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libs/ck-libs/ParFUM/ParFUM.C File Reference

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enum  PartitionMode { SerialPartitionMode = 1, ParallelPartitionMode = 2, ManualPartitionMode }
enum  MetisGraphType { NodeNeighborMode, FaceNeighborMode }
enum  { FEM_globalID = 33 }


void FEM_Abort (const char *msg)
void FEM_Abort (const char *caller, const char *sprintf_msg, int int0, int int1, int int2)
CLINKAGE void pupFEM_Chunk (pup_er cp)
CLINKAGE void FEM_Init (FEM_Comm_t defaultCommunicator)
 Initialize the FEM framework (must have called MPI_Init).
 FORTRAN_AS_C (FEM_INIT, FEM_Init, fem_init,(int *comm),(*comm)) void FEM_Mesh_list
CLINKAGE int FEM_Mesh_allocate (void)
 mesh creation functions
 FORTRAN_AS_C_RETURN (int, FEM_MESH_ALLOCATE, FEM_Mesh_allocate, fem_mesh_allocate,(void),())
 Return a new'd copy of this class, by calling pup.
CLINKAGE int FEM_Mesh_copy (int fem_mesh)
 build new mesh
 FORTRAN_AS_C_RETURN (int, FEM_MESH_COPY, FEM_Mesh_copy, fem_mesh_copy,(int *m),(*m)) CLINKAGE void FEM_Mesh_deallocate(int fem_mesh)
 FORTRAN_AS_C (FEM_MESH_DEALLOCATE, FEM_Mesh_deallocate, fem_mesh_deallocate,(int *m),(*m)) CLINKAGE int FEM_Mesh_read(const char *prefix
CLINKAGE void FEM_Mesh_partition (int fem_mesh, int nParts, int *destMeshes)
 FORTRAN_AS_C (FEM_MESH_PARTITION, FEM_Mesh_partition, fem_mesh_partition,(int *mesh, int *nParts, int *dest),(*mesh,*nParts, dest)) CLINKAGE int FEM_Mesh_recv(int fromRank
CLINKAGE int FEM_Mesh_broadcast (int fem_mesh, int masterRank, FEM_Comm_t comm_context)
 FORTRAN_AS_C_RETURN (int, FEM_MESH_BROADCAST, FEM_Mesh_broadcast, fem_mesh_broadcast,(int *mesh, int *rank, int *comm),(*mesh,*rank,*comm)) CLINKAGE void FEM_Mesh_copy_globalno(int src_mesh
 n (n_)
 addNodes (addNodes_)
 ends (new int[n])
 adj (new int[2 *userEnds[n-1]])
CLINKAGE void FEM_Add_ghost_stencil_type (int elType, int nElts, int addNodes, const int *ends, const int *adj2)
FLINKAGE void FTN_NAME (FEM_ADD_GHOST_STENCIL_TYPE, fem_add_ghost_stencil_type)
int globalElem2elType (const FEM_Mesh *m, int globalElem)
CLINKAGE void FEM_Add_ghost_stencil (int nElts, int addNodes, const int *ends, const int *adj)
FLINKAGE void FTN_NAME (FEM_ADD_GHOST_STENCIL, fem_add_ghost_stencil)
CLINKAGE void FEM_Add_ghost_layer (int nodesPerTuple, int doAddNodes)
FLINKAGE void FTN_NAME (FEM_ADD_GHOST_LAYER, fem_add_ghost_layer)
static void add_ghost_elem (int elType, int tuplesPerElem, const int *elem2tuple, int idxBase)
CLINKAGE void FEM_Add_ghost_elem (int elType, int tuplesPerElem, const int *elem2tuple)
FLINKAGE void FTN_NAME (FEM_ADD_GHOST_ELEM, fem_add_ghost_elem)
CLINKAGE void FEM_Update_ghost_field (int fid, int elType, void *v_data)
FLINKAGE void FTN_NAME (FEM_UPDATE_GHOST_FIELD, fem_update_ghost_field)
CLINKAGE void FEM_Exchange_ghost_lists (int elemType, int nIdx, const int *localIdx)
FLINKAGE void FTN_NAME (FEM_EXCHANGE_GHOST_LISTS, fem_exchange_ghost_lists)
CLINKAGE int FEM_Get_ghost_list_length (void)
FLINKAGE int FTN_NAME (FEM_GET_GHOST_LIST_LENGTH, fem_get_ghost_list_length)
CLINKAGE void FEM_Get_ghost_list (int *dest)
FLINKAGE void FTN_NAME (FEM_GET_GHOST_LIST, fem_get_ghost_list)
static void getRoccomPconn (IDXL_Side_t is, int bias, CkVec< int > &pconn, const int *paneFmChunk)
 Extract an IDXL_Side_t into Roccom format.
static CkVec< intgetRoccomPconn (int fem_mesh, int *ghost_len, const int *paneFmChunk)
 Extract all FEM communication information into Roccom format.
CLINKAGE void FEM_Get_roccom_pconn_size (int fem_mesh, int *total_len, int *ghost_len)
 FORTRAN_AS_C (FEM_GET_ROCCOM_PCONN_SIZE, FEM_Get_roccom_pconn_size, fem_get_roccom_pconn_size,(int *mesh, int *tl, int *gl),(*mesh, tl, gl)) CLINKAGE void FEM_Get_roccom_pconn(int fem_mesh
int commState (int entityNo, const IDXL_Side &s)
CLINKAGE void FEM_Make_node_globalno (int fem_mesh, FEM_Comm_t comm_context)
 Based on shared node communication list, compute FEM_NODE FEM_GLOBALNO and FEM_NODE_PRIMARY.
 FORTRAN_AS_C (FEM_MAKE_NODE_GLOBALNO, FEM_Make_node_globalno, fem_make_node_globalno,(int *mesh, int *comm),(*mesh,*comm)) class localToGlobal
CLINKAGE void FEM_Add_elem2face_tuples (int fem_mesh, int elem_type, int nodesPerTuple, int tuplesPerElem, const int *elem2tuple)
 Register a set of tuples for a single element type Must be called once for each element type.


int femVersion = 1
static FEM_Partitionmypartition = NULL
PartitionMode FEM_Partition_Mode = SerialPartitionMode
MetisGraphType FEM_Partition_Graph_Type = NodeNeighborMode
int partNo
int tag
const intpaneFmChunk

Generated on Mon Sep 21 08:10:53 2020 for Charm++ by  doxygen 1.5.5