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libs/ck-libs/metis/GKlib/gk_proto.h File Reference

This file contains function prototypes. More...

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 GK_MKBLAS_PROTO (gk_c, char, int) GK_MKBLAS_PROTO(gk_i
int GK_MKBLAS_PROTO (gk_i32, int32_t, int32_t) GK_MKBLAS_PROTO(gk_i64
int int64_t GK_MKBLAS_PROTO (gk_z, ssize_t, ssize_t) GK_MKBLAS_PROTO(gk_f
int int64_t float GK_MKBLAS_PROTO (gk_d, double, double) GK_MKBLAS_PROTO(gk_idx
int int64_t float gk_idx_t FILE * gk_fopen (char *, char *, const char *)
void gk_fclose (FILE *)
gk_idx_t gk_getline (char **lineptr, size_t *n, FILE *stream)
char ** gk_readfile (char *fname, gk_idx_t *r_nlines)
int32_tgk_i32readfile (char *fname, gk_idx_t *r_nlines)
int64_tgk_i64readfile (char *fname, gk_idx_t *r_nlines)
int32_tgk_i32readfilebin (char *fname, ssize_t *r_nelmnts)
int64_tgk_i64readfilebin (char *fname, ssize_t *r_nelmnts)
floatgk_freadfilebin (char *fname, ssize_t *r_nelmnts)
size_t gk_fwritefilebin (char *fname, size_t n, float *a)
double * gk_dreadfilebin (char *fname, ssize_t *r_nelmnts)
int gk_fexists (char *)
int gk_dexists (char *)
intmax_t gk_getfsize (char *)
 Returns the size of the file in bytes.
void gk_getfilestats (char *fname, size_t *r_nlines, size_t *r_ntokens, size_t *r_max_nlntokens, size_t *r_nbytes)
char * gk_getbasename (char *path)
char * gk_getextname (char *path)
char * gk_getfilename (char *path)
char * gk_getpathname (char *path)
int gk_mkpath (char *)
int gk_rmpath (char *)
int GK_MKALLOC_PROTO (gk_i32, int32_t) GK_MKALLOC_PROTO(gk_i64
int int64_t GK_MKALLOC_PROTO (gk_z, ssize_t) GK_MKALLOC_PROTO(gk_f
int int64_t float GK_MKALLOC_PROTO (gk_d, double) GK_MKALLOC_PROTO(gk_idx
int int64_t float gk_idx_t GK_MKALLOC_PROTO (gk_ckv, gk_ckv_t) GK_MKALLOC_PROTO(gk_ikv
int int64_t float gk_idx_t gk_ikv_t GK_MKALLOC_PROTO (gk_i32kv, gk_i32kv_t) GK_MKALLOC_PROTO(gk_i64kv
int int64_t float gk_idx_t
gk_ikv_t gk_i64kv_t 
GK_MKALLOC_PROTO (gk_zkv, gk_zkv_t) GK_MKALLOC_PROTO(gk_fkv
int int64_t float gk_idx_t
gk_ikv_t gk_i64kv_t gk_fkv_t 
GK_MKALLOC_PROTO (gk_dkv, gk_dkv_t) GK_MKALLOC_PROTO(gk_skv
int int64_t float gk_idx_t
gk_ikv_t gk_i64kv_t gk_fkv_t
GK_MKALLOC_PROTO (gk_idxkv, gk_idxkv_t) void gk_AllocMatrix(void ***
void gk_FreeMatrix (void ***, size_t, size_t)
int gk_malloc_init ()
void gk_malloc_cleanup (int showstats)
void * gk_malloc (size_t nbytes, char *msg)
void * gk_realloc (void *oldptr, size_t nbytes, char *msg)
void gk_free (void **ptr1,...)
size_t gk_GetCurMemoryUsed ()
size_t gk_GetMaxMemoryUsed ()
gk_seq_tgk_seq_ReadGKMODPSSM (char *file_name)
 This function reads a pssm in the format of gkmod pssm.
gk_i2cc2i_tgk_i2cc2i_create_common (char *alphabet)
 This function creates the localizations for the various sequences.
void gk_seq_init (gk_seq_t *seq)
char gk_threetoone (char *res)
 Converts three-letter amino acid codes to one-leter codes.
void gk_freepdbf (pdbf *p)
 Frees the memory of a pdbf structure.
pdbfgk_readpdbfile (char *fname)
 Reads a pdb file into a pdbf structure.
void gk_writefullatom (pdbf *p, char *fname)
 Writes all atoms in p in pdb-format to file fname.
void gk_writebackbone (pdbf *p, char *fname)
 Writes out all the backbone atoms of a structure in pdb format.
void gk_writealphacarbons (pdbf *p, char *fname)
 Writes out all the alpha carbon atoms of a structure.
void gk_showcorruption (pdbf *p)
 Decodes the corruption bitswitch and prints any problems.
void gk_set_exit_on_error (int value)
void errexit (char *,...)
void gk_errexit (int signum, char *,...)
int gk_sigtrap ()
int gk_siguntrap ()
void gk_sigthrow (int signum)
void gk_SetSignalHandlers ()
void gk_UnsetSignalHandlers ()
void gk_NonLocalExit_Handler (int signum)
char * gk_strerror (int errnum)
 Thread-safe implementation of strerror().
void PrintBackTrace ()
void gk_RandomPermute (size_t, int *, int)
void gk_array2csr (size_t n, size_t range, int *array, int *ptr, int *ind)
 Converts an element-based set membership into a CSR-format set-based membership.
int gk_log2 (int)
int gk_ispow2 (int)
float gk_flog2 (float)
gk_wclock_t gk_WClockSeconds (void)
double gk_CPUSeconds (void)
char * gk_strchr_replace (char *str, char *fromlist, char *tolist)
 Replaces certain characters in a string.
int gk_strstr_replace (char *str, char *pattern, char *replacement, char *options, char **new_str)
 Regex-based search-and-replace function.
char * gk_strtprune (char *, char *)
 Prunes characters from the end of the string.
char * gk_strhprune (char *, char *)
 Prunes characters from the beginning of the string.
char * gk_strtoupper (char *)
 Converts a string to upper case.
char * gk_strtolower (char *)
 Converts a string to lower case.
char * gk_strdup (char *orgstr)
 Duplicates a string.
int gk_strcasecmp (char *s1, char *s2)
 Case insensitive string comparison.
int gk_strrcmp (char *s1, char *s2)
 Compare two strings in revere order.
char * gk_time2str (time_t time)
 Converts a time_t time into a string.
time_t gk_str2time (char *str)
 Converts a date/time string into its equivalent time_t value.
int gk_GetStringID (gk_StringMap_t *strmap, char *key)
void gk_csorti (size_t, char *)
void gk_csortd (size_t, char *)
void gk_isorti (size_t, int *)
void gk_isortd (size_t, int *)
void gk_fsorti (size_t, float *)
void gk_fsortd (size_t, float *)
void gk_dsorti (size_t, double *)
void gk_dsortd (size_t, double *)
void gk_idxsorti (size_t, gk_idx_t *)
void gk_idxsortd (size_t, gk_idx_t *)
void gk_ckvsorti (size_t, gk_ckv_t *)
void gk_ckvsortd (size_t, gk_ckv_t *)
void gk_ikvsorti (size_t, gk_ikv_t *)
void gk_ikvsortd (size_t, gk_ikv_t *)
void gk_i32kvsorti (size_t, gk_i32kv_t *)
void gk_i32kvsortd (size_t, gk_i32kv_t *)
void gk_i64kvsorti (size_t, gk_i64kv_t *)
void gk_i64kvsortd (size_t, gk_i64kv_t *)
void gk_zkvsorti (size_t, gk_zkv_t *)
void gk_zkvsortd (size_t, gk_zkv_t *)
void gk_fkvsorti (size_t, gk_fkv_t *)
void gk_fkvsortd (size_t, gk_fkv_t *)
void gk_dkvsorti (size_t, gk_dkv_t *)
void gk_dkvsortd (size_t, gk_dkv_t *)
void gk_skvsorti (size_t, gk_skv_t *)
void gk_skvsortd (size_t, gk_skv_t *)
void gk_idxkvsorti (size_t, gk_idxkv_t *)
void gk_idxkvsortd (size_t, gk_idxkv_t *)
int gk_dfkvkselect (size_t, int, gk_fkv_t *)
int gk_ifkvkselect (size_t, int, gk_fkv_t *)
 GK_MKPQUEUE_PROTO (gk_ipq, gk_ipq_t, int, gk_idx_t) GK_MKPQUEUE_PROTO(gk_i32pq
gk_idx_t GK_MKPQUEUE_PROTO (gk_i64pq, gk_i64pq_t, int64_t, gk_idx_t) GK_MKPQUEUE_PROTO(gk_fpq
gk_idx_t gk_idx_t GK_MKPQUEUE_PROTO (gk_dpq, gk_dpq_t, double, gk_idx_t) GK_MKPQUEUE_PROTO(gk_idxpq
gk_idx_t gk_idx_t gk_idx_t
HTable_Create (int nelements)
void HTable_Reset (gk_HTable_t *htable)
void HTable_Resize (gk_HTable_t *htable, int nelements)
void HTable_Insert (gk_HTable_t *htable, int key, int val)
void HTable_Delete (gk_HTable_t *htable, int key)
int HTable_Search (gk_HTable_t *htable, int key)
int HTable_GetNext (gk_HTable_t *htable, int key, int *val, int type)
int HTable_SearchAndDelete (gk_HTable_t *htable, int key)
void HTable_Destroy (gk_HTable_t *htable)
int HTable_HFunction (int nelements, int key)
void gk_strtokenize (char *line, char *delim, gk_Tokens_t *tokens)
void gk_freetokenslist (gk_Tokens_t *tokens)
void encodeblock (unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out)
void decodeblock (unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out)
void GKEncodeBase64 (int nbytes, unsigned char *inbuffer, unsigned char *outbuffer)
void GKDecodeBase64 (int nbytes, unsigned char *inbuffer, unsigned char *outbuffer)
 GK_MKRANDOM_PROTO (gk_c, size_t, char) GK_MKRANDOM_PROTO(gk_i
int GK_MKRANDOM_PROTO (gk_f, size_t, float) GK_MKRANDOM_PROTO(gk_d
int double GK_MKRANDOM_PROTO (gk_idx, size_t, gk_idx_t) GK_MKRANDOM_PROTO(gk_z
int double ssize_t void gk_randinit (uint64_t)
uint64_t gk_randint64 (void)
uint32_t gk_randint32 (void)
void omp_set_num_threads (int num_threads)
int omp_get_num_threads (void)
int omp_get_max_threads (void)
int omp_get_thread_num (void)
int omp_get_num_procs (void)
int omp_in_parallel (void)
void omp_set_dynamic (int num_threads)
int omp_get_dynamic (void)
void omp_set_nested (int nested)
int omp_get_nested (void)
gk_csr_tgk_csr_Create ()
void gk_csr_Init (gk_csr_t *mat)
void gk_csr_Free (gk_csr_t **mat)
void gk_csr_FreeContents (gk_csr_t *mat)
gk_csr_tgk_csr_Dup (gk_csr_t *mat)
gk_csr_tgk_csr_ExtractSubmatrix (gk_csr_t *mat, int rstart, int nrows)
gk_csr_tgk_csr_ExtractRows (gk_csr_t *mat, int nrows, int *rind)
gk_csr_tgk_csr_ExtractPartition (gk_csr_t *mat, int *part, int pid)
gk_csr_t ** gk_csr_Split (gk_csr_t *mat, int *color)
gk_csr_tgk_csr_Read (char *filename, int format, int readvals, int numbering)
void gk_csr_Write (gk_csr_t *mat, char *filename, int format, int writevals, int numbering)
gk_csr_tgk_csr_Prune (gk_csr_t *mat, int what, int minf, int maxf)
gk_csr_tgk_csr_LowFilter (gk_csr_t *mat, int what, int norm, float fraction)
gk_csr_tgk_csr_TopKPlusFilter (gk_csr_t *mat, int what, int topk, float keepval)
gk_csr_tgk_csr_ZScoreFilter (gk_csr_t *mat, int what, float zscore)
void gk_csr_CompactColumns (gk_csr_t *mat)
void gk_csr_SortIndices (gk_csr_t *mat, int what)
void gk_csr_CreateIndex (gk_csr_t *mat, int what)
void gk_csr_Normalize (gk_csr_t *mat, int what, int norm)
void gk_csr_Scale (gk_csr_t *mat, int type)
void gk_csr_ComputeSums (gk_csr_t *mat, int what)
void gk_csr_ComputeSquaredNorms (gk_csr_t *mat, int what)
float gk_csr_ComputeSimilarity (gk_csr_t *mat, int i1, int i2, int what, int simtype)
int gk_csr_GetSimilarRows (gk_csr_t *mat, int nqterms, int *qind, float *qval, int simtype, int nsim, float minsim, gk_fkv_t *hits, int *_imarker, gk_fkv_t *i_cand)
void gk_find_frequent_itemsets (int ntrans, ssize_t *tranptr, int *tranind, int minfreq, int maxfreq, int minlen, int maxlen, void(*process_itemset)(void *stateptr, int nitems, int *itemind, int ntrans, int *tranind), void *stateptr)
float ComputeAccuracy (int n, gk_fkv_t *list)
float ComputeROCn (int n, int maxN, gk_fkv_t *list)
float ComputeMedianRFP (int n, gk_fkv_t *list)
float ComputeMean (int n, float *values)
float ComputeStdDev (int n, float *values)
gk_mcore_tgk_mcoreCreate (size_t coresize)
gk_mcore_tgk_gkmcoreCreate ()
void gk_mcoreDestroy (gk_mcore_t **r_mcore, int showstats)
void gk_gkmcoreDestroy (gk_mcore_t **r_mcore, int showstats)
void * gk_mcoreMalloc (gk_mcore_t *mcore, size_t nbytes)
void gk_mcorePush (gk_mcore_t *mcore)
void gk_gkmcorePush (gk_mcore_t *mcore)
void gk_mcorePop (gk_mcore_t *mcore)
void gk_gkmcorePop (gk_mcore_t *mcore)
void gk_mcoreAdd (gk_mcore_t *mcore, int type, size_t nbytes, void *ptr)
void gk_gkmcoreAdd (gk_mcore_t *mcore, int type, size_t nbytes, void *ptr)
void gk_mcoreDel (gk_mcore_t *mcore, void *ptr)
void gk_gkmcoreDel (gk_mcore_t *mcore, void *ptr)
int gk_rw_PageRank (gk_csr_t *mat, float lamda, float eps, int max_niter, float *pr)
gk_graph_tgk_graph_Create ()
void gk_graph_Init (gk_graph_t *graph)
void gk_graph_Free (gk_graph_t **graph)
void gk_graph_FreeContents (gk_graph_t *graph)
gk_graph_tgk_graph_Read (char *filename, int format, int isfewgts, int isfvwgts, int isfvsizes)
void gk_graph_Write (gk_graph_t *graph, char *filename, int format)
gk_graph_tgk_graph_Dup (gk_graph_t *graph)
gk_graph_tgk_graph_ExtractSubgraph (gk_graph_t *graph, int vstart, int nvtxs)
gk_graph_tgk_graph_Reorder (gk_graph_t *graph, int32_t *perm, int32_t *iperm)
int gk_graph_FindComponents (gk_graph_t *graph, int32_t *cptr, int32_t *cind)
void gk_graph_ComputeBFSOrdering (gk_graph_t *graph, int v, int32_t **r_perm, int32_t **r_iperm)
void gk_graph_ComputeBestFOrdering0 (gk_graph_t *graph, int v, int type, int32_t **r_perm, int32_t **r_iperm)
void gk_graph_ComputeBestFOrdering (gk_graph_t *graph, int v, int type, int32_t **r_perm, int32_t **r_iperm)
void gk_graph_SingleSourceShortestPaths (gk_graph_t *graph, int v, void **r_sps)


int int64_t
int int64_t float
int int64_t float gk_idx_t
int int64_t float gk_idx_t
gk_ikv_t gk_i64kv_t gk_fkv_t
gk_idx_t gk_fpq_t
gk_idx_t gk_idx_t gk_idxpq_t

Detailed Description

This file contains function prototypes.

Started 3/27/2007
$Id: gk_proto.h 12591 2012-09-01 19:03:15Z karypis $ 

Definition in file gk_proto.h.

Function Documentation

char  ,

int GK_MKBLAS_PROTO ( gk_i32  ,
int32_t  ,

Type Constraints

int int64_t GK_MKBLAS_PROTO ( gk_z  ,
ssize_t  ,

Type Constraints

int int64_t float GK_MKBLAS_PROTO ( gk_d  ,
double  ,

Type Constraints

int int64_t float gk_idx_t FILE* gk_fopen ( char *  ,
char *  ,
const char *   

void gk_fclose ( FILE *   ) 

gk_idx_t gk_getline ( char **  lineptr,
size_t n,
FILE *  stream 

This function is the GKlib implementation of glibc's getline() function.

-1 if the EOF has been reached, otherwise it returns the number of bytes read.

Definition at line 57 of file io.c.

References gk_malloc(), and gk_realloc().

Referenced by gk_csr_Read(), gk_graph_Read(), gk_i32readfile(), gk_i64readfile(), gk_readfile(), ReadGraph(), ReadMesh(), and ReadTPwgts().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char** gk_readfile ( char *  fname,
gk_idx_t r_nlines 

This function reads the contents of a text file and returns it in the form of an array of strings.

fname is the name of the file
r_nlines is the number of lines in the file. If it is NULL, this information is not returned.

Definition at line 103 of file io.c.

References gk_fclose(), gk_fopen(), gk_free(), gk_getfilestats(), gk_getline(), gk_malloc(), gk_strdup(), and gk_strtprune().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int32_t* gk_i32readfile ( char *  fname,
gk_idx_t r_nlines 

This function reads the contents of a file and returns it in the form of an array of int32_t.

fname is the name of the file
r_nlines is the number of lines in the file. If it is NULL, this information is not returned.

Definition at line 139 of file io.c.

References array, gk_fclose(), gk_fopen(), gk_free(), gk_getfilestats(), gk_getline(), and int32_t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int64_t* gk_i64readfile ( char *  fname,
gk_idx_t r_nlines 

This function reads the contents of a file and returns it in the form of an array of int64_t.

fname is the name of the file
r_nlines is the number of lines in the file. If it is NULL, this information is not returned.

Definition at line 177 of file io.c.

References array, gk_fclose(), gk_fopen(), gk_free(), gk_getfilestats(), and gk_getline().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int32_t* gk_i32readfilebin ( char *  fname,
ssize_t r_nelmnts 

This function reads the contents of a binary file and returns it in the form of an array of int32_t.

fname is the name of the file
r_nlines is the number of lines in the file. If it is NULL, this information is not returned.

Definition at line 214 of file io.c.

References array, gk_errexit(), gk_fclose(), gk_fopen(), gk_free(), gk_getfsize(), and int32_t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int64_t* gk_i64readfilebin ( char *  fname,
ssize_t r_nelmnts 

This function reads the contents of a binary file and returns it in the form of an array of int64_t.

fname is the name of the file
r_nlines is the number of lines in the file. If it is NULL, this information is not returned.

Definition at line 253 of file io.c.

References array, gk_errexit(), gk_fclose(), gk_fopen(), gk_free(), and gk_getfsize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

float* gk_freadfilebin ( char *  fname,
ssize_t r_nelmnts 

This function reads the contents of a binary file and returns it in the form of an array of float.

fname is the name of the file
r_nlines is the number of lines in the file. If it is NULL, this information is not returned.

Definition at line 292 of file io.c.

References array, float, gk_errexit(), gk_fclose(), gk_fopen(), gk_free(), and gk_getfsize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

size_t gk_fwritefilebin ( char *  fname,
size_t  n,
float a 

This function writes the contents of an array into a binary file.

fname is the name of the file
n the number of elements in the array.
a the array to be written out.

Definition at line 331 of file io.c.

References gk_fclose(), and gk_fopen().

Here is the call graph for this function:

double* gk_dreadfilebin ( char *  fname,
ssize_t r_nelmnts 

This function reads the contents of a binary file and returns it in the form of an array of double.

fname is the name of the file
r_nlines is the number of lines in the file. If it is NULL, this information is not returned.

Definition at line 354 of file io.c.

References array, gk_errexit(), gk_fclose(), gk_fopen(), gk_free(), and gk_getfsize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int gk_fexists ( char *   ) 

Definition at line 21 of file fs.c.

Referenced by gk_csr_Read(), gk_graph_Read(), parse_cmdline(), ReadGraph(), ReadMesh(), and ReadTPwgts().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int gk_dexists ( char *   ) 

Definition at line 35 of file fs.c.

intmax_t gk_getfsize ( char *  filename  ) 

Returns the size of the file in bytes.

This function returns the size of a file as a 64 bit integer. If there were any errors in stat'ing the file, -1 is returned.

That due to the -1 return code, the maximum file size is limited to 63 bits (which I guess is okay for now).

Definition at line 55 of file fs.c.

Referenced by gk_dreadfilebin(), gk_freadfilebin(), gk_i32readfilebin(), and gk_i64readfilebin().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_getfilestats ( char *  fname,
size_t r_nlines,
size_t r_ntokens,
size_t r_max_nlntokens,
size_t r_nbytes 

This function gets some basic statistics about the file.

fname is the name of the file
r_nlines is the number of lines in the file. If it is NULL, this information is not returned.
r_ntokens is the number of tokens in the file. If it is NULL, this information is not returned.
r_max_nlntokens is the maximum number of tokens in any line in the file. If it is NULL this information is not returned.
r_nbytes is the number of bytes in the file. If it is NULL, this information is not returned.

Definition at line 79 of file fs.c.

References gk_fclose(), and gk_fopen().

Referenced by gk_csr_Read(), gk_i32readfile(), gk_i64readfile(), gk_readfile(), gk_seq_ReadGKMODPSSM(), and ReadMesh().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char* gk_getbasename ( char *  path  ) 

Definition at line 135 of file fs.c.

References gk_strdup().

Referenced by gk_seq_ReadGKMODPSSM().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char* gk_getextname ( char *  path  ) 

Definition at line 159 of file fs.c.

References gk_strdup().

Here is the call graph for this function:

char* gk_getfilename ( char *  path  ) 

Definition at line 173 of file fs.c.

References gk_strdup().

Here is the call graph for this function:

char* gk_getpathname ( char *  path  ) 

int gk_mkpath ( char *   ) 

Definition at line 207 of file fs.c.

int gk_rmpath ( char *   ) 

Definition at line 219 of file fs.c.


int GK_MKALLOC_PROTO ( gk_i32  ,

int int64_t GK_MKALLOC_PROTO ( gk_z  ,

int int64_t float GK_MKALLOC_PROTO ( gk_d  ,

int int64_t float gk_idx_t GK_MKALLOC_PROTO ( gk_ckv  ,

int int64_t float gk_idx_t gk_ikv_t GK_MKALLOC_PROTO ( gk_i32kv  ,

int int64_t float gk_idx_t gk_ikv_t gk_i64kv_t GK_MKALLOC_PROTO ( gk_zkv  ,

int int64_t float gk_idx_t gk_ikv_t gk_i64kv_t gk_fkv_t GK_MKALLOC_PROTO ( gk_dkv  ,

int int64_t float gk_idx_t gk_ikv_t gk_i64kv_t gk_fkv_t gk_skv_t GK_MKALLOC_PROTO ( gk_idxkv  ,

void gk_FreeMatrix ( void ***  r_matrix,
size_t  ndim1,
size_t  ndim2 

This function frees a two-dimensional matrix.

Definition at line 81 of file memory.c.

References gk_free(), and gk_idx_t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int gk_malloc_init (  ) 

This function initializes tracking of heap allocations.

Definition at line 101 of file memory.c.

References gk_gkmcoreCreate(), gk_gkmcorePush(), and gkmcore.

Referenced by main(), METIS_MeshToDual(), METIS_MeshToNodal(), METIS_NodeND(), METIS_PartGraphKway(), METIS_PartGraphRecursive(), METIS_PartMeshDual(), and METIS_PartMeshNodal().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_malloc_cleanup ( int  showstats  ) 

This function frees the memory that has been allocated since the last call to gk_malloc_init().

Definition at line 120 of file memory.c.

References gk_mcore_t::cmop, gk_gkmcoreDestroy(), gk_gkmcorePop(), and gkmcore.

Referenced by main(), METIS_MeshToDual(), METIS_MeshToNodal(), METIS_NodeND(), METIS_PartGraphKway(), METIS_PartGraphRecursive(), METIS_PartMeshDual(), and METIS_PartMeshNodal().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void* gk_malloc ( size_t  nbytes,
char *  msg 

This function is my wrapper around malloc that provides the following enhancements over malloc: It always allocates one byte of memory, even if 0 bytes are requested. This is to ensure that checks of returned values do not lead to NULL due to 0 bytes requested. It zeros-out the memory that is allocated. This is for a quick init of the underlying datastructures.

Definition at line 142 of file memory.c.

References gk_errexit(), gk_GetCurMemoryUsed(), gk_GetMaxMemoryUsed(), gk_gkmcoreAdd(), gkmcore, and malloc().

Referenced by Allocate2WayNodePartitionMemory(), AllocateKWayPartitionMemory(), AllocateRefinementWorkSpace(), CreateGraph(), CreateMesh(), FixGraph(), gk_csr_Create(), gk_csr_Split(), gk_getline(), gk_graph_Create(), gk_graph_Split(), gk_i2cc2i_create_common(), gk_mcoreCreate(), gk_mcoreMalloc(), GK_MKALLOC(), gk_readfile(), gk_readpdbfile(), gk_seq_ReadGKMODPSSM(), gk_strdup(), gk_strtokenize(), GrowBisectionNode(), GrowBisectionNode2(), HTable_Create(), main(), parse_cmdline(), SetupCtrl(), and SplitGraphOrderCC().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void* gk_realloc ( void *  oldptr,
size_t  nbytes,
char *  msg 

Definition at line 174 of file memory.c.

References gk_errexit(), gk_GetCurMemoryUsed(), gk_GetMaxMemoryUsed(), gk_gkmcoreAdd(), gk_gkmcoreDel(), gkmcore, and realloc().

Referenced by cnbrpoolGetNext(), gk_getline(), gk_strstr_replace(), and vnbrpoolGetNext().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_free ( void **  ptr1,

Definition at line 204 of file memory.c.

References free(), gk_gkmcoreDel(), and gkmcore.

Referenced by CheckGraph(), CompressGraph(), ComputeElementBalance(), ComputeFillIn(), ComputeMaxCut(), ComputePartitionBalance(), ComputePartitionInfo(), ComputePartitionInfoBipartite(), ComputeVolume(), CreateGraphDual(), CreateGraphNodal(), FindPartitionInducedComponents(), FindSepInducedComponents(), FixGraph(), FreeCtrl(), FreeGraph(), FreeMesh(), FreeRData(), FreeWorkSpace(), gk_csr_CompactColumns(), gk_csr_ComputeSquaredNorms(), gk_csr_ComputeSums(), gk_csr_CreateIndex(), gk_csr_Free(), gk_csr_FreeContents(), gk_csr_GetSimilarRows(), gk_csr_LowFilter(), gk_csr_Prune(), gk_csr_Read(), gk_csr_Scale(), gk_csr_SortIndices(), gk_csr_TopKPlusFilter(), gk_dreadfilebin(), gk_find_frequent_itemsets(), gk_freadfilebin(), gk_FreeMatrix(), gk_freepdbf(), gk_freetokenslist(), gk_graph_ComputeBestFOrdering(), gk_graph_ComputeBestFOrdering0(), gk_graph_ComputeBFSOrdering(), gk_graph_FindComponents(), gk_graph_Free(), gk_graph_FreeContents(), gk_graph_Prune(), gk_graph_Read(), gk_graph_Reorder(), gk_graph_SingleSourceShortestPaths(), gk_graph_SortAdjacencies(), gk_i32readfile(), gk_i32readfilebin(), gk_i64readfile(), gk_i64readfilebin(), gk_mcoreDestroy(), gk_mcorePop(), GK_MKALLOC(), gk_readfile(), gk_rw_PageRank(), gk_seq_free(), gk_seq_ReadGKMODPSSM(), gk_strstr_replace(), HTable_Destroy(), HTable_Resize(), InduceRowPartFromColumnPart(), InitKWayPartitioning(), IsConnectedSubdomain(), main(), METIS_NodeND(), METIS_NodeNDP(), METIS_PartMeshDual(), MinCover(), MinCover_Decompose(), MlevelNestedDissectionCC(), PrintSubDomainGraph(), PruneGraph(), ReadGraph(), ReadMesh(), ReadTPwgts(), reorder_centroid(), smbfct(), and test_strstr_replace().

Here is the call graph for this function:

size_t gk_GetCurMemoryUsed (  ) 

Definition at line 235 of file memory.c.

References gk_mcore_t::cur_hallocs, and gkmcore.

Referenced by gk_malloc(), gk_realloc(), main(), and print_final_info().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

size_t gk_GetMaxMemoryUsed (  ) 

Definition at line 248 of file memory.c.

References gkmcore, and gk_mcore_t::max_hallocs.

Referenced by gk_malloc(), gk_realloc(), main(), and print_final_info().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

gk_seq_t* gk_seq_ReadGKMODPSSM ( char *  filename  ) 

This function reads a pssm in the format of gkmod pssm.

file_name is the name of the pssm file

Definition at line 83 of file seq.c.

References gk_i2cc2i_t::c2i, errexit(), gk_fclose(), gk_fopen(), gk_free(), gk_freetokenslist(), gk_getbasename(), gk_getfilestats(), gk_i2cc2i_create_common(), gk_idx_t, gk_malloc(), gk_seq_init(), gk_strtokenize(), gk_strtoupper(), int, gk_seq_t::len, len, gk_Tokens_t::list, gk_seq_t::name, gk_seq_t::nsymbols, gk_seq_t::psfm, gk_seq_t::pssm, and gk_seq_t::sequence.

Here is the call graph for this function:

gk_i2cc2i_t* gk_i2cc2i_create_common ( char *  alphabet  ) 

This function creates the localizations for the various sequences.

string i.e amino acids, nucleotides, sequences
gk_i2cc2i_t variable

Definition at line 48 of file seq.c.

References gk_i2cc2i_t::c2i, gk_idx_t, gk_malloc(), gk_i2cc2i_t::i2c, int, gk_i2cc2i_t::n, and PUP::t.

Referenced by gk_seq_ReadGKMODPSSM().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_seq_init ( gk_seq_t seq  ) 

Definition at line 27 of file seq.c.

References gk_seq_t::len, gk_seq_t::name, gk_seq_t::psfm, gk_seq_t::pssm, and gk_seq_t::sequence.

Referenced by gk_seq_ReadGKMODPSSM().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char gk_threetoone ( char *  res  ) 

Converts three-letter amino acid codes to one-leter codes.

This function takes a three letter * and converts it to a single

res is the three-letter code to be converted.
A representing the amino acid.

Definition at line 24 of file pdb.c.

Referenced by gk_readpdbfile().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_freepdbf ( pdbf p  ) 

Frees the memory of a pdbf structure.

This function takes a pdbf pointer and frees all the memory below it.

p is the pdbf structure to be freed.

Definition at line 105 of file pdb.c.

References pdbf::atoms, pdbf::bbs, pdbf::cas, pdbf::cm, gk_free(), atom::name, pdbf::natoms, pdbf::nresidues, atom::resname, pdbf::resSeq, and pdbf::threeresSeq.

Here is the call graph for this function:

pdbf* gk_readpdbfile ( char *  fname  ) 

Reads a pdb file into a pdbf structure.

This function allocates a pdbf structure and reads the file fname into that structure.

fname is the file name to be read
A filled pdbf structure.

Definition at line 132 of file pdb.c.

References atom::altLoc, pdbf::atoms, pdbf::bbs, pdbf::cas, atom::chainid, pdbf::cm, pdbf::corruption, atom::element, gk_fopen(), gk_malloc(), gk_strdup(), gk_threetoone(), atom::icode, atom::name, center_of_mass::name, pdbf::natoms, pdbf::nbbs, pdbf::ncas, pdbf::nresidues, atom::opcy, atom::resname, pdbf::resSeq, atom::rserial, atom::serial, pdbf::threeresSeq, atom::tmpt, atom::x, center_of_mass::x, x, atom::y, center_of_mass::y, atom::z, and center_of_mass::z.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void gk_writefullatom ( pdbf p,
char *  fname 

Writes all atoms in p in pdb-format to file fname.

This function takes a pdbf structure and writes out all the atom information to file fname.

p is the pdbf structure to write out
fname is the file name to be written

Definition at line 371 of file pdb.c.

References atom::altLoc, pdbf::atoms, atom::chainid, gk_fopen(), atom::icode, atom::name, pdbf::natoms, atom::opcy, atom::resname, atom::rserial, atom::serial, atom::tmpt, atom::x, atom::y, and atom::z.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void gk_writebackbone ( pdbf p,
char *  fname 

Writes out all the backbone atoms of a structure in pdb format.

This function takes a pdbf structure p and writes only the backbone atoms to a filename fname.

p is the pdb structure to write out.
fname is the file name to be written.

Definition at line 392 of file pdb.c.

References atom::altLoc, pdbf::bbs, atom::chainid, gk_fopen(), atom::icode, atom::name, pdbf::nbbs, atom::opcy, atom::resname, atom::rserial, atom::serial, atom::tmpt, atom::x, atom::y, and atom::z.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void gk_writealphacarbons ( pdbf p,
char *  fname 

Writes out all the alpha carbon atoms of a structure.

This function takes a pdbf structure p and writes only the alpha carbon atoms to a filename fname.

p is the pdb structure to write out.
fname is the file name to be written.

Definition at line 413 of file pdb.c.

References atom::altLoc, pdbf::cas, atom::chainid, gk_fopen(), atom::icode, atom::name, pdbf::ncas, atom::opcy, atom::resname, atom::rserial, atom::serial, atom::tmpt, atom::x, atom::y, and atom::z.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void gk_showcorruption ( pdbf p  ) 

Decodes the corruption bitswitch and prints any problems.

Due to the totally unreliable nature of the pdb format, reading a pdb file stores a corruption bitswitch, and this function decodes that switch and prints the result on stdout.

p is the pdb structure to write out.
fname is the file name to be written.

Definition at line 435 of file pdb.c.

References pdbf::corruption.

void gk_set_exit_on_error ( int  value  ) 

This function sets the gk_exit_on_error variable

Definition at line 45 of file error.c.

References gk_exit_on_error.

void errexit ( char *  f_str,

This function prints an error message and exits

Definition at line 56 of file error.c.

References gk_exit_on_error.

Referenced by ComputeFillIn(), gk_csr_Read(), gk_fopen(), gk_mcorePop(), gk_seq_ReadGKMODPSSM(), main(), parse_cmdline(), ReadGraph(), ReadMesh(), ReadPOVector(), ReadTPwgts(), and reorder_centroid().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_errexit ( int  signum,
char *  f_str,

int gk_sigtrap (  ) 

This function sets a number of signal handlers and sets the return point of a longjmp

Definition at line 100 of file error.c.

References gk_cur_jbufs, gk_sigthrow(), old_SIGERR_handlers, and old_SIGMEM_handlers.

Referenced by METIS_MeshToDual(), METIS_MeshToNodal(), METIS_NodeND(), METIS_PartGraphKway(), METIS_PartGraphRecursive(), METIS_PartMeshDual(), and METIS_PartMeshNodal().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int gk_siguntrap (  ) 

This function sets the handlers for the signals to their default handlers

Definition at line 118 of file error.c.

References gk_cur_jbufs, old_SIGERR_handlers, and old_SIGMEM_handlers.

Referenced by METIS_MeshToDual(), METIS_MeshToNodal(), METIS_NodeND(), METIS_PartGraphKway(), METIS_PartGraphRecursive(), METIS_PartMeshDual(), and METIS_PartMeshNodal().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_sigthrow ( int  signum  ) 

This function is the custome signal handler, which all it does is to perform a longjump to the most recent saved environment

Definition at line 137 of file error.c.

References gk_cur_jbufs, and gk_jbufs.

Referenced by gk_sigtrap().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_SetSignalHandlers (  ) 

Definition at line 147 of file error.c.

References gk_NonLocalExit_Handler(), old_SIGERR_handler, and old_SIGMEM_handler.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void gk_UnsetSignalHandlers (  ) 

Definition at line 157 of file error.c.

References old_SIGERR_handler, and old_SIGMEM_handler.

void gk_NonLocalExit_Handler ( int  signum  ) 

Definition at line 168 of file error.c.

References gk_jbuf.

Referenced by gk_SetSignalHandlers().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char* gk_strerror ( int  errnum  ) 

Thread-safe implementation of strerror().

Definition at line 177 of file error.c.

References buf.

void PrintBackTrace (  ) 

Definition at line 208 of file error.c.

References array, free(), and size.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void gk_RandomPermute ( size_t  ,
int ,

Definition at line 20 of file util.c.

References gk_idx_t, and PUP::u.

void gk_array2csr ( size_t  n,
size_t  range,
int array,
int ptr,
int ind 

Converts an element-based set membership into a CSR-format set-based membership.

For example, it takes an array such as part[] that stores where each element belongs to and returns a pair of arrays (pptr[], pind[]) that store in CSF format the list of elements belonging in each partition.

n the number of elements in the array (e.g., # of vertices)
range the cardinality of the set (e.g., # of partitions)
array the array that stores the per-element set membership
ptr the array that will store the starting indices in ind for the elements of each set. This is filled by the routine and its size should be at least range+1.
ind the array that stores consecutively which elements belong to each set. The size of this array should be n.

Definition at line 62 of file util.c.

References gk_idx_t.

int gk_log2 ( int   ) 

Definition at line 83 of file util.c.

References gk_idx_t.

Referenced by gk_ispow2(), and METIS_PartGraphKway().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int gk_ispow2 ( int   ) 

Definition at line 95 of file util.c.

References gk_log2().

Here is the call graph for this function:

float gk_flog2 ( float   ) 

Definition at line 104 of file util.c.

gk_wclock_t gk_WClockSeconds ( void   ) 

Definition at line 19 of file timers.c.

References stats::time().

Here is the call graph for this function:

double gk_CPUSeconds ( void   ) 

Definition at line 36 of file timers.c.

char* gk_strchr_replace ( char *  str,
char *  fromlist,
char *  tolist 

Replaces certain characters in a string.

This function takes a string and replaces all the characters in the fromlist with the corresponding characters from the tolist. That is, each occurence of fromlist[i] is replaced by tolist[i]. If the tolist is shorter than fromlist, then the corresponding characters are deleted. The modifications on str are done in place. It tries to provide a functionality similar to Perl's tr// function.

str is the string whose characters will be replaced.
fromlist is the set of characters to be replaced.
tolist is the set of replacement characters .
A pointer to str itself.

Definition at line 40 of file string.c.

References gk_idx_t, and len.

Referenced by ReadTPwgts().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int gk_strstr_replace ( char *  str,
char *  pattern,
char *  replacement,
char *  options,
char **  new_str 

Regex-based search-and-replace function.

This function is a C implementation of Perl's s// regular-expression based substitution function.

str is the input string on which the operation will be performed.
pattern is the regular expression for the pattern to be matched for substitution.
replacement is the replacement string, in which the possible captured pattern substrings are referred to as $1, $2, ..., $9. The entire matched pattern is refered to as $0.
options is a string specified options for the substitution operation. Currently the "i" (case insensitive) and "g" (global substitution) are supported.
new_str is a reference to a pointer that will store a pointer to the newly created string that results from the substitutions. This string is allocated via gk_malloc() and needs to be freed using gk_free(). The string is returned even if no substitutions were performed.
If successful, it returns 1 + the number of substitutions that were performed. Thus, if no substitutions were performed, the returned value will be 1. Otherwise it returns 0. In case of error, a meaningful error message is returned in newstr, which also needs to be freed afterwards.

Definition at line 97 of file string.c.

References gk_free(), gk_idx_t, gk_realloc(), gk_strdup(), int, len, offset, REG_ESPACE, REG_NOMATCH, regcomp(), regerror(), regexec(), regfree(), regmatch_t::rm_eo, and regmatch_t::rm_so.

Referenced by test_strstr_replace().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char* gk_strtprune ( char *  str,
char *  rmlist 

Prunes characters from the end of the string.

This function removes any trailing characters that are included in the rmlist. The trimming stops at the last character (i.e., first character from the end) that is not in rmlist. This function can be used to removed trailing spaces, newlines, etc. This is a distructive operation as it modifies the string.

str is the string that will be trimmed.
rmlist contains the set of characters that will be removed.
A pointer to str itself.
See also:

Definition at line 257 of file string.c.

References gk_idx_t, and len.

Referenced by gk_readfile(), and main().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char* gk_strhprune ( char *  str,
char *  rmlist 

Prunes characters from the beginning of the string.

This function removes any starting characters that are included in the rmlist. The trimming stops at the first character that is not in rmlist. This function can be used to removed leading spaces, tabs, etc. This is a distructive operation as it modifies the string.

str is the string that will be trimmed.
rmlist contains the set of characters that will be removed.
A pointer to str itself.
See also:

Definition at line 294 of file string.c.

References gk_idx_t, and len.

char* gk_strtoupper ( char *  str  ) 

Converts a string to upper case.

This function converts a string to upper case. This operation modifies the string itself.

str is the string whose case will be changed.
A pointer to str itself.
See also:

Definition at line 331 of file string.c.

Referenced by gk_seq_ReadGKMODPSSM().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char* gk_strtolower ( char *  str  ) 

Converts a string to lower case.

This function converts a string to lower case. This operation modifies the string itself.

str is the string whose case will be changed.
A pointer to str itself.
See also:

Definition at line 351 of file string.c.

char* gk_strdup ( char *  orgstr  ) 

Duplicates a string.

This function is a replacement for C's standard strdup() function. The key differences between the two are that gk_strdup():

  • uses the dynamic memory allocation routines of GKlib.
  • it correctly handles NULL input strings.

The string that is returned must be freed by gk_free().

orgstr is the string that will be duplicated.
A pointer to the newly created string.
See also:

Definition at line 375 of file string.c.

References gk_malloc(), and len.

Referenced by getpathname(), gk_getbasename(), gk_getextname(), gk_getfilename(), gk_readfile(), gk_readpdbfile(), gk_strstr_replace(), gk_strtokenize(), main(), parse_cmdline(), and test_skvsort().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int gk_strcasecmp ( char *  s1,
char *  s2 

Case insensitive string comparison.

This function compares two strings for equality by ignoring the case of the strings.

This function is not equivalent to a case-insensitive strcmp() function, as it does not return ordering information.
Remove the above warning.
s1 is the first string to be compared.
s2 is the second string to be compared.
Return values:
1 if the strings are identical,
0 otherwise.

Definition at line 408 of file string.c.

Referenced by gk_GetStringID().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int gk_strrcmp ( char *  s1,
char *  s2 

Compare two strings in revere order.

This function is similar to strcmp but it performs the comparison as if the two strings were reversed.

s1 is the first string to be compared.
s2 is the second string to be compared.
Return values:
-1,0,1,if the s1 < s2, s1 == s2, or s1 > s2.

Definition at line 436 of file string.c.

char* gk_time2str ( time_t  time  ) 

Converts a time_t time into a string.

This function takes a time_t-specified time and returns a string-formated representation of the corresponding time. The format of the string is mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss, in which the hours are in military time.

time is the time to be converted.
It returns a pointer to a statically allocated string that is over-written in successive calls of this function. If the conversion failed, it returns NULL.

Definition at line 473 of file string.c.

time_t gk_str2time ( char *  str  ) 

Converts a date/time string into its equivalent time_t value.

This function takes date and/or time specification and converts it in the equivalent time_t representation. The conversion is done using the strptime() function. The format that gk_str2time() understands is mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss, in which the hours are in military time.

str is the date/time string to be converted.
If the conversion was successful it returns the time, otherwise it returns -1.

Definition at line 504 of file string.c.

int gk_GetStringID ( gk_StringMap_t strmap,
char *  key 

Definition at line 524 of file string.c.

References gk_strcasecmp(), gk_StringMap_t::id, name, and gk_StringMap_t::name.

Referenced by parse_cmdline().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_csorti ( size_t  n,
char *  base 

Sorts an array of chars in increasing order

Definition at line 23 of file sort.c.

void gk_csortd ( size_t  n,
char *  base 

Sorts an array of chars in decreasing order

Definition at line 34 of file sort.c.

void gk_isorti ( size_t  n,
int base 

Sorts an array of integers in increasing order

Definition at line 45 of file sort.c.

Referenced by test_isort().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_isortd ( size_t  n,
int base 

Sorts an array of integers in decreasing order

Definition at line 56 of file sort.c.

Referenced by test_isort().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_fsorti ( size_t  n,
float base 

Sorts an array of floats in increasing order

Definition at line 67 of file sort.c.

Referenced by test_fsort().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_fsortd ( size_t  n,
float base 

Sorts an array of floats in decreasing order

Definition at line 78 of file sort.c.

Referenced by test_fsort().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_dsorti ( size_t  n,
double *  base 

Sorts an array of doubles in increasing order

Definition at line 89 of file sort.c.

void gk_dsortd ( size_t  n,
double *  base 

Sorts an array of doubles in decreasing order

Definition at line 100 of file sort.c.

void gk_idxsorti ( size_t  n,
gk_idx_t base 

Sorts an array of gk_idx_t in increasing order

Definition at line 111 of file sort.c.

References gk_idx_t.

Referenced by test_idxsort().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_idxsortd ( size_t  n,
gk_idx_t base 

Sorts an array of gk_idx_t in decreasing order

Definition at line 122 of file sort.c.

References gk_idx_t.

Referenced by test_idxsort().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_ckvsorti ( size_t  n,
gk_ckv_t *  base 

Sorts an array of gk_ckv_t in increasing order

Definition at line 135 of file sort.c.

void gk_ckvsortd ( size_t  n,
gk_ckv_t *  base 

Sorts an array of gk_ckv_t in decreasing order

Definition at line 146 of file sort.c.

void gk_ikvsorti ( size_t  n,
gk_ikv_t *  base 

Sorts an array of gk_ikv_t in increasing order

Definition at line 157 of file sort.c.

Referenced by gk_csr_SortIndices(), gk_graph_SortAdjacencies(), itemsets_project_matrix(), and test_ikvsort().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_ikvsortd ( size_t  n,
gk_ikv_t *  base 

Sorts an array of gk_ikv_t in decreasing order

Definition at line 168 of file sort.c.

Referenced by gk_csr_CompactColumns(), and test_ikvsort().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_i32kvsorti ( size_t  n,
gk_i32kv_t *  base 

Sorts an array of gk_i32kv_t in increasing order

Definition at line 179 of file sort.c.

void gk_i32kvsortd ( size_t  n,
gk_i32kv_t *  base 

Sorts an array of gk_i32kv_t in decreasing order

Definition at line 190 of file sort.c.

void gk_i64kvsorti ( size_t  n,
gk_i64kv_t *  base 

Sorts an array of gk_i64kv_t in increasing order

Definition at line 201 of file sort.c.

void gk_i64kvsortd ( size_t  n,
gk_i64kv_t *  base 

Sorts an array of gk_i64kv_t in decreasing order

Definition at line 212 of file sort.c.

void gk_zkvsorti ( size_t  n,
gk_zkv_t *  base 

Sorts an array of gk_zkv_t in increasing order

Definition at line 223 of file sort.c.

void gk_zkvsortd ( size_t  n,
gk_zkv_t *  base 

Sorts an array of gk_zkv_t in decreasing order

Definition at line 234 of file sort.c.

void gk_fkvsorti ( size_t  n,
gk_fkv_t *  base 

Sorts an array of gk_fkv_t in increasing order

Definition at line 245 of file sort.c.

Referenced by reorder_centroid(), and test_fkvsort().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_fkvsortd ( size_t  n,
gk_fkv_t *  base 

Sorts an array of gk_fkv_t in decreasing order

Definition at line 256 of file sort.c.

Referenced by gk_csr_GetSimilarRows(), gk_csr_LowFilter(), gk_csr_TopKPlusFilter(), and test_fkvsort().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_dkvsorti ( size_t  n,
gk_dkv_t *  base 

Sorts an array of gk_dkv_t in increasing order

Definition at line 267 of file sort.c.

Referenced by test_dkvsort().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_dkvsortd ( size_t  n,
gk_dkv_t *  base 

Sorts an array of gk_fkv_t in decreasing order

Definition at line 278 of file sort.c.

Referenced by test_dkvsort().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_skvsorti ( size_t  n,
gk_skv_t *  base 

Sorts an array of gk_skv_t in increasing order

Definition at line 289 of file sort.c.

Referenced by test_skvsort().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_skvsortd ( size_t  n,
gk_skv_t *  base 

Sorts an array of gk_skv_t in decreasing order

Definition at line 300 of file sort.c.

Referenced by test_skvsort().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_idxkvsorti ( size_t  n,
gk_idxkv_t *  base 

Sorts an array of gk_idxkv_t in increasing order

Definition at line 311 of file sort.c.

Referenced by test_idxkvsort().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_idxkvsortd ( size_t  n,
gk_idxkv_t *  base 

Sorts an array of gk_idxkv_t in decreasing order

Definition at line 322 of file sort.c.

Referenced by test_idxkvsort().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int gk_dfkvkselect ( size_t  n,
int  topk,
gk_fkv_t *  cand 

This function puts the 'topk' largest values in the beginning of the array

Definition at line 20 of file fkvkselect.c.

References key.

Referenced by gk_csr_GetSimilarRows().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int gk_ifkvkselect ( size_t  n,
int  topk,
gk_fkv_t *  cand 

This function puts the 'topk' smallest values in the beginning of the array

Definition at line 84 of file fkvkselect.c.

References key.

gk_ipq_t  ,
int  ,

gk_idx_t GK_MKPQUEUE_PROTO ( gk_i64pq  ,
gk_i64pq_t  ,
int64_t  ,

Type Constraints

gk_idx_t gk_idx_t GK_MKPQUEUE_PROTO ( gk_dpq  ,
gk_dpq_t  ,
double  ,

Type Constraints

gk_idx_t gk_idx_t gk_idx_t gk_HTable_t* HTable_Create ( int  nelements  ) 

Type Constraints

Definition at line 16 of file htable.c.

References gk_malloc(), gk_HTable_t::harray, HTable_Reset(), and gk_HTable_t::nelements.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void HTable_Reset ( gk_HTable_t htable  ) 

Definition at line 33 of file htable.c.

References gk_HTable_t::harray, gk_HTable_t::htsize, and gk_HTable_t::nelements.

Referenced by HTable_Create().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void HTable_Resize ( gk_HTable_t htable,
int  nelements 

Definition at line 46 of file htable.c.

References gk_free(), gk_HTable_t::harray, HTable_Insert(), gk_HTable_t::htsize, key, and gk_HTable_t::nelements.

Referenced by HTable_Insert().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void HTable_Insert ( gk_HTable_t htable,
int  key,
int  val 

Definition at line 74 of file htable.c.

References gk_HTable_t::harray, HTable_HFunction(), HTable_Resize(), gk_HTable_t::htsize, and gk_HTable_t::nelements.

Referenced by HTable_Resize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void HTable_Delete ( gk_HTable_t htable,
int  key 

Definition at line 107 of file htable.c.

References gk_HTable_t::harray, HTable_HFunction(), gk_HTable_t::htsize, and gk_HTable_t::nelements.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int HTable_Search ( gk_HTable_t htable,
int  key 

Definition at line 135 of file htable.c.

References gk_HTable_t::harray, HTable_HFunction(), and gk_HTable_t::nelements.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int HTable_GetNext ( gk_HTable_t htable,
int  key,
int val,
int  type 

Definition at line 162 of file htable.c.

References gk_HTable_t::harray, HTable_HFunction(), and gk_HTable_t::nelements.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int HTable_SearchAndDelete ( gk_HTable_t htable,
int  key 

Definition at line 200 of file htable.c.

References gk_errexit(), gk_HTable_t::harray, HTable_HFunction(), gk_HTable_t::htsize, and gk_HTable_t::nelements.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void HTable_Destroy ( gk_HTable_t htable  ) 

Definition at line 235 of file htable.c.

References gk_free(), and gk_HTable_t::harray.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int HTable_HFunction ( int  nelements,
int  key 

Definition at line 244 of file htable.c.

Referenced by HTable_Delete(), HTable_GetNext(), HTable_Insert(), HTable_Search(), and HTable_SearchAndDelete().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_strtokenize ( char *  line,
char *  delim,
gk_Tokens_t tokens 

Definition at line 22 of file tokenizer.c.

References gk_malloc(), gk_strdup(), gk_Tokens_t::list, gk_Tokens_t::ntoks, and gk_Tokens_t::strbuf.

Referenced by gk_seq_ReadGKMODPSSM().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_freetokenslist ( gk_Tokens_t tokens  ) 

Definition at line 73 of file tokenizer.c.

References gk_free(), gk_Tokens_t::list, and gk_Tokens_t::strbuf.

Referenced by gk_seq_ReadGKMODPSSM().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void encodeblock ( unsigned char *  in,
unsigned char *  out 

Definition at line 28 of file b64.c.

Referenced by GKEncodeBase64().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void decodeblock ( unsigned char *  in,
unsigned char *  out 

Definition at line 46 of file b64.c.

Referenced by GKDecodeBase64().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void GKEncodeBase64 ( int  nbytes,
unsigned char *  inbuffer,
unsigned char *  outbuffer 

Definition at line 64 of file b64.c.

References encodeblock(), and gk_errexit().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void GKDecodeBase64 ( int  nbytes,
unsigned char *  inbuffer,
unsigned char *  outbuffer 

Definition at line 85 of file b64.c.

References decodeblock(), and gk_errexit().

Here is the call graph for this function:

size_t  ,

int GK_MKRANDOM_PROTO ( gk_f  ,
size_t  ,

Type Constraints

int double GK_MKRANDOM_PROTO ( gk_idx  ,
size_t  ,

Type Constraints

int double ssize_t void gk_randinit ( uint64_t   ) 

Type Constraints

Referenced by gk_randint64().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

uint64_t gk_randint64 ( void   ) 

Definition at line 84 of file random.c.

References gk_randinit(), int, and x.

Referenced by gk_randint32().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

uint32_t gk_randint32 ( void   ) 

Definition at line 125 of file random.c.

References gk_randint64().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void omp_set_num_threads ( int  num_threads  ) 

Definition at line 14 of file omp.c.

int omp_get_num_threads ( void   ) 

Definition at line 15 of file omp.c.

int omp_get_max_threads ( void   ) 

Definition at line 16 of file omp.c.

int omp_get_thread_num ( void   ) 

Definition at line 17 of file omp.c.

int omp_get_num_procs ( void   ) 

Definition at line 18 of file omp.c.

int omp_in_parallel ( void   ) 

Definition at line 19 of file omp.c.

void omp_set_dynamic ( int  num_threads  ) 

Definition at line 20 of file omp.c.

int omp_get_dynamic ( void   ) 

Definition at line 21 of file omp.c.

void omp_set_nested ( int  nested  ) 

Definition at line 22 of file omp.c.

int omp_get_nested ( void   ) 

Definition at line 23 of file omp.c.

gk_csr_t* gk_csr_Create (  ) 

Allocate memory for a CSR matrix and initializes it

the allocated matrix. The various fields are set to NULL.

Definition at line 19 of file csr.c.

References gk_csr_Init(), gk_csr_t, and gk_malloc().

Referenced by gk_csr_Dup(), gk_csr_ExtractPartition(), gk_csr_ExtractRows(), gk_csr_ExtractSubmatrix(), gk_csr_LowFilter(), gk_csr_Prune(), gk_csr_Read(), gk_csr_Split(), gk_csr_TopKPlusFilter(), gk_csr_ZScoreFilter(), gk_find_frequent_itemsets(), and itemsets_project_matrix().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_csr_Init ( gk_csr_t mat  ) 

Initializes the matrix

mat is the matrix to be initialized.

Definition at line 36 of file csr.c.

References gk_csr_t.

Referenced by gk_csr_Create().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_csr_Free ( gk_csr_t **  mat  ) 

Frees all the memory allocated for matrix.

mat is the matrix to be freed.

Definition at line 48 of file csr.c.

References gk_csr_FreeContents(), and gk_free().

Referenced by gk_csr_LowFilter(), gk_csr_Prune(), gk_csr_TopKPlusFilter(), gk_csr_ZScoreFilter(), gk_find_frequent_itemsets(), itemsets_find_frequent_itemsets(), and main().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_csr_FreeContents ( gk_csr_t mat  ) 

Frees only the memory allocated for the matrix's different fields and sets them to NULL.

mat is the matrix whose contents will be freed.

Definition at line 63 of file csr.c.

References gk_free().

Referenced by gk_csr_Free().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

gk_csr_t* gk_csr_Dup ( gk_csr_t mat  ) 

Returns a copy of a matrix.

mat is the matrix to be duplicated.
the newly created copy of the matrix.

Definition at line 80 of file csr.c.

References gk_csr_Create(), and gk_csr_t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

gk_csr_t* gk_csr_ExtractSubmatrix ( gk_csr_t mat,
int  rstart,
int  nrows 

Returns a submatrix containint a set of consecutive rows.

mat is the original matrix.
rstart is the starting row.
nrows is the number of rows from rstart to extract.
the row structure of the newly created submatrix.

Definition at line 135 of file csr.c.

References gk_csr_Create(), and gk_csr_t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

gk_csr_t* gk_csr_ExtractRows ( gk_csr_t mat,
int  nrows,
int rind 

Returns a submatrix containing a certain set of rows.

mat is the original matrix.
nrows is the number of rows to extract.
rind is the set of row numbers to extract.
the row structure of the newly created submatrix.

Definition at line 191 of file csr.c.

References gk_csr_Create(), and gk_csr_t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

gk_csr_t* gk_csr_ExtractPartition ( gk_csr_t mat,
int part,
int  pid 

Returns a submatrix corresponding to a specified partitioning of rows.

mat is the original matrix.
part is the partitioning vector of the rows.
pid is the partition ID that will be extracted.
the row structure of the newly created submatrix.

Definition at line 230 of file csr.c.

References gk_csr_Create(), and gk_csr_t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

gk_csr_t** gk_csr_Split ( gk_csr_t mat,
int color 

Splits the matrix into multiple sub-matrices based on the provided color array.

mat is the original matrix.
color is an array of size equal to the number of non-zeros in the matrix (row-wise structure). The matrix is split into as many parts as the number of colors. For meaningfull results, the colors should be numbered consecutively starting from 0.
an array of matrices for each supplied color number.

Definition at line 277 of file csr.c.

References gk_csr_Create(), gk_csr_t, and gk_malloc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

gk_csr_t* gk_csr_Read ( char *  filename,
int  format,
int  readvals,
int  numbering 

Reads a CSR matrix from the supplied file and stores it the matrix's forward structure.

filename is the file that stores the data.
format is either GK_CSR_FMT_METIS, GK_CSR_FMT_CLUTO, GK_CSR_FMT_CSR, GK_CSR_FMT_BINROW, GK_CSR_FMT_BINCOL specifying the type of the input format. The GK_CSR_FMT_CSR does not contain a header line, whereas the GK_CSR_FMT_BINROW is a binary format written by gk_csr_Write() using the same format specifier.
readvals is either 1 or 0, indicating if the CSR file contains values or it does not. It only applies when GK_CSR_FMT_CSR is used.
numbering is either 1 or 0, indicating if the numbering of the indices start from 1 or 0, respectively. If they start from 1, they are automatically decreamented during input so that they will start from 0. It only applies when GK_CSR_FMT_CSR is used.
the matrix that was read.

Definition at line 349 of file csr.c.

References errexit(), float, gk_csr_Create(), gk_csr_t, gk_errexit(), gk_fclose(), gk_fexists(), gk_fopen(), gk_free(), gk_getfilestats(), gk_getline(), int, int32_t, PUP::l, and ncon.

Referenced by main().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_csr_Write ( gk_csr_t mat,
char *  filename,
int  format,
int  writevals,
int  numbering 

Writes the row-based structure of a matrix into a file.

mat is the matrix to be written,
filename is the name of the output file.
writevals is either 1 or 0 indicating if the values will be written or not. This is only applicable when GK_CSR_FMT_CSR is used.
numbering is either 1 or 0 indicating if the internal 0-based numbering will be shifted by one or not during output. This is only applicable when GK_CSR_FMT_CSR is used.

Definition at line 591 of file csr.c.

References gk_errexit(), gk_fclose(), gk_fopen(), and int32_t.

Here is the call graph for this function:

gk_csr_t* gk_csr_Prune ( gk_csr_t mat,
int  what,
int  minf,
int  maxf 

Prunes certain rows/columns of the matrix. The prunning takes place by analyzing the row structure of the matrix. The prunning takes place by removing rows/columns but it does not affect the numbering of the remaining rows/columns.

mat the matrix to be prunned,
what indicates if the rows (GK_CSR_ROW) or the columns (GK_CSR_COL) of the matrix will be prunned,
minf is the minimum number of rows (columns) that a column (row) must be present in order to be kept,
maxf is the maximum number of rows (columns) that a column (row) must be present at in order to be kept.
the prunned matrix consisting only of its row-based structure. The input matrix is not modified.

Definition at line 669 of file csr.c.

References gk_csr_Create(), gk_csr_Free(), gk_csr_t, gk_errexit(), and gk_free().

Here is the call graph for this function:

gk_csr_t* gk_csr_LowFilter ( gk_csr_t mat,
int  what,
int  norm,
float  fraction 

Eliminates certain entries from the rows/columns of the matrix. The filtering takes place by keeping only the highest weight entries whose sum accounts for a certain fraction of the overall weight of the row/column.

mat the matrix to be prunned,
what indicates if the rows (GK_CSR_ROW) or the columns (GK_CSR_COL) of the matrix will be prunned,
norm indicates the norm that will be used to aggregate the weights and possible values are 1 or 2,
fraction is the fraction of the overall norm that will be retained by the kept entries.
the filtered matrix consisting only of its row-based structure. The input matrix is not modified.

Definition at line 759 of file csr.c.

References gk_csr_Create(), gk_csr_Free(), gk_csr_t, gk_errexit(), gk_fkvsortd(), and gk_free().

Here is the call graph for this function:

gk_csr_t* gk_csr_TopKPlusFilter ( gk_csr_t mat,
int  what,
int  topk,
float  keepval 

Eliminates certain entries from the rows/columns of the matrix. The filtering takes place by keeping only the highest weight top-K entries along each row/column and those entries whose weight is greater than a specified value.

mat the matrix to be prunned,
what indicates if the rows (GK_CSR_ROW) or the columns (GK_CSR_COL) of the matrix will be prunned,
topk is the number of the highest weight entries to keep.
keepval is the weight of a term above which will be kept. This is used to select additional terms past the first topk.
the filtered matrix consisting only of its row-based structure. The input matrix is not modified.

Definition at line 901 of file csr.c.

References gk_csr_Create(), gk_csr_Free(), gk_csr_t, gk_errexit(), gk_fkvsortd(), gk_free(), and key.

Here is the call graph for this function:

gk_csr_t* gk_csr_ZScoreFilter ( gk_csr_t mat,
int  what,
float  zscore 

Eliminates certain entries from the rows/columns of the matrix. The filtering takes place by keeping only the terms whose contribution to the total length of the document is greater than a user-splied multiple over the average.

This routine assumes that the vectors are normalized to be unit length.

mat the matrix to be prunned,
what indicates if the rows (GK_CSR_ROW) or the columns (GK_CSR_COL) of the matrix will be prunned,
zscore is the multiplicative factor over the average contribution to the length of the document.
the filtered matrix consisting only of its row-based structure. The input matrix is not modified.

Definition at line 1031 of file csr.c.

References gk_csr_Create(), gk_csr_Free(), gk_csr_t, and gk_errexit().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void gk_csr_CompactColumns ( gk_csr_t mat  ) 

Compacts the column-space of the matrix by removing empty columns. As a result of the compaction, the column numbers are renumbered. The compaction operation is done in place and only affects the row-based representation of the matrix. The new columns are ordered in decreasing frequency.

mat the matrix whose empty columns will be removed.

Definition at line 1098 of file csr.c.

References gk_free(), gk_ikvsortd(), and key.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void gk_csr_SortIndices ( gk_csr_t mat,
int  what 

Sorts the indices in increasing order

mat the matrix itself,
what is either GK_CSR_ROW or GK_CSR_COL indicating which set of indices to sort.

Definition at line 1146 of file csr.c.

References gk_errexit(), gk_free(), gk_ikvsorti(), n, and nn.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void gk_csr_CreateIndex ( gk_csr_t mat,
int  what 

Creates a row/column index from the column/row data.

mat the matrix itself,
what is either GK_CSR_ROW or GK_CSR_COL indicating which index will be created.

Definition at line 1223 of file csr.c.

References gk_errexit(), and gk_free().

Referenced by gk_find_frequent_itemsets(), and main().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_csr_Normalize ( gk_csr_t mat,
int  what,
int  norm 

Normalizes the rows/columns of the matrix to be unit length.

mat the matrix itself,
what indicates what will be normalized and is obtained by specifying GK_CSR_ROW, GK_CSR_COL, GK_CSR_ROW|GK_CSR_COL.
norm indicates what norm is to normalize to, 1: 1-norm, 2: 2-norm

Definition at line 1319 of file csr.c.

References n.

void gk_csr_Scale ( gk_csr_t mat,
int  type 

Applies different row scaling methods.

mat the matrix itself,
type indicates the type of row scaling. Possible values are: GK_CSR_MAXTF, GK_CSR_SQRT, GK_CSR_LOG, GK_CSR_IDF, GK_CSR_MAXTF2.

Definition at line 1389 of file csr.c.

References gk_errexit(), and gk_free().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void gk_csr_ComputeSums ( gk_csr_t mat,
int  what 

Computes the sums of the rows/columns

mat the matrix itself,
what is either GK_CSR_ROW or GK_CSR_COL indicating which sums to compute.

Definition at line 1600 of file csr.c.

References gk_errexit(), gk_free(), and n.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void gk_csr_ComputeSquaredNorms ( gk_csr_t mat,
int  what 

Computes the squared of the norms of the rows/columns

mat the matrix itself,
what is either GK_CSR_ROW or GK_CSR_COL indicating which squared norms to compute.

Definition at line 1646 of file csr.c.

References gk_errexit(), gk_free(), and n.

Here is the call graph for this function:

float gk_csr_ComputeSimilarity ( gk_csr_t mat,
int  i1,
int  i2,
int  what,
int  simtype 

Computes the similarity between two rows/columns

mat the matrix itself. The routine assumes that the indices are sorted in increasing order.
i1 is the first row/column,
i2 is the second row/column,
what is either GK_CSR_ROW or GK_CSR_COL indicating the type of objects between the similarity will be computed,
simtype is the type of similarity and is one of GK_CSR_COS, GK_CSR_JAC, GK_CSR_MIN, GK_CSR_AMIN
the similarity between the two rows/columns.

Definition at line 1697 of file csr.c.

References gk_errexit().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int gk_csr_GetSimilarRows ( gk_csr_t mat,
int  nqterms,
int qind,
float qval,
int  simtype,
int  nsim,
float  minsim,
gk_fkv_t *  hits,
int i_marker,
gk_fkv_t *  i_cand 

Finds the n most similar rows (neighbors) to the query using cosine similarity.

mat the matrix itself
nqterms is the number of columns in the query
qind is the list of query columns
qval is the list of correspodning query weights
simtype is the type of similarity and is one of GK_CSR_COS, GK_CSR_JAC, GK_CSR_MIN, GK_CSR_AMIN
nsim is the maximum number of requested most similar rows. If -1 is provided, then everything is returned unsorted.
minsim is the minimum similarity of the requested most similar rows
hits is the result set. This array should be at least of length nsim.
i_marker is an array of size equal to the number of rows whose values are initialized to -1. If NULL is provided then this array is allocated and freed internally.
i_cand is an array of size equal to the number of rows. If NULL is provided then this array is allocated and freed internally.
the number of identified most similar rows, which can be smaller than the requested number of nnbrs in those cases in which there are no sufficiently many neighbors.

Definition at line 1869 of file csr.c.

References gk_dfkvkselect(), gk_errexit(), gk_fkvsortd(), gk_free(), and key.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void gk_find_frequent_itemsets ( int  ntrans,
ssize_t tranptr,
int tranind,
int  minfreq,
int  maxfreq,
int  minlen,
int  maxlen,
void(*)(void *stateptr, int nitems, int *itemind, int ntrans, int *tranind)  process_itemset,
void *  stateptr 

Referenced by main().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float ComputeAccuracy ( int  n,
gk_fkv_t *  list 

Definition at line 16 of file evaluate.c.

float ComputeROCn ( int  n,
int  maxN,
gk_fkv_t *  list 

Definition at line 47 of file evaluate.c.

References key.

float ComputeMedianRFP ( int  n,
gk_fkv_t *  list 

Definition at line 81 of file evaluate.c.

float ComputeMean ( int  n,
float values 

Definition at line 107 of file evaluate.c.

Referenced by ComputeStdDev().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float ComputeStdDev ( int  n,
float values 

Definition at line 121 of file evaluate.c.

References ComputeMean().

Here is the call graph for this function:

gk_mcore_t* gk_mcoreCreate ( size_t  coresize  ) 

This function creates an mcore

Definition at line 18 of file mcore.c.

References gk_mcore_t::cmop, gk_mcore_t::core, gk_mcore_t::corecpos, gk_mcore_t::coresize, gk_malloc(), gk_mcore_t::mops, and gk_mcore_t::nmops.

Referenced by AllocateWorkSpace().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

gk_mcore_t* gk_gkmcoreCreate (  ) 

This function creates an mcore. This version is used for gkmcore.

Definition at line 43 of file mcore.c.

References gk_mcore_t::cmop, free(), malloc(), gk_mcore_t::mops, and gk_mcore_t::nmops.

Referenced by gk_malloc_init().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_mcoreDestroy ( gk_mcore_t **  r_mcore,
int  showstats 

This function destroys an mcore.

Definition at line 67 of file mcore.c.

References gk_mcore_t::cmop, gk_mcore_t::core, gk_mcore_t::coresize, gk_mcore_t::cur_callocs, gk_mcore_t::cur_hallocs, gk_free(), gk_mcore_t::max_callocs, gk_mcore_t::max_hallocs, gk_mcore_t::mops, gk_mcore_t::nmops, gk_mcore_t::num_callocs, gk_mcore_t::num_hallocs, gk_mcore_t::size_callocs, and gk_mcore_t::size_hallocs.

Referenced by FreeWorkSpace().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_gkmcoreDestroy ( gk_mcore_t **  r_mcore,
int  showstats 

This function destroys an mcore. This version is for gkmcore.

Definition at line 103 of file mcore.c.

References gk_mcore_t::cmop, gk_mcore_t::cur_hallocs, free(), gk_mcore_t::max_hallocs, gk_mcore_t::mops, gk_mcore_t::nmops, gk_mcore_t::num_hallocs, and gk_mcore_t::size_hallocs.

Referenced by gk_malloc_cleanup().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void* gk_mcoreMalloc ( gk_mcore_t mcore,
size_t  nbytes 

This function allocate space from the core/heap

Definition at line 140 of file mcore.c.

References gk_mcore_t::core, gk_mcore_t::corecpos, gk_malloc(), and gk_mcoreAdd().

Referenced by wspacemalloc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_mcorePush ( gk_mcore_t mcore  ) 

This function sets a marker in the stack of malloc ops to be used subsequently for freeing purposes

Definition at line 175 of file mcore.c.

References gk_mcoreAdd().

Referenced by wspacepush().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_gkmcorePush ( gk_mcore_t mcore  ) 

This function sets a marker in the stack of malloc ops to be used subsequently for freeing purposes. This is the gkmcore version.

Definition at line 187 of file mcore.c.

References gk_gkmcoreAdd().

Referenced by gk_malloc_init().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_mcorePop ( gk_mcore_t mcore  ) 

This function frees all mops since the last push

Definition at line 198 of file mcore.c.

References gk_mcore_t::cmop, gk_mcore_t::corecpos, gk_mcore_t::coresize, gk_mcore_t::cur_callocs, gk_mcore_t::cur_hallocs, errexit(), gk_errexit(), gk_free(), gk_mcore_t::mops, gk_mop_t::nbytes, gk_mop_t::ptr, and gk_mop_t::type.

Referenced by wspacepop().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_gkmcorePop ( gk_mcore_t mcore  ) 

This function frees all mops since the last push. This version is for poping the gkmcore and it uses free instead of gk_free.

Definition at line 237 of file mcore.c.

References gk_mcore_t::cmop, gk_mcore_t::cur_hallocs, free(), gk_errexit(), gk_mcore_t::mops, gk_mop_t::nbytes, gk_mop_t::ptr, and gk_mop_t::type.

Referenced by gk_malloc_cleanup().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_mcoreAdd ( gk_mcore_t mcore,
int  type,
size_t  nbytes,
void *  ptr 

Adds a memory allocation at the end of the list.

Definition at line 265 of file mcore.c.

References gk_mcore_t::cmop, gk_mcore_t::cur_callocs, gk_mcore_t::cur_hallocs, gk_errexit(), gk_mcore_t::max_callocs, gk_mcore_t::max_hallocs, gk_mcore_t::mops, gk_mop_t::nbytes, gk_mcore_t::nmops, gk_mcore_t::num_callocs, gk_mcore_t::num_hallocs, gk_mop_t::ptr, realloc(), gk_mcore_t::size_callocs, gk_mcore_t::size_hallocs, and gk_mop_t::type.

Referenced by gk_mcoreMalloc(), and gk_mcorePush().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_gkmcoreAdd ( gk_mcore_t mcore,
int  type,
size_t  nbytes,
void *  ptr 

Adds a memory allocation at the end of the list. This is the gkmcore version.

Definition at line 309 of file mcore.c.

References gk_mcore_t::cmop, gk_mcore_t::cur_hallocs, gk_errexit(), gk_mcore_t::max_hallocs, gk_mcore_t::mops, gk_mop_t::nbytes, gk_mcore_t::nmops, gk_mcore_t::num_hallocs, gk_mop_t::ptr, realloc(), gk_mcore_t::size_hallocs, and gk_mop_t::type.

Referenced by gk_gkmcorePush(), gk_malloc(), and gk_realloc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_mcoreDel ( gk_mcore_t mcore,
void *  ptr 

This function deletes the mop associated with the supplied pointer. The mop has to be a heap allocation, otherwise it fails violently.

Definition at line 345 of file mcore.c.

References gk_mcore_t::cmop, gk_mcore_t::cur_hallocs, gk_errexit(), gk_mcore_t::mops, gk_mop_t::nbytes, gk_mop_t::ptr, and gk_mop_t::type.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void gk_gkmcoreDel ( gk_mcore_t mcore,
void *  ptr 

This function deletes the mop associated with the supplied pointer. The mop has to be a heap allocation, otherwise it fails violently. This is the gkmcore version.

Definition at line 373 of file mcore.c.

References gk_mcore_t::cmop, gk_mcore_t::cur_hallocs, gk_errexit(), gk_mcore_t::mops, gk_mop_t::nbytes, gk_mop_t::ptr, and gk_mop_t::type.

Referenced by gk_free(), and gk_realloc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int gk_rw_PageRank ( gk_csr_t mat,
float  lamda,
float  eps,
int  max_niter,
float pr 

Computes the (personalized) page-rank of the vertices in a graph.

mat is the matrix storing the graph.
lamda is the restart probability.
eps is the error tolerance for convergance.
max_niter is the maximum number of allowed iterations.
pr on entry stores the restart distribution of the vertices. This allows for the computation of personalized page-rank scores by appropriately setting that parameter. On return, pr stores the computed page ranks.
the number of iterations that were performed.

Definition at line 29 of file rw.c.

References gk_free().

Referenced by main().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

gk_graph_t* gk_graph_Create (  ) 

Allocate memory for a graph and initializes it

the allocated graph. The various fields are set to NULL.

Definition at line 19 of file graph.c.

References gk_graph_Init(), and gk_malloc().

Referenced by gk_graph_Dup(), gk_graph_ExtractPartition(), gk_graph_ExtractRows(), gk_graph_ExtractSubgraph(), gk_graph_Prune(), gk_graph_Read(), gk_graph_Reorder(), and gk_graph_Split().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_graph_Init ( gk_graph_t graph  ) 

Initializes the graph.

graph is the graph to be initialized.

Definition at line 36 of file graph.c.

References gk_graph_t::nvtxs.

Referenced by gk_graph_Create().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_graph_Free ( gk_graph_t **  graph  ) 

Frees all the memory allocated for a graph.

graph is the graph to be freed.

Definition at line 48 of file graph.c.

References gk_free(), and gk_graph_FreeContents().

Referenced by gk_graph_Prune(), and main().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_graph_FreeContents ( gk_graph_t graph  ) 

Frees only the memory allocated for the graph's different fields and sets them to NULL.

graph is the graph whose contents will be freed.

Definition at line 63 of file graph.c.

References gk_graph_t::adjncy, gk_graph_t::fadjwgt, gk_graph_t::fvsizes, gk_graph_t::fvwgts, gk_free(), gk_graph_t::iadjwgt, gk_graph_t::ivsizes, gk_graph_t::ivwgts, gk_graph_t::vlabels, and gk_graph_t::xadj.

Referenced by gk_graph_Free().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

gk_graph_t* gk_graph_Read ( char *  filename,
int  format,
int  isfewgts,
int  isfvwgts,
int  isfvsizes 

Reads a sparse graph from the supplied file

filename is the file that stores the data.
format is the graph format. The supported values are: GK_GRAPH_FMT_METIS.
isfewgts is 1 if the edge-weights should be read as floats
isfvwgts is 1 if the vertex-weights should be read as floats
isfvsizes is 1 if the vertex-sizes should be read as floats
the graph that was read.

Definition at line 85 of file graph.c.

References gk_graph_t::adjncy, gk_graph_t::fadjwgt, float, gk_graph_t::fvsizes, gk_graph_t::fvwgts, gk_errexit(), gk_fclose(), gk_fexists(), gk_fopen(), gk_free(), gk_getline(), gk_graph_Create(), gk_graph_t::iadjwgt, int, int32_t, gk_graph_t::ivsizes, gk_graph_t::ivwgts, PUP::l, ncon, gk_graph_t::nvtxs, and gk_graph_t::xadj.

Referenced by main().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_graph_Write ( gk_graph_t graph,
char *  filename,
int  format 

Writes a graph into a file.

graph is the graph to be written,
filename is the name of the output file.
format is one of GK_GRAPH_FMT_METIS specifying the format of the output file.

Definition at line 277 of file graph.c.

References gk_graph_t::adjncy, gk_graph_t::fadjwgt, gk_graph_t::fvsizes, gk_graph_t::fvwgts, gk_errexit(), gk_fclose(), gk_fopen(), gk_graph_t::iadjwgt, gk_graph_t::ivsizes, gk_graph_t::ivwgts, gk_graph_t::nvtxs, xadj, and gk_graph_t::xadj.

Referenced by main().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

gk_graph_t* gk_graph_Dup ( gk_graph_t graph  ) 

Returns a copy of a graph.

graph is the graph to be duplicated.
the newly created copy of the graph.

Definition at line 340 of file graph.c.

References gk_graph_t::adjncy, gk_graph_t::fadjwgt, gk_graph_t::fvsizes, gk_graph_t::fvwgts, gk_graph_Create(), gk_graph_t::iadjwgt, gk_graph_t::ivsizes, gk_graph_t::ivwgts, gk_graph_t::nvtxs, gk_graph_t::vlabels, and gk_graph_t::xadj.

Here is the call graph for this function:

gk_graph_t* gk_graph_ExtractSubgraph ( gk_graph_t graph,
int  vstart,
int  nvtxs 

Returns a subgraph containing a set of consecutive vertices.

graph is the original graph.
vstart is the starting vertex.
nvtxs is the number of vertices from vstart to extract.
the newly created subgraph.

Definition at line 391 of file graph.c.

References gk_graph_t::adjncy, gk_graph_t::fadjwgt, gk_graph_t::fvsizes, gk_graph_t::fvwgts, gk_graph_Create(), gk_graph_t::iadjwgt, gk_graph_t::ivsizes, gk_graph_t::ivwgts, gk_graph_t::nvtxs, gk_graph_t::vlabels, and gk_graph_t::xadj.

Here is the call graph for this function:

gk_graph_t* gk_graph_Reorder ( gk_graph_t graph,
int32_t perm,
int32_t iperm 

Returns a graph that has been reordered according to the permutation.

IN] graph is the graph to be re-ordered.
IN] perm is the new ordering of the graph's vertices
IN] iperm is the original ordering of the re-ordered graph's vertices
the newly created copy of the graph.
Either perm or iperm can be NULL but not both.

Definition at line 460 of file graph.c.

References gk_graph_t::adjncy, adjncy, gk_graph_t::fadjwgt, gk_graph_t::fvsizes, gk_graph_t::fvwgts, gk_free(), gk_graph_Create(), gk_graph_t::iadjwgt, int32_t, gk_graph_t::ivsizes, gk_graph_t::ivwgts, gk_graph_t::nvtxs, PUP::u, gk_graph_t::vlabels, gk_graph_t::xadj, and xadj.

Referenced by main().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int gk_graph_FindComponents ( gk_graph_t graph,
int32_t cptr,
int32_t cind 

This function finds the connected components in a graph.

graph is the graph structure
cptr is the ptr structure of the CSR representation of the components. The length of this vector must be graph->nvtxs+1.
cind is the indices structure of the CSR representation of the components. The length of this vector must be graph->nvtxs.
the number of components that it found.
The cptr and cind parameters can be NULL, in which case only the number of connected components is returned.

Definition at line 572 of file graph.c.

References gk_graph_t::adjncy, adjncy, gk_free(), int32_t, gk_graph_t::nvtxs, gk_graph_t::xadj, and xadj.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void gk_graph_ComputeBFSOrdering ( gk_graph_t graph,
int  v,
int32_t **  r_perm,
int32_t **  r_iperm 

This function computes a permutation of the vertices based on a breadth-first-traversal. It can be used for re-ordering the graph to reduce its bandwidth for better cache locality. The algorithm used is a simplified version of the method used to find the connected components.

IN] graph is the graph structure
IN] v is the starting vertex of the BFS
OUT] perm[i] stores the ID of vertex i in the re-ordered graph.
OUT] iperm[i] stores the ID of the vertex that corresponds to the ith vertex in the re-ordered graph.
The perm or iperm (but not both) can be NULL, at which point, the corresponding arrays are not returned. Though the program works fine when both are NULL, doing that is not smart. The returned arrays should be freed with gk_free().

Definition at line 665 of file graph.c.

References gk_graph_t::adjncy, adjncy, gk_free(), int32_t, gk_graph_t::nvtxs, gk_graph_t::xadj, and xadj.

Referenced by main().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_graph_ComputeBestFOrdering0 ( gk_graph_t graph,
int  v,
int  type,
int32_t **  r_perm,
int32_t **  r_iperm 

This function computes a permutation of the vertices based on a best-first-traversal. It can be used for re-ordering the graph to reduce its bandwidth for better cache locality.

IN] graph is the graph structure.
IN] v is the starting vertex of the best-first traversal.
IN] type indicates the criteria to use to measure the 'bestness' of a vertex.
OUT] perm[i] stores the ID of vertex i in the re-ordered graph.
OUT] iperm[i] stores the ID of the vertex that corresponds to the ith vertex in the re-ordered graph.
The perm or iperm (but not both) can be NULL, at which point, the corresponding arrays are not returned. Though the program works fine when both are NULL, doing that is not smart. The returned arrays should be freed with gk_free().

Definition at line 762 of file graph.c.

References gk_graph_t::adjncy, adjncy, degrees, gk_errexit(), gk_free(), gk_i32pq_t, int32_t, gk_graph_t::nvtxs, Ck::IO::open(), perm, PUP::u, gk_graph_t::xadj, and xadj.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void gk_graph_ComputeBestFOrdering ( gk_graph_t graph,
int  v,
int  type,
int32_t **  r_perm,
int32_t **  r_iperm 

This function computes a permutation of the vertices based on a best-first-traversal. It can be used for re-ordering the graph to reduce its bandwidth for better cache locality.

IN] graph is the graph structure.
IN] v is the starting vertex of the best-first traversal.
IN] type indicates the criteria to use to measure the 'bestness' of a vertex.
OUT] perm[i] stores the ID of vertex i in the re-ordered graph.
OUT] iperm[i] stores the ID of the vertex that corresponds to the ith vertex in the re-ordered graph.
The perm or iperm (but not both) can be NULL, at which point, the corresponding arrays are not returned. Though the program works fine when both are NULL, doing that is not smart. The returned arrays should be freed with gk_free().

Definition at line 887 of file graph.c.

References gk_graph_t::adjncy, adjncy, degrees, gk_errexit(), gk_free(), gk_i32pq_t, int32_t, level, gk_graph_t::nvtxs, perm, PUP::u, gk_graph_t::xadj, and xadj.

Referenced by main().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gk_graph_SingleSourceShortestPaths ( gk_graph_t graph,
int  v,
void **  r_sps 

This function computes the single-source shortest path lengths from the root node to all the other nodes in the graph. If the graph is not connected then, the sortest part to the vertices in the other components is -1.

IN] graph is the graph structure.
IN] v is the root of the single-source shortest path computations.
IN] type indicates the criteria to use to measure the 'bestness' of a vertex.
OUT] sps[i] stores the length of the shortest path from v to vertex i. If no such path exists, then it is -1. Note that the returned array will be either an array of int32_t or an array of floats. The specific type is determined by the existance of non NULL iadjwgt and fadjwgt arrays. If both of these arrays exist, then priority is given to iadjwgt.
The returned array should be freed with gk_free().

Definition at line 1084 of file graph.c.

References gk_graph_t::adjncy, adjncy, adjwgt, gk_graph_t::fadjwgt, gk_fpq_t, gk_free(), gk_i32pq_t, gk_graph_t::iadjwgt, int32_t, gk_graph_t::nvtxs, PUP::u, gk_graph_t::xadj, and xadj.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation


Definition at line 21 of file gk_proto.h.

Definition at line 23 of file gk_proto.h.

int double size_t

Definition at line 219 of file gk_proto.h.

Referenced by gk_graph_SingleSourceShortestPaths().

Definition at line 221 of file gk_proto.h.

Generated on Mon Sep 21 08:08:23 2020 for Charm++ by  doxygen 1.5.5