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libs/ck-libs/metis/GKlib/gkregex.c File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  re_node_set
struct  re_charset_t
struct  re_token_t
struct  re_string_t
struct  bin_tree_t
struct  bin_tree_storage_t
struct  re_dfastate_t
struct  re_state_table_entry
struct  state_array_t
struct  re_sub_match_last_t
struct  re_sub_match_top_t
struct  re_backref_cache_entry
struct  re_match_context_t
struct  re_sift_context_t
struct  re_fail_stack_ent_t
struct  re_fail_stack_t
struct  re_dfa_t
struct  bracket_elem_t


typedef unsigned long int bitset_word_t
typedef bitset_word_t bitset_t [BITSET_WORDS]
typedef bitset_word_tre_bitset_ptr_t
typedef const bitset_word_tre_const_bitset_ptr_t
typedef struct re_string_t re_string_t
typedef struct re_dfa_t re_dfa_t
typedef struct bin_tree_t bin_tree_t
typedef struct bin_tree_storage_t bin_tree_storage_t
typedef struct re_dfastate_t re_dfastate_t


enum  bool { false, true }
enum  re_context_type {
enum  re_token_type_t {
enum  bracket_elem_type {


void gkfooo ()
static reg_errcode_t re_string_realloc_buffers (re_string_t *pstr, int new_buf_len) internal_function
static void build_wcs_buffer (re_string_t *pstr) internal_function
static int build_wcs_upper_buffer (re_string_t *pstr) internal_function
static void build_upper_buffer (re_string_t *pstr) internal_function
static void re_string_translate_buffer (re_string_t *pstr) internal_function
static unsigned int re_string_context_at (const re_string_t *input, int idx, int eflags) internal_function __attribute((pure))
static void bitset_not (bitset_t set)
static void bitset_merge (bitset_t dest, const bitset_t src)
static void bitset_mask (bitset_t dest, const bitset_t src)
static int internal_function __attribute ((pure))
static void re_string_construct_common (const char *str, int len, re_string_t *pstr, RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE trans, int icase, const re_dfa_t *dfa) internal_function
static re_dfastate_tcreate_ci_newstate (const re_dfa_t *dfa, const re_node_set *nodes, unsigned int hash) internal_function
static re_dfastate_tcreate_cd_newstate (const re_dfa_t *dfa, const re_node_set *nodes, unsigned int context, unsigned int hash) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t
re_string_allocate (re_string_t *pstr, const char *str, int len, int init_len, RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE trans, int icase, const re_dfa_t *dfa)
static reg_errcode_t
re_string_construct (re_string_t *pstr, const char *str, int len, RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE trans, int icase, const re_dfa_t *dfa)
static int internal_function re_string_skip_chars (re_string_t *pstr, int new_raw_idx, wint_t *last_wc)
static reg_errcode_t
re_string_reconstruct (re_string_t *pstr, int idx, int eflags)
static void internal_function re_string_destruct (re_string_t *pstr)
static reg_errcode_t
re_node_set_alloc (re_node_set *set, int size)
static reg_errcode_t
re_node_set_init_1 (re_node_set *set, int elem)
static reg_errcode_t
re_node_set_init_2 (re_node_set *set, int elem1, int elem2)
static reg_errcode_t
re_node_set_init_copy (re_node_set *dest, const re_node_set *src)
static reg_errcode_t
re_node_set_add_intersect (re_node_set *dest, const re_node_set *src1, const re_node_set *src2)
static reg_errcode_t
re_node_set_init_union (re_node_set *dest, const re_node_set *src1, const re_node_set *src2)
static reg_errcode_t
re_node_set_merge (re_node_set *dest, const re_node_set *src)
static int internal_function re_node_set_insert (re_node_set *set, int elem)
static int internal_function re_node_set_insert_last (re_node_set *set, int elem)
static void internal_function re_node_set_remove_at (re_node_set *set, int idx)
static int internal_function re_dfa_add_node (re_dfa_t *dfa, re_token_t token)
static unsigned int
calc_state_hash (const re_node_set *nodes, unsigned int context)
static re_dfastate_t
re_acquire_state (reg_errcode_t *err, const re_dfa_t *dfa, const re_node_set *nodes)
static re_dfastate_t
re_acquire_state_context (reg_errcode_t *err, const re_dfa_t *dfa, const re_node_set *nodes, unsigned int context)
static reg_errcode_t register_state (const re_dfa_t *dfa, re_dfastate_t *newstate, unsigned int hash)
static void free_state (re_dfastate_t *state)
static reg_errcode_t re_compile_internal (regex_t *preg, const char *pattern, size_t length, reg_syntax_t syntax)
static void re_compile_fastmap_iter (regex_t *bufp, const re_dfastate_t *init_state, char *fastmap)
static reg_errcode_t init_dfa (re_dfa_t *dfa, size_t pat_len)
static void free_charset (re_charset_t *cset)
static void free_workarea_compile (regex_t *preg)
static reg_errcode_t create_initial_state (re_dfa_t *dfa)
static void optimize_utf8 (re_dfa_t *dfa)
static reg_errcode_t analyze (regex_t *preg)
static reg_errcode_t preorder (bin_tree_t *root, reg_errcode_t(fn(void *, bin_tree_t *)), void *extra)
static reg_errcode_t postorder (bin_tree_t *root, reg_errcode_t(fn(void *, bin_tree_t *)), void *extra)
static reg_errcode_t optimize_subexps (void *extra, bin_tree_t *node)
static reg_errcode_t lower_subexps (void *extra, bin_tree_t *node)
static bin_tree_tlower_subexp (reg_errcode_t *err, regex_t *preg, bin_tree_t *node)
static reg_errcode_t calc_first (void *extra, bin_tree_t *node)
static reg_errcode_t calc_next (void *extra, bin_tree_t *node)
static reg_errcode_t link_nfa_nodes (void *extra, bin_tree_t *node)
static int duplicate_node (re_dfa_t *dfa, int org_idx, unsigned int constraint)
static int search_duplicated_node (const re_dfa_t *dfa, int org_node, unsigned int constraint)
static reg_errcode_t calc_eclosure (re_dfa_t *dfa)
static reg_errcode_t calc_eclosure_iter (re_node_set *new_set, re_dfa_t *dfa, int node, int root)
static reg_errcode_t calc_inveclosure (re_dfa_t *dfa)
static int fetch_number (re_string_t *input, re_token_t *token, reg_syntax_t syntax)
static int peek_token (re_token_t *token, re_string_t *input, reg_syntax_t syntax) internal_function
static bin_tree_tparse (re_string_t *regexp, regex_t *preg, reg_syntax_t syntax, reg_errcode_t *err)
static bin_tree_tparse_reg_exp (re_string_t *regexp, regex_t *preg, re_token_t *token, reg_syntax_t syntax, int nest, reg_errcode_t *err)
static bin_tree_tparse_branch (re_string_t *regexp, regex_t *preg, re_token_t *token, reg_syntax_t syntax, int nest, reg_errcode_t *err)
static bin_tree_tparse_expression (re_string_t *regexp, regex_t *preg, re_token_t *token, reg_syntax_t syntax, int nest, reg_errcode_t *err)
static bin_tree_tparse_sub_exp (re_string_t *regexp, regex_t *preg, re_token_t *token, reg_syntax_t syntax, int nest, reg_errcode_t *err)
static bin_tree_tparse_dup_op (bin_tree_t *dup_elem, re_string_t *regexp, re_dfa_t *dfa, re_token_t *token, reg_syntax_t syntax, reg_errcode_t *err)
static bin_tree_tparse_bracket_exp (re_string_t *regexp, re_dfa_t *dfa, re_token_t *token, reg_syntax_t syntax, reg_errcode_t *err)
static reg_errcode_t parse_bracket_element (bracket_elem_t *elem, re_string_t *regexp, re_token_t *token, int token_len, re_dfa_t *dfa, reg_syntax_t syntax, int accept_hyphen)
static reg_errcode_t parse_bracket_symbol (bracket_elem_t *elem, re_string_t *regexp, re_token_t *token)
static reg_errcode_t build_equiv_class (bitset_t sbcset, re_charset_t *mbcset, int *equiv_class_alloc, const unsigned char *name)
static reg_errcode_t build_charclass (RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE trans, bitset_t sbcset, re_charset_t *mbcset, int *char_class_alloc, const unsigned char *class_name, reg_syntax_t syntax)
static reg_errcode_t build_equiv_class (bitset_t sbcset, const unsigned char *name)
static reg_errcode_t build_charclass (RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE trans, bitset_t sbcset, const unsigned char *class_name, reg_syntax_t syntax)
static bin_tree_tbuild_charclass_op (re_dfa_t *dfa, RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE trans, const unsigned char *class_name, const unsigned char *extra, int non_match, reg_errcode_t *err)
static bin_tree_tcreate_tree (re_dfa_t *dfa, bin_tree_t *left, bin_tree_t *right, re_token_type_t type)
static bin_tree_tcreate_token_tree (re_dfa_t *dfa, bin_tree_t *left, bin_tree_t *right, const re_token_t *token)
static bin_tree_tduplicate_tree (const bin_tree_t *src, re_dfa_t *dfa)
static void free_token (re_token_t *node)
static reg_errcode_t free_tree (void *extra, bin_tree_t *node)
static reg_errcode_t mark_opt_subexp (void *extra, bin_tree_t *node)
const char * re_compile_pattern (char *pattern, size_t length, struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp) const
 weak_alias (__re_compile_pattern, re_compile_pattern)
 weak_alias (__re_set_syntax, re_set_syntax)
 weak_alias (__re_compile_fastmap, re_compile_fastmap)
int regcomp (regex_t *__restrict preg, const char *__restrict pattern, int cflags)
 weak_alias (__regcomp, regcomp)
 weak_alias (__regerror, regerror)
static void free_dfa_content (re_dfa_t *dfa)
void regfree (regex_t *preg)
 weak_alias (__regfree, regfree)
 libc_freeres_fn (free_mem)
static void internal_function init_word_char (re_dfa_t *dfa)
static reg_errcode_t
duplicate_node_closure (re_dfa_t *dfa, int top_org_node, int top_clone_node, int root_node, unsigned int init_constraint)
static void internal_function fetch_token (re_token_t *result, re_string_t *input, reg_syntax_t syntax)
static int internal_function peek_token_bracket (re_token_t *token, re_string_t *input, reg_syntax_t syntax)
static reg_errcode_t
build_range_exp (bitset_t sbcset, re_charset_t *mbcset, int *range_alloc, bracket_elem_t *start_elem, bracket_elem_t *end_elem) build_range_exp(bitset_t sbcset
static void match_ctx_clean (re_match_context_t *mctx) internal_function
static void match_ctx_free (re_match_context_t *cache) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t match_ctx_add_entry (re_match_context_t *cache, int node, int str_idx, int from, int to) internal_function
static int search_cur_bkref_entry (const re_match_context_t *mctx, int str_idx) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t match_ctx_add_subtop (re_match_context_t *mctx, int node, int str_idx) internal_function
static re_sub_match_last_tmatch_ctx_add_sublast (re_sub_match_top_t *subtop, int node, int str_idx) internal_function
static void sift_ctx_init (re_sift_context_t *sctx, re_dfastate_t **sifted_sts, re_dfastate_t **limited_sts, int last_node, int last_str_idx) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t re_search_internal (const regex_t *preg, const char *string, int length, int start, int range, int stop, size_t nmatch, regmatch_t pmatch[], int eflags) internal_function
static int re_search_2_stub (struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp, const char *string1, int length1, const char *string2, int length2, int start, int range, struct re_registers *regs, int stop, int ret_len) internal_function
static int re_search_stub (struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp, const char *string, int length, int start, int range, int stop, struct re_registers *regs, int ret_len) internal_function
static unsigned re_copy_regs (struct re_registers *regs, regmatch_t *pmatch, int nregs, int regs_allocated) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t prune_impossible_nodes (re_match_context_t *mctx) internal_function
static int check_matching (re_match_context_t *mctx, int fl_longest_match, int *p_match_first) internal_function
static int check_halt_state_context (const re_match_context_t *mctx, const re_dfastate_t *state, int idx) internal_function
static void update_regs (const re_dfa_t *dfa, regmatch_t *pmatch, regmatch_t *prev_idx_match, int cur_node, int cur_idx, int nmatch) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t push_fail_stack (struct re_fail_stack_t *fs, int str_idx, int dest_node, int nregs, regmatch_t *regs, re_node_set *eps_via_nodes) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t set_regs (const regex_t *preg, const re_match_context_t *mctx, size_t nmatch, regmatch_t *pmatch, int fl_backtrack) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t free_fail_stack_return (struct re_fail_stack_t *fs) internal_function
static int sift_states_iter_mb (const re_match_context_t *mctx, re_sift_context_t *sctx, int node_idx, int str_idx, int max_str_idx) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t sift_states_backward (const re_match_context_t *mctx, re_sift_context_t *sctx) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t build_sifted_states (const re_match_context_t *mctx, re_sift_context_t *sctx, int str_idx, re_node_set *cur_dest) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t update_cur_sifted_state (const re_match_context_t *mctx, re_sift_context_t *sctx, int str_idx, re_node_set *dest_nodes) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t add_epsilon_src_nodes (const re_dfa_t *dfa, re_node_set *dest_nodes, const re_node_set *candidates) internal_function
static int check_dst_limits (const re_match_context_t *mctx, re_node_set *limits, int dst_node, int dst_idx, int src_node, int src_idx) internal_function
static int check_dst_limits_calc_pos_1 (const re_match_context_t *mctx, int boundaries, int subexp_idx, int from_node, int bkref_idx) internal_function
static int check_dst_limits_calc_pos (const re_match_context_t *mctx, int limit, int subexp_idx, int node, int str_idx, int bkref_idx) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t check_subexp_limits (const re_dfa_t *dfa, re_node_set *dest_nodes, const re_node_set *candidates, re_node_set *limits, struct re_backref_cache_entry *bkref_ents, int str_idx) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t sift_states_bkref (const re_match_context_t *mctx, re_sift_context_t *sctx, int str_idx, const re_node_set *candidates) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t merge_state_array (const re_dfa_t *dfa, re_dfastate_t **dst, re_dfastate_t **src, int num) internal_function
static re_dfastate_tfind_recover_state (reg_errcode_t *err, re_match_context_t *mctx) internal_function
static re_dfastate_ttransit_state (reg_errcode_t *err, re_match_context_t *mctx, re_dfastate_t *state) internal_function
static re_dfastate_tmerge_state_with_log (reg_errcode_t *err, re_match_context_t *mctx, re_dfastate_t *next_state) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t check_subexp_matching_top (re_match_context_t *mctx, re_node_set *cur_nodes, int str_idx) internal_function
static re_dfastate_ttransit_state_sb (reg_errcode_t *err, re_match_context_t *mctx, re_dfastate_t *pstate) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t transit_state_mb (re_match_context_t *mctx, re_dfastate_t *pstate) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t transit_state_bkref (re_match_context_t *mctx, const re_node_set *nodes) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t get_subexp (re_match_context_t *mctx, int bkref_node, int bkref_str_idx) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t get_subexp_sub (re_match_context_t *mctx, const re_sub_match_top_t *sub_top, re_sub_match_last_t *sub_last, int bkref_node, int bkref_str) internal_function
static int find_subexp_node (const re_dfa_t *dfa, const re_node_set *nodes, int subexp_idx, int type) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t check_arrival (re_match_context_t *mctx, state_array_t *path, int top_node, int top_str, int last_node, int last_str, int type) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t check_arrival_add_next_nodes (re_match_context_t *mctx, int str_idx, re_node_set *cur_nodes, re_node_set *next_nodes) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t check_arrival_expand_ecl (const re_dfa_t *dfa, re_node_set *cur_nodes, int ex_subexp, int type) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t check_arrival_expand_ecl_sub (const re_dfa_t *dfa, re_node_set *dst_nodes, int target, int ex_subexp, int type) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t expand_bkref_cache (re_match_context_t *mctx, re_node_set *cur_nodes, int cur_str, int subexp_num, int type) internal_function
static int build_trtable (const re_dfa_t *dfa, re_dfastate_t *state) internal_function
static int check_node_accept_bytes (const re_dfa_t *dfa, int node_idx, const re_string_t *input, int idx) internal_function
static unsigned int find_collation_sequence_value (const unsigned char *mbs, size_t name_len) internal_function
static int group_nodes_into_DFAstates (const re_dfa_t *dfa, const re_dfastate_t *state, re_node_set *states_node, bitset_t *states_ch) internal_function
static int check_node_accept (const re_match_context_t *mctx, const re_token_t *node, int idx) internal_function
static reg_errcode_t extend_buffers (re_match_context_t *mctx) internal_function
int regexec (regex_t *__restrict preg, const char *__restrict string, size_t nmatch, pmatch, int eflags) const
 versioned_symbol (libc, __regexec, regexec, GLIBC_2_3_4)
 __typeof__ (__regexec)
 compat_symbol (libc, __compat_regexec, regexec, GLIBC_2_0)
int re_match (struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp, const char *string, int length, int start, struct re_registers *regs)
 weak_alias (__re_match, re_match)
 weak_alias (__re_search, re_search)
 weak_alias (__re_match_2, re_match_2)
 weak_alias (__re_search_2, re_search_2)
void re_set_registers (struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp, struct re_registers *regs, unsigned num_regs, regoff_t *starts, regoff_t *ends)
 weak_alias (__re_set_registers, re_set_registers)
static reg_errcode_t re_search_internal (regex_t *preg, const char *string, int length, int start, int range, int stop, size_t nmatch, pmatch, int eflags) const
static re_dfastate_t__attribute ((always_inline))
static int internal_function check_halt_node_context (const re_dfa_t *dfa, int node, unsigned int context)
static int internal_function proceed_next_node (const re_match_context_t *mctx, int nregs, regmatch_t *regs, int *pidx, int node, re_node_set *eps_via_nodes, struct re_fail_stack_t *fs)
static int internal_function pop_fail_stack (struct re_fail_stack_t *fs, int *pidx, int nregs, regmatch_t *regs, re_node_set *eps_via_nodes)
static reg_errcode_t
clean_state_log_if_needed (re_match_context_t *mctx, int next_state_log_idx)
static reg_errcode_t
sub_epsilon_src_nodes (const re_dfa_t *dfa, int node, re_node_set *dest_nodes, const re_node_set *candidates)
static reg_errcode_t
match_ctx_init (re_match_context_t *mctx, int eflags, int n)


const char __re_error_msgid[] attribute_hidden
static reg_errcode_t

Typedef Documentation

typedef unsigned long int bitset_word_t

Definition at line 206 of file gkregex.c.

typedef bitset_word_t bitset_t[BITSET_WORDS]

Definition at line 213 of file gkregex.c.

Definition at line 214 of file gkregex.c.

Definition at line 215 of file gkregex.c.

typedef struct re_string_t re_string_t

Definition at line 444 of file gkregex.c.

typedef struct re_dfa_t re_dfa_t

Definition at line 448 of file gkregex.c.

typedef struct bin_tree_t bin_tree_t

Definition at line 529 of file gkregex.c.

Definition at line 539 of file gkregex.c.

typedef struct re_dfastate_t re_dfastate_t

Definition at line 587 of file gkregex.c.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum bool


Definition at line 113 of file gkregex.c.


Definition at line 238 of file gkregex.c.


Definition at line 259 of file gkregex.c.


Definition at line 744 of file gkregex.c.

Function Documentation

void gkfooo (  ) 

Definition at line 22 of file gkregex.c.

static reg_errcode_t internal_function re_string_realloc_buffers ( re_string_t pstr,
int  new_buf_len 
) [static]

static void internal_function build_wcs_buffer ( re_string_t pstr  )  [static]

static reg_errcode_t internal_function build_wcs_upper_buffer ( re_string_t pstr  )  [static]

static void internal_function build_upper_buffer ( re_string_t pstr  )  [static]

static void internal_function re_string_translate_buffer ( re_string_t pstr  )  [static]

static unsigned int internal_function re_string_context_at ( const re_string_t input,
int  idx,
int  eflags 
) [static]

static void bitset_not ( bitset_t  set  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 767 of file gkregex.c.

static void bitset_merge ( bitset_t  dest,
const bitset_t  src 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 775 of file gkregex.c.

Referenced by build_trtable(), and group_nodes_into_DFAstates().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void bitset_mask ( bitset_t  dest,
const bitset_t  src 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 783 of file gkregex.c.

static int internal_function __attribute ( (pure)   )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 793 of file gkregex.c.

static void internal_function re_string_construct_common ( const char *  str,
int  len,
re_string_t pstr,
int  icase,
const re_dfa_t dfa 
) [static]

static re_dfastate_t *internal_function create_ci_newstate ( const re_dfa_t dfa,
const re_node_set nodes,
unsigned int  hash 
) [static]

static re_dfastate_t *internal_function create_cd_newstate ( const re_dfa_t dfa,
const re_node_set nodes,
unsigned int  context,
unsigned int  hash 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t internal_function re_string_allocate ( re_string_t pstr,
const char *  str,
int  len,
int  init_len,
int  icase,
const re_dfa_t dfa 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t internal_function re_string_construct ( re_string_t pstr,
const char *  str,
int  len,
int  icase,
const re_dfa_t dfa 
) [static]

static int internal_function re_string_skip_chars ( re_string_t pstr,
int  new_raw_idx,
wint_t *  last_wc 
) [static]

Definition at line 1330 of file gkregex.c.

References re_string_t::cur_state, re_string_t::len, re_string_t::raw_mbs, re_string_t::raw_mbs_idx, and re_string_t::valid_raw_len.

Referenced by re_string_reconstruct().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t internal_function re_string_reconstruct ( re_string_t pstr,
int  idx,
int  eflags 
) [static]

static void internal_function re_string_destruct ( re_string_t pstr  )  [static]

Definition at line 1746 of file gkregex.c.

References re_string_t::mbs, re_string_t::mbs_allocated, re_string_t::offsets, and re_string_t::wcs.

Referenced by re_compile_internal(), and re_search_internal().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t internal_function re_node_set_alloc ( re_node_set set,
int  size 
) [static]

Definition at line 1805 of file gkregex.c.


Referenced by add_epsilon_src_nodes(), build_trtable(), calc_eclosure_iter(), check_arrival_expand_ecl(), register_state(), and transit_state_sb().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t internal_function re_node_set_init_1 ( re_node_set set,
int  elem 
) [static]

Definition at line 1817 of file gkregex.c.


Referenced by check_arrival(), expand_bkref_cache(), group_nodes_into_DFAstates(), link_nfa_nodes(), re_node_set_insert(), and sift_states_backward().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t internal_function re_node_set_init_2 ( re_node_set set,
int  elem1,
int  elem2 
) [static]

Definition at line 1833 of file gkregex.c.


Referenced by link_nfa_nodes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t internal_function re_node_set_init_copy ( re_node_set dest,
const re_node_set src 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t internal_function re_node_set_add_intersect ( re_node_set dest,
const re_node_set src1,
const re_node_set src2 
) [static]

Definition at line 1888 of file gkregex.c.

References re_node_set::alloc, re_node_set::elems, re_node_set::nelem, REG_ESPACE, and REG_NOERROR.

Referenced by add_epsilon_src_nodes(), and sub_epsilon_src_nodes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t internal_function re_node_set_init_union ( re_node_set dest,
const re_node_set src1,
const re_node_set src2 
) [static]

Definition at line 1979 of file gkregex.c.

References re_node_set::alloc, re_node_set::elems, re_node_set::nelem, re_node_set_init_copy(), REG_ESPACE, and REG_NOERROR.

Referenced by merge_state_array(), merge_state_with_log(), transit_state_bkref(), and transit_state_mb().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t internal_function re_node_set_merge ( re_node_set dest,
const re_node_set src 
) [static]

static int internal_function re_node_set_insert ( re_node_set set,
int  elem 
) [static]

Definition at line 2115 of file gkregex.c.

References re_node_set_init_1(), and REG_NOERROR.

Referenced by build_sifted_states(), calc_eclosure_iter(), check_arrival_add_next_nodes(), check_arrival_expand_ecl_sub(), duplicate_node_closure(), expand_bkref_cache(), group_nodes_into_DFAstates(), proceed_next_node(), and sift_states_bkref().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int internal_function re_node_set_insert_last ( re_node_set set,
int  elem 
) [static]

Definition at line 2172 of file gkregex.c.

Referenced by calc_inveclosure(), and register_state().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void internal_function re_node_set_remove_at ( re_node_set set,
int  idx 
) [static]

Definition at line 2232 of file gkregex.c.

Referenced by create_cd_newstate(), and sub_epsilon_src_nodes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int internal_function re_dfa_add_node ( re_dfa_t dfa,
re_token_t  token 
) [static]

static unsigned int internal_function calc_state_hash ( const re_node_set nodes,
unsigned int  context 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 2292 of file gkregex.c.

References re_node_set::elems, and re_node_set::nelem.

Referenced by re_acquire_state(), and re_acquire_state_context().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static re_dfastate_t* internal_function re_acquire_state ( reg_errcode_t err,
const re_dfa_t dfa,
const re_node_set nodes 
) [static]

static re_dfastate_t* internal_function re_acquire_state_context ( reg_errcode_t err,
const re_dfa_t dfa,
const re_node_set nodes,
unsigned int  context 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t register_state ( const re_dfa_t dfa,
re_dfastate_t newstate,
unsigned int  hash 
) [static]

static void free_state ( re_dfastate_t state  )  [static]

static reg_errcode_t re_compile_internal ( regex_t preg,
const char *  pattern,
size_t  length,
reg_syntax_t  syntax 
) [static]

static void re_compile_fastmap_iter ( regex_t bufp,
const re_dfastate_t init_state,
char *  fastmap 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t init_dfa ( re_dfa_t dfa,
size_t  pat_len 
) [static]

Definition at line 3385 of file gkregex.c.

References calloc(), re_dfa_t::is_utf8, re_dfa_t::map_notascii, re_dfa_t::mb_cur_max, re_dfa_t::nodes, re_dfa_t::nodes_alloc, REG_ESPACE, REG_NOERROR, re_dfa_t::sb_char, re_dfa_t::state_hash_mask, re_dfa_t::state_table, and re_dfa_t::str_tree_storage_idx.

Referenced by re_compile_internal().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void free_charset ( re_charset_t cset  )  [static]

static void free_workarea_compile ( regex_t preg  )  [static]

static reg_errcode_t create_initial_state ( re_dfa_t dfa  )  [static]

static void optimize_utf8 ( re_dfa_t dfa  )  [static]

static reg_errcode_t analyze ( regex_t preg  )  [static]

static reg_errcode_t preorder ( bin_tree_t root,
reg_errcode_t(fn(void *, bin_tree_t *))  ,
void *  extra 
) [static]

Definition at line 3760 of file gkregex.c.

References bin_tree_t::left, bin_tree_t::parent, REG_NOERROR, and bin_tree_t::right.

Referenced by analyze().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t postorder ( bin_tree_t root,
reg_errcode_t(fn(void *, bin_tree_t *))  ,
void *  extra 
) [static]

Definition at line 3728 of file gkregex.c.

References bin_tree_t::left, bin_tree_t::parent, REG_NOERROR, and bin_tree_t::right.

Referenced by analyze(), and parse_dup_op().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t optimize_subexps ( void *  extra,
bin_tree_t node 
) [static]

Definition at line 3793 of file gkregex.c.

References re_token_t::idx, bin_tree_t::left, OP_BACK_REF, re_token_t::opr, bin_tree_t::parent, REG_NOERROR, SUBEXP, re_dfa_t::subexp_map, bin_tree_t::token, re_token_t::type, and re_dfa_t::used_bkref_map.

Referenced by analyze().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t lower_subexps ( void *  extra,
bin_tree_t node 
) [static]

Definition at line 3824 of file gkregex.c.

References bin_tree_t::left, lower_subexp(), bin_tree_t::parent, REG_NOERROR, bin_tree_t::right, SUBEXP, bin_tree_t::token, and re_token_t::type.

Referenced by analyze().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static bin_tree_t * lower_subexp ( reg_errcode_t err,
regex_t preg,
bin_tree_t node 
) [static]

Definition at line 3846 of file gkregex.c.

References re_pattern_buffer::buffer, CONCAT, create_tree(), re_token_t::idx, bin_tree_t::left, re_pattern_buffer::no_sub, op, OP_CLOSE_SUBEXP, OP_OPEN_SUBEXP, re_token_t::opr, re_token_t::opt_subexp, REG_ESPACE, bin_tree_t::token, and re_dfa_t::used_bkref_map.

Referenced by lower_subexps().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t calc_first ( void *  extra,
bin_tree_t node 
) [static]

Definition at line 3883 of file gkregex.c.

References CONCAT, bin_tree_t::first, bin_tree_t::left, bin_tree_t::node_idx, re_dfa_add_node(), REG_ESPACE, REG_NOERROR, bin_tree_t::token, and re_token_t::type.

Referenced by analyze().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t calc_next ( void *  extra,
bin_tree_t node 
) [static]

Definition at line 3903 of file gkregex.c.

References CONCAT, bin_tree_t::first, bin_tree_t::left, bin_tree_t::next, OP_DUP_ASTERISK, REG_NOERROR, bin_tree_t::right, bin_tree_t::token, and re_token_t::type.

Referenced by analyze().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t link_nfa_nodes ( void *  extra,
bin_tree_t node 
) [static]

static int duplicate_node ( re_dfa_t dfa,
int  org_idx,
unsigned int  constraint 
) [static]

Definition at line 4116 of file gkregex.c.

References ANCHOR, re_token_t::constraint, re_token_t::ctx_type, re_token_t::duplicated, re_dfa_t::nodes, re_token_t::opr, re_dfa_t::org_indices, re_dfa_add_node(), and re_token_t::type.

Referenced by duplicate_node_closure().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int search_duplicated_node ( const re_dfa_t dfa,
int  org_node,
unsigned int  constraint 
) [static]

Definition at line 4098 of file gkregex.c.

References re_token_t::constraint, re_token_t::duplicated, re_dfa_t::nodes, re_dfa_t::nodes_len, and re_dfa_t::org_indices.

Referenced by duplicate_node_closure().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t calc_eclosure ( re_dfa_t dfa  )  [static]

Definition at line 4156 of file gkregex.c.

References assert, calc_eclosure_iter(), re_dfa_t::eclosures, incomplete, re_node_set::nelem, re_dfa_t::nodes_len, and REG_NOERROR.

Referenced by analyze().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t calc_eclosure_iter ( re_node_set new_set,
re_dfa_t dfa,
int  node,
int  root 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t calc_inveclosure ( re_dfa_t dfa  )  [static]

Definition at line 4133 of file gkregex.c.

References re_dfa_t::eclosures, re_node_set::elems, re_dfa_t::inveclosures, re_node_set::nelem, re_dfa_t::nodes_len, re_node_set_insert_last(), REG_ESPACE, REG_NOERROR, and src.

Referenced by analyze().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int fetch_number ( re_string_t input,
re_token_t token,
reg_syntax_t  syntax 
) [static]

Referenced by parse_dup_op().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int internal_function peek_token ( re_token_t token,
re_string_t input,
reg_syntax_t  syntax 
) [static]

static bin_tree_t * parse ( re_string_t regexp,
regex_t preg,
reg_syntax_t  syntax,
reg_errcode_t err 
) [static]

Definition at line 4624 of file gkregex.c.

References re_pattern_buffer::buffer, CONCAT, create_tree(), END_OF_RE, fetch_token(), parse_reg_exp(), REG_ESPACE, REG_NOERROR, and re_dfa_t::syntax.

Referenced by re_compile_internal().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static bin_tree_t * parse_reg_exp ( re_string_t regexp,
regex_t preg,
re_token_t token,
reg_syntax_t  syntax,
int  nest,
reg_errcode_t err 
) [static]

Definition at line 4658 of file gkregex.c.

References re_pattern_buffer::buffer, create_tree(), END_OF_RE, fetch_token(), OP_ALT, OP_CLOSE_SUBEXP, parse_branch(), REG_ESPACE, REG_NOERROR, and re_token_t::type.

Referenced by parse(), and parse_sub_exp().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static bin_tree_t * parse_branch ( re_string_t regexp,
regex_t preg,
re_token_t token,
reg_syntax_t  syntax,
int  nest,
reg_errcode_t err 
) [static]

Definition at line 4699 of file gkregex.c.

References re_pattern_buffer::buffer, CONCAT, create_tree(), END_OF_RE, OP_ALT, OP_CLOSE_SUBEXP, parse_expression(), REG_ESPACE, REG_NOERROR, and re_token_t::type.

Referenced by parse_reg_exp().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static bin_tree_t * parse_expression ( re_string_t regexp,
regex_t preg,
re_token_t token,
reg_syntax_t  syntax,
int  nest,
reg_errcode_t err 
) [static]

static bin_tree_t * parse_sub_exp ( re_string_t regexp,
regex_t preg,
re_token_t token,
reg_syntax_t  syntax,
int  nest,
reg_errcode_t err 
) [static]

Definition at line 4955 of file gkregex.c.

References re_pattern_buffer::buffer, re_dfa_t::completed_bkref_map, create_tree(), fetch_token(), OP_CLOSE_SUBEXP, parse_reg_exp(), re_pattern_buffer::re_nsub, REG_EPAREN, REG_ESPACE, REG_NOERROR, SUBEXP, and re_token_t::type.

Referenced by parse_expression().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static bin_tree_t * parse_dup_op ( bin_tree_t dup_elem,
re_string_t regexp,
re_dfa_t dfa,
re_token_t token,
reg_syntax_t  syntax,
reg_errcode_t err 
) [static]

static bin_tree_t* parse_bracket_exp ( re_string_t regexp,
re_dfa_t dfa,
re_token_t token,
reg_syntax_t  syntax,
reg_errcode_t err 
) [static]

Referenced by parse_expression().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t parse_bracket_element ( bracket_elem_t elem,
re_string_t regexp,
re_token_t token,
int  token_len,
re_dfa_t dfa,
reg_syntax_t  syntax,
int  accept_hyphen 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t parse_bracket_symbol ( bracket_elem_t elem,
re_string_t regexp,
re_token_t token 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t build_equiv_class ( bitset_t  sbcset,
re_charset_t mbcset,
int equiv_class_alloc,
const unsigned char *  name 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t build_charclass ( RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE  trans,
bitset_t  sbcset,
re_charset_t mbcset,
int char_class_alloc,
const unsigned char *  class_name,
reg_syntax_t  syntax 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t build_equiv_class ( bitset_t  sbcset,
const unsigned char *  name 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t build_charclass ( RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE  trans,
bitset_t  sbcset,
const unsigned char *  class_name,
reg_syntax_t  syntax 
) [static]

static bin_tree_t* build_charclass_op ( re_dfa_t dfa,
const unsigned char *  class_name,
const unsigned char *  extra,
int  non_match,
reg_errcode_t err 
) [static]

Referenced by parse_expression().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static bin_tree_t* create_tree ( re_dfa_t dfa,
bin_tree_t left,
bin_tree_t right,
re_token_type_t  type 
) [static]

Referenced by lower_subexp(), parse(), parse_branch(), parse_dup_op(), parse_expression(), parse_reg_exp(), and parse_sub_exp().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static bin_tree_t* create_token_tree ( re_dfa_t dfa,
bin_tree_t left,
bin_tree_t right,
const re_token_t token 
) [static]

Referenced by parse_expression().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static bin_tree_t* duplicate_tree ( const bin_tree_t src,
re_dfa_t dfa 
) [static]

Referenced by parse_dup_op().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void free_token ( re_token_t node  )  [static]

Referenced by free_dfa_content().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t free_tree ( void *  extra,
bin_tree_t node 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t mark_opt_subexp ( void *  extra,
bin_tree_t node 
) [static]

Referenced by parse_dup_op().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

const char* re_compile_pattern ( char *  pattern,
size_t  length,
struct re_pattern_buffer bufp 
) const

Definition at line 2789 of file gkregex.c.

References re_pattern_buffer::newline_anchor, re_pattern_buffer::no_sub, re_compile_internal(), and re_syntax_options.

Here is the call graph for this function:

weak_alias ( __re_compile_pattern  ,

Definition at line 2811 of file gkregex.c.

References re_syntax_options.

weak_alias ( __re_set_syntax  ,

Definition at line 2839 of file gkregex.c.

References re_dfa_t::init_state, re_dfa_t::init_state_begbuf, re_dfa_t::init_state_nl, re_dfa_t::init_state_word, and re_compile_fastmap_iter().

Here is the call graph for this function:

weak_alias ( __re_compile_fastmap  ,

Definition at line 2861 of file gkregex.c.

int regcomp ( regex_t *__restrict  preg,
const char *__restrict  pattern,
int  cflags 

Definition at line 3022 of file gkregex.c.

References re_compile_fastmap(), re_compile_internal(), REG_EPAREN, REG_ERPAREN, REG_ESPACE, and REG_NOERROR.

Referenced by gk_strstr_replace(), and match().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

weak_alias ( __regcomp  ,

Definition at line 3077 of file gkregex.c.

References abort(), and msg.

Here is the call graph for this function:

weak_alias ( __regerror  ,

Definition at line 3125 of file gkregex.c.

static void free_dfa_content ( re_dfa_t dfa  )  [static]

void regfree ( regex_t preg  ) 

Definition at line 3193 of file gkregex.c.

References free_dfa_content().

Referenced by gk_strstr_replace(), and match().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

weak_alias ( __regfree  ,

Definition at line 3209 of file gkregex.c.

libc_freeres_fn ( free_mem   ) 

Definition at line 3273 of file gkregex.c.

static void internal_function init_word_char ( re_dfa_t dfa  )  [static]

Definition at line 3483 of file gkregex.c.

References re_dfa_t::word_char, and re_dfa_t::word_ops_used.

Referenced by parse_expression().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t internal_function duplicate_node_closure ( re_dfa_t dfa,
int  top_org_node,
int  top_clone_node,
int  root_node,
unsigned int  init_constraint 
) [static]

Definition at line 3987 of file gkregex.c.

References ANCHOR, re_token_t::ctx_type, duplicate_node(), re_dfa_t::edests, re_node_set::elems, re_node_set::nelem, re_dfa_t::nexts, re_dfa_t::nodes, OP_BACK_REF, re_token_t::opr, re_node_set_insert(), REG_ESPACE, REG_NOERROR, search_duplicated_node(), and re_token_t::type.

Referenced by calc_eclosure_iter().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void internal_function fetch_token ( re_token_t result,
re_string_t input,
reg_syntax_t  syntax 
) [static]

Definition at line 4279 of file gkregex.c.

References peek_token().

Referenced by parse(), parse_dup_op(), parse_expression(), parse_reg_exp(), and parse_sub_exp().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int internal_function peek_token_bracket ( re_token_t token,
re_string_t input,
reg_syntax_t  syntax 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t internal_function build_range_exp ( bitset_t  sbcset,
re_charset_t mbcset,
int range_alloc,
bracket_elem_t start_elem,
bracket_elem_t end_elem 
) [static]

static void internal_function match_ctx_clean ( re_match_context_t mctx  )  [static]

Type Constraints

Definition at line 10511 of file gkregex.c.

References state_array_t::array, free(), re_sub_match_top_t::lasts, re_match_context_t::nbkref_ents, re_sub_match_top_t::nlasts, re_match_context_t::nsub_tops, re_sub_match_top_t::path, re_sub_match_last_t::path, and re_match_context_t::sub_tops.

Referenced by match_ctx_free(), and re_search_internal().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void internal_function match_ctx_free ( re_match_context_t cache  )  [static]

Definition at line 10541 of file gkregex.c.

References re_match_context_t::bkref_ents, match_ctx_clean(), and re_match_context_t::sub_tops.

Referenced by re_search_internal().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t internal_function match_ctx_add_entry ( re_match_context_t cache,
int  node,
int  str_idx,
int  from,
int  to 
) [static]

static int internal_function search_cur_bkref_entry ( const re_match_context_t mctx,
int  str_idx 
) [static]

Definition at line 10605 of file gkregex.c.

References re_match_context_t::bkref_ents, re_match_context_t::nbkref_ents, and re_backref_cache_entry::str_idx.

Referenced by check_dst_limits(), expand_bkref_cache(), get_subexp(), and sift_states_bkref().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t internal_function match_ctx_add_subtop ( re_match_context_t mctx,
int  node,
int  str_idx 
) [static]

Definition at line 10628 of file gkregex.c.

References assert, re_match_context_t::asub_tops, calloc(), re_sub_match_top_t::node, re_match_context_t::nsub_tops, REG_ESPACE, REG_NOERROR, re_sub_match_top_t::str_idx, and re_match_context_t::sub_tops.

Referenced by check_subexp_matching_top().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static re_sub_match_last_t *internal_function match_ctx_add_sublast ( re_sub_match_top_t subtop,
int  node,
int  str_idx 
) [static]

Definition at line 10658 of file gkregex.c.

References re_sub_match_top_t::alasts, calloc(), re_sub_match_top_t::lasts, re_sub_match_top_t::nlasts, re_sub_match_last_t::node, and re_sub_match_last_t::str_idx.

Referenced by get_subexp().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void internal_function sift_ctx_init ( re_sift_context_t sctx,
re_dfastate_t **  sifted_sts,
re_dfastate_t **  limited_sts,
int  last_node,
int  last_str_idx 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t re_search_internal ( const regex_t preg,
const char *  string,
int  length,
int  start,
int  range,
int  stop,
size_t  nmatch,
regmatch_t  pmatch[],
int  eflags 
) [static]

Referenced by re_search_stub(), and regexec().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int re_search_2_stub ( struct re_pattern_buffer bufp,
const char *  string1,
int  length1,
const char *  string2,
int  length2,
int  start,
int  range,
struct re_registers regs,
int  stop,
int  ret_len 
) [static]

Referenced by weak_alias().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int re_search_stub ( struct re_pattern_buffer bufp,
const char *  string,
int  length,
int  start,
int  range,
int  stop,
struct re_registers regs,
int  ret_len 
) [static]

Definition at line 6775 of file gkregex.c.

References assert, re_registers::num_regs, re_compile_fastmap(), re_copy_regs(), re_search_internal(), REG_NOERROR, regmatch_t::rm_eo, and regmatch_t::rm_so.

Referenced by re_match(), and weak_alias().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static unsigned re_copy_regs ( struct re_registers regs,
regmatch_t pmatch,
int  nregs,
int  regs_allocated 
) [static]

Definition at line 6864 of file gkregex.c.

References assert, regmatch_t::rm_eo, and regmatch_t::rm_so.

Referenced by re_search_stub().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t prune_impossible_nodes ( re_match_context_t mctx  )  [static]

Definition at line 7303 of file gkregex.c.

References assert, check_halt_state_context(), re_sift_context_t::limits, merge_state_array(), re_dfa_t::nbackref, REG_ESPACE, REG_NOERROR, REG_NOMATCH, sift_ctx_init(), and sift_states_backward().

Referenced by re_search_internal().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int internal_function check_matching ( re_match_context_t mctx,
int  fl_longest_match,
int p_match_first 
) [static]

static int internal_function check_halt_state_context ( const re_match_context_t mctx,
const re_dfastate_t state,
int  idx 
) [static]

static void internal_function update_regs ( const re_dfa_t dfa,
regmatch_t pmatch,
regmatch_t prev_idx_match,
int  cur_node,
int  cur_idx,
int  nmatch 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t internal_function push_fail_stack ( struct re_fail_stack_t fs,
int  str_idx,
int  dest_node,
int  nregs,
regmatch_t regs,
re_node_set eps_via_nodes 
) [static]

Definition at line 7705 of file gkregex.c.

References re_fail_stack_t::alloc, re_fail_stack_ent_t::eps_via_nodes, re_fail_stack_ent_t::idx, re_fail_stack_ent_t::node, re_fail_stack_t::num, re_node_set_init_copy(), realloc(), REG_ESPACE, re_fail_stack_ent_t::regs, and re_fail_stack_t::stack.

Referenced by proceed_next_node().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t internal_function set_regs ( const regex_t preg,
const re_match_context_t mctx,
size_t  nmatch,
regmatch_t pmatch,
int  fl_backtrack 
) [static]

Definition at line 7752 of file gkregex.c.

References re_pattern_buffer::buffer, and re_fail_stack_ent_t::eps_via_nodes.

Referenced by re_search_internal().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t internal_function free_fail_stack_return ( struct re_fail_stack_t fs  )  [static]

static int internal_function sift_states_iter_mb ( const re_match_context_t mctx,
re_sift_context_t sctx,
int  node_idx,
int  str_idx,
int  max_str_idx 
) [static]

Definition at line 8577 of file gkregex.c.

References check_node_accept_bytes(), re_match_context_t::dfa, re_match_context_t::input, re_dfa_t::nexts, and re_sift_context_t::sifted_states.

Referenced by build_sifted_states().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t internal_function sift_states_backward ( const re_match_context_t mctx,
re_sift_context_t sctx 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t internal_function build_sifted_states ( const re_match_context_t mctx,
re_sift_context_t sctx,
int  str_idx,
re_node_set cur_dest 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t internal_function update_cur_sifted_state ( const re_match_context_t mctx,
re_sift_context_t sctx,
int  str_idx,
re_node_set dest_nodes 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t internal_function add_epsilon_src_nodes ( const re_dfa_t dfa,
re_node_set dest_nodes,
const re_node_set candidates 
) [static]

Definition at line 8168 of file gkregex.c.

References re_node_set::alloc, re_node_set::elems, re_dfastate_t::inveclosure, re_dfa_t::inveclosures, re_node_set::nelem, re_acquire_state(), re_node_set_add_intersect(), re_node_set_alloc(), re_node_set_merge(), REG_ESPACE, and REG_NOERROR.

Referenced by update_cur_sifted_state().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int internal_function check_dst_limits ( const re_match_context_t mctx,
re_node_set limits,
int  dst_node,
int  dst_idx,
int  src_node,
int  src_idx 
) [static]

static int internal_function check_dst_limits_calc_pos_1 ( const re_match_context_t mctx,
int  boundaries,
int  subexp_idx,
int  from_node,
int  bkref_idx 
) [static]

static int internal_function check_dst_limits_calc_pos ( const re_match_context_t mctx,
int  limit,
int  subexp_idx,
int  node,
int  str_idx,
int  bkref_idx 
) [static]

Definition at line 8359 of file gkregex.c.

References re_match_context_t::bkref_ents, check_dst_limits_calc_pos_1(), re_backref_cache_entry::subexp_from, and re_backref_cache_entry::subexp_to.

Referenced by check_dst_limits().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t internal_function check_subexp_limits ( const re_dfa_t dfa,
re_node_set dest_nodes,
const re_node_set candidates,
re_node_set limits,
struct re_backref_cache_entry bkref_ents,
int  str_idx 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t internal_function sift_states_bkref ( const re_match_context_t mctx,
re_sift_context_t sctx,
int  str_idx,
const re_node_set candidates 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t internal_function merge_state_array ( const re_dfa_t dfa,
re_dfastate_t **  dst,
re_dfastate_t **  src,
int  num 
) [static]

Definition at line 8093 of file gkregex.c.

References re_acquire_state(), re_node_set_init_union(), and REG_NOERROR.

Referenced by prune_impossible_nodes(), and sift_states_bkref().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

re_dfastate_t *internal_function find_recover_state ( reg_errcode_t err,
re_match_context_t mctx 
) [static]

Definition at line 8744 of file gkregex.c.

References re_match_context_t::input, max(), merge_state_with_log(), REG_NOERROR, re_match_context_t::state_log, and re_match_context_t::state_log_top.

Referenced by check_matching().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static re_dfastate_t *internal_function transit_state ( reg_errcode_t err,
re_match_context_t mctx,
re_dfastate_t state 
) [static]

re_dfastate_t *internal_function merge_state_with_log ( reg_errcode_t err,
re_match_context_t mctx,
re_dfastate_t next_state 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t internal_function check_subexp_matching_top ( re_match_context_t mctx,
re_node_set cur_nodes,
int  str_idx 
) [static]

Definition at line 8775 of file gkregex.c.

References re_match_context_t::dfa, re_node_set::elems, re_token_t::idx, match_ctx_add_subtop(), re_node_set::nelem, re_dfa_t::nodes, OP_OPEN_SUBEXP, re_token_t::opr, REG_NOERROR, re_token_t::type, and re_dfa_t::used_bkref_map.

Referenced by check_matching(), merge_state_with_log(), and transit_state_bkref().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static re_dfastate_t * transit_state_sb ( reg_errcode_t err,
re_match_context_t mctx,
re_dfastate_t pstate 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t internal_function transit_state_mb ( re_match_context_t mctx,
re_dfastate_t pstate 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t internal_function transit_state_bkref ( re_match_context_t mctx,
const re_node_set nodes 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t internal_function get_subexp ( re_match_context_t mctx,
int  bkref_node,
int  bkref_str_idx 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t internal_function get_subexp_sub ( re_match_context_t mctx,
const re_sub_match_top_t sub_top,
re_sub_match_last_t sub_last,
int  bkref_node,
int  bkref_str 
) [static]

Definition at line 9181 of file gkregex.c.

References check_arrival(), clean_state_log_if_needed(), match_ctx_add_entry(), re_sub_match_last_t::node, OP_OPEN_SUBEXP, re_sub_match_last_t::path, REG_NOERROR, re_sub_match_top_t::str_idx, and re_sub_match_last_t::str_idx.

Referenced by get_subexp().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int internal_function find_subexp_node ( const re_dfa_t dfa,
const re_node_set nodes,
int  subexp_idx,
int  type 
) [static]

Definition at line 9210 of file gkregex.c.

References re_node_set::elems, re_token_t::idx, re_node_set::nelem, re_dfa_t::nodes, re_token_t::opr, and re_token_t::type.

Referenced by check_arrival_expand_ecl(), and get_subexp().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t internal_function check_arrival ( re_match_context_t mctx,
state_array_t path,
int  top_node,
int  top_str,
int  last_node,
int  last_str,
int  type 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t internal_function check_arrival_add_next_nodes ( re_match_context_t mctx,
int  str_idx,
re_node_set cur_nodes,
re_node_set next_nodes 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t internal_function check_arrival_expand_ecl ( const re_dfa_t dfa,
re_node_set cur_nodes,
int  ex_subexp,
int  type 
) [static]

Definition at line 9472 of file gkregex.c.

References assert, check_arrival_expand_ecl_sub(), re_dfa_t::eclosures, re_node_set::elems, find_subexp_node(), re_node_set::nelem, re_node_set_alloc(), re_node_set_merge(), and REG_NOERROR.

Referenced by check_arrival(), and expand_bkref_cache().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t internal_function check_arrival_expand_ecl_sub ( const re_dfa_t dfa,
re_node_set dst_nodes,
int  target,
int  ex_subexp,
int  type 
) [static]

Definition at line 9525 of file gkregex.c.

References re_dfa_t::edests, re_node_set::elems, re_token_t::idx, re_node_set::nelem, re_dfa_t::nodes, OP_CLOSE_SUBEXP, re_token_t::opr, re_node_set_insert(), REG_ESPACE, REG_NOERROR, and re_token_t::type.

Referenced by check_arrival_expand_ecl().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t internal_function expand_bkref_cache ( re_match_context_t mctx,
re_node_set cur_nodes,
int  cur_str,
int  subexp_num,
int  type 
) [static]

static int internal_function build_trtable ( const re_dfa_t dfa,
re_dfastate_t state 
) [static]

static int internal_function check_node_accept_bytes ( const re_dfa_t dfa,
int  node_idx,
const re_string_t input,
int  idx 
) [static]

static unsigned int internal_function find_collation_sequence_value ( const unsigned char *  mbs,
size_t  name_len 
) [static]

Definition at line 10311 of file gkregex.c.

References int32_t.

Referenced by check_node_accept_bytes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int internal_function group_nodes_into_DFAstates ( const re_dfa_t dfa,
const re_dfastate_t state,
re_node_set states_node,
bitset_t states_ch 
) [static]

static int internal_function check_node_accept ( const re_match_context_t mctx,
const re_token_t node,
int  idx 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t internal_function extend_buffers ( re_match_context_t mctx  )  [static]

int regexec ( regex_t *__restrict  preg,
const char *__restrict  string,
size_t  nmatch,
pmatch  ,
int  eflags 
) const

Definition at line 6585 of file gkregex.c.

References length, re_search_internal(), REG_BADPAT, REG_NOERROR, regmatch_t::rm_eo, and regmatch_t::rm_so.

Referenced by __typeof__(), gk_strstr_replace(), match(), and weak_alias().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

versioned_symbol ( libc  ,
__regexec  ,
regexec  ,

__typeof__ ( __regexec   ) 

Definition at line 6626 of file gkregex.c.

References regexec().

Here is the call graph for this function:

compat_symbol ( libc  ,
__compat_regexec  ,
regexec  ,

int re_match ( struct re_pattern_buffer bufp,
const char *  string,
int  length,
int  start,
struct re_registers regs 

Definition at line 6671 of file gkregex.c.

References re_search_stub().

Here is the call graph for this function:

weak_alias ( __re_match  ,

Definition at line 6680 of file gkregex.c.

References re_search_stub().

Here is the call graph for this function:

weak_alias ( __re_search  ,

Definition at line 6693 of file gkregex.c.

References re_search_2_stub().

Here is the call graph for this function:

weak_alias ( __re_match_2  ,

Definition at line 6707 of file gkregex.c.

References re_search_2_stub().

Here is the call graph for this function:

weak_alias ( __re_search_2  ,

Definition at line 6721 of file gkregex.c.

References re_search_stub().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void re_set_registers ( struct re_pattern_buffer bufp,
struct re_registers regs,
unsigned  num_regs,
regoff_t starts,
regoff_t ends 

Definition at line 6933 of file gkregex.c.

References re_registers::end, re_registers::num_regs, and re_registers::start.

weak_alias ( __re_set_registers  ,

Definition at line 6954 of file gkregex.c.

References regexec().

Here is the call graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t re_search_internal ( regex_t preg,
const char *  string,
int  length,
int  start,
int  range,
int  stop,
size_t  nmatch,
pmatch  ,
int  eflags 
) const [static]

static re_dfastate_t* __attribute ( (always_inline)   )  [inline, static]

static int internal_function check_halt_node_context ( const re_dfa_t dfa,
int  node,
unsigned int  context 
) [static]

Definition at line 7564 of file gkregex.c.

References re_token_t::constraint, END_OF_RE, re_dfa_t::nodes, re_token_t::type, and type.

Referenced by check_halt_state_context().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int internal_function proceed_next_node ( const re_match_context_t mctx,
int  nregs,
regmatch_t regs,
int pidx,
int  node,
re_node_set eps_via_nodes,
struct re_fail_stack_t fs 
) [static]

static int internal_function pop_fail_stack ( struct re_fail_stack_t fs,
int pidx,
int  nregs,
regmatch_t regs,
re_node_set eps_via_nodes 
) [static]

static reg_errcode_t internal_function clean_state_log_if_needed ( re_match_context_t mctx,
int  next_state_log_idx 
) [static]

Definition at line 8068 of file gkregex.c.

References re_string_t::bufs_len, extend_buffers(), re_match_context_t::input, re_string_t::len, REG_NOERROR, re_match_context_t::state_log, re_match_context_t::state_log_top, and re_string_t::valid_len.

Referenced by get_subexp(), get_subexp_sub(), and transit_state_mb().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t internal_function sub_epsilon_src_nodes ( const re_dfa_t dfa,
int  node,
re_node_set dest_nodes,
const re_node_set candidates 
) [static]

Definition at line 8193 of file gkregex.c.

References re_dfa_t::edests, re_node_set::elems, re_dfa_t::inveclosures, re_node_set::nelem, re_dfa_t::nodes, re_node_set_add_intersect(), re_node_set_remove_at(), REG_NOERROR, and re_token_t::type.

Referenced by check_subexp_limits().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static reg_errcode_t internal_function match_ctx_init ( re_match_context_t mctx,
int  eflags,
int  n 
) [static]

Variable Documentation

const size_t __re_error_msgid_idx [] attribute_hidden

Definition at line 202 of file gkregex.c.

Definition at line 5138 of file gkregex.c.

Generated on Mon Sep 21 08:08:51 2020 for Charm++ by  doxygen 1.5.5