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ck-ldb/CentralLB.C File Reference

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void getGlobalStep (CkGroupID)
void initMlogLBStep (CkGroupID)
 This is the first time Converse is called after AtSync method has been called by every local object.
void sendDummyMigrationCounts (int *)
 this method is used by a restarted processor to tell other processors that they are not going to receive these many objects.
 CpvExtern (void *, CkGridObject)
void UpdateLocation (MigrateInfo &migData)
void charmrun_realloc (char *s)
 CreateLBFunc_Def (CentralLB,"CentralLB base class")
static int cpufreq_sysfs_write (const char *setting, int proc)
static int cpufreq_sysfs_read (int proc)
static bool isMigratable (LDObjData **objData, int *len, int count, const LDCommData &commData)
int GetNewPeNumber (std::vector< char > avail)
void resumeCentralLbAfterChkpt (void *_lb)
void resumeAfterRestoreParallelRecovery (void *_lb)
void getPredictedLoadWithMsg (BaseLB::LDStats *stats, int count, LBMigrateMsg *msg, LBInfo &info, int considerComm)


bool _restartFlag
int globalResumeCount
char willContinue
realloc_state pending_realloc_state
 Cluster Manager Code, Accepts external bit vectors and then feeds it into the loadbalancer so that programs can shrink and expand.
char * se_avail_vector
int mynewpe = 0
char * _shrinkexpand_basedir
int numProcessAfterRestart
CkGroupID loadbalancer
bool load_balancer_created
int donotCountMigration
static LDHandleloadBalancer_pointers
int restarted

Generated on Mon Sep 21 07:59:14 2020 for Charm++ by  doxygen 1.5.5