduction in profiling time. We also develop a benchmark to model 3D halo exchange that occurs in many scientific applications. Our proposed model for the main iteration loops of MiniFE achieves 6-7% prediction error on LLNL Lassen and 1-2% error on PSC Bridges, with minimal code inspection required to model MPI communication.
Research Areas