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conv-core/convcore.C File Reference

converse main core More...

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Data Structures

struct  CLA
 This little list of CLA's holds the argument descriptions until it's safe to print them--it's needed because the netlrts- versions don't have printf until they're pretty well started. More...
struct  GroupDef_s
struct  MultiMsg_s
struct  CmiTmpBuf_t
struct  CmiMultipleSendHeader
struct  cmi_cpu_idlerec


typedef unsigned long mmulong
typedef struct GroupDef_sGroupDef
typedef struct MultiMsg_sMultiMsg


enum  { CmiReductionID_globalOffset = 0, CmiReductionID_requestOffset = 1, CmiReductionID_dynamicOffset = 2, CmiReductionID_multiplier = 3 }


void initQd (char **argv)
void CmiPoolAllocInit (int numBins)
 CpvExtern (int, _traceCoreOn)
void CcdModuleInit (char **)
 Initialize the callback containers.
void CmiMemoryInit (char **)
void CldModuleInit (char **)
void traceAddThreadListeners (CthThread tid, struct envelope *env)
void seedBalancerExit (void)
void EmergencyExit (void)
 CpvDeclare (int, _curRestartPhase)
 CpvCExtern (int, interopExitFlag)
 CpvDeclare (int, interopExitFlag)
 CpvStaticDeclare (int, CmiMainHandlerIDP)
 CpvDeclare (char *, _validProcessors)
 CpvExtern (int, n_hapi_events)
void hapiPollEvents ()
void exitHybridAPI ()
 CpvDeclare (mmulong, MemoryUsage)
 CpvDeclare (mmulong, HiWaterMark)
 CpvDeclare (mmulong, ReportedHiWaterMark)
 CpvDeclare (int, AllocCount)
 CpvDeclare (int, BlocksAllocated)
 CpvDeclare (int, expIOFlushFlag)
 CpvDeclare (char *, explicitIOBuffer)
 CpvDeclare (int, expIOBufferSize)
void * CmiGetNonLocalNodeQ ()
 CpvDeclare (Queue, CsdSchedQueue)
 CpvDeclare (Queue, CsdPrefetchQueue)
 CsvDeclare (Queue, CsdNodeQueue)
 CsvDeclare (CmiNodeLock, CsdNodeQueueLock)
 CpvDeclare (int, CsdStopFlag)
 CpvDeclare (int, CsdLocalCounter)
 CpvDeclare (int, _urgentSend)
void * infi_CmiAlloc (int size)
void infi_CmiFree (void *ptr)
void infi_freeMultipleSend (void *ptr)
void infi_unregAndFreeMeta (void *ch)
void * CmiAlloc_bgq (int size)
void CmiFree_bgq (void *buf)
void * CmiAlloc_ppcq (int size)
void CmiFree_ppcq (void *buf)
 CpvDeclare (void *, CkGridObject)
 CpvDeclare (Queue, CsdGridQueue)
void * LrtsAlloc (int, int)
void * LrtsRdmaAlloc (int, int)
void LrtsFree (void *)
void LrtsRdmaFree (void *)
 CpvStaticDeclare (int, cmiMyPeIdle)
 CsvDeclare (unsigned int, idleThreadsCnt)
 CpvDeclare (Queue, CsdTaskQueue)
 CpvDeclare (void *, CmiSuspendedTaskQueue)
 CpvDeclare (int, isHelperOn)
static void CmiAddCLA (const char *arg, const char *param, const char *desc)
 Add this CLA.
static void CmiPrintCLAs (void)
 Print out the stored list of CLA's.
void CmiArgInit (char **argv)
 Determines if command-line usage information should be printed-- that is, if a "-?", "-h", or "--help" flag is present.
int CmiArgGivingUsage (void)
 Return 1 if we're currently printing command-line usage information.
void CmiArgGroup (const char *parentName, const char *groupName)
 Identifies the module that accepts the following command-line parameters.
int CmiGetArgc (char **argv)
 Count the number of non-NULL arguments in list.
char ** CmiCopyArgs (char **argv)
 Return a new, heap-allocated copy of the argv array.
void CmiDeleteArgs (char **argv, int k)
 Delete the first k argument from the given list, shifting all other arguments down by k spaces.
int CmiGetArgStringDesc (char **argv, const char *arg, char **optDest, const char *desc)
 Find the given argment and string option in argv.
int CmiGetArgString (char **argv, const char *arg, char **optDest)
int CmiGetArgDoubleDesc (char **argv, const char *arg, double *optDest, const char *desc)
 Find the given argument and floating-point option in argv.
int CmiGetArgDouble (char **argv, const char *arg, double *optDest)
int CmiGetArgIntDesc (char **argv, const char *arg, int *optDest, const char *desc)
 Find the given argument and integer option in argv.
int CmiGetArgInt (char **argv, const char *arg, int *optDest)
int CmiGetArgLongDesc (char **argv, const char *arg, CmiInt8 *optDest, const char *desc)
int CmiGetArgLong (char **argv, const char *arg, CmiInt8 *optDest)
int CmiGetArgFlagDesc (char **argv, const char *arg, const char *desc)
 Find the given argument in argv.
int CmiGetArgFlag (char **argv, const char *arg)
void CmiDeprecateArgInt (char **argv, const char *arg, const char *desc, const char *warning)
static char * _implTrimParenthesis (char *str, int trimname)
static const char * _implGetBacktraceSys (const char *name)
void CmiBacktracePrint (void **retPtrs, int nLevels)
 Print out the names of these function pointers.
void CmiPrintStackTrace (int nSkip)
int CmiIsFortranLibraryCall (void)
 CpvDeclare (int, CstatsMaxChareQueueLength)
 CpvDeclare (int, CstatsMaxForChareQueueLength)
 CpvDeclare (int, CstatsMaxFixedChareQueueLength)
 CpvStaticDeclare (int, CstatPrintQueueStatsFlag)
 CpvStaticDeclare (int, CstatPrintMemStatsFlag)
void CstatsInit (char **argv)
int CstatMemory (int i)
int CstatPrintQueueStats (void)
int CstatPrintMemStats (void)
 CpvDeclare (CmiHandlerInfo *, CmiHandlerTable)
 CpvStaticDeclare (int, CmiHandlerCount)
 CpvStaticDeclare (int, CmiHandlerLocal)
 CpvStaticDeclare (int, CmiHandlerGlobal)
 CpvDeclare (int, CmiHandlerMax)
static void CmiExtendHandlerTable (int atLeastLen)
void CmiAssignOnce (int *variable, int value)
void CmiNumberHandler (int n, CmiHandler h)
void CmiNumberHandlerEx (int n, CmiHandlerEx h, void *userPtr)
int CmiRegisterHandler (CmiHandler h)
void CmiRegisterHandlerAssignOnce (CmiHandler h, int *index)
int CmiRegisterHandlerEx (CmiHandlerEx h, void *userPtr)
void CmiRegisterHandlerExAssignOnce (CmiHandlerEx h, void *userPtr, int *index)
int CmiRegisterHandlerLocal (CmiHandler h)
int CmiRegisterHandlerGlobal (CmiHandler h)
static void _cmiZeroHandler (void *msg)
static void CmiHandlerInit (void)
char * CmiPrintDate (void)
 CpvStaticDeclare (double, clocktick)
 CpvStaticDeclare (int, inittime_wallclock)
 CpvStaticDeclare (int, inittime_virtual)
int CmiTimerIsSynchronized (void)
int CmiTimerAbsolute (void)
double CmiStartTimer (void)
double CmiInitTime (void)
void CmiTimerInit (char **argv)
double CmiWallTimer (void)
double CmiCpuTimer (void)
double CmiTimer (void)
 CpvStaticDeclare (double, inittime_virtual)
static double readMHz (void)
 CpvStaticDeclare (double, inittime_walltime)
 CpvStaticDeclare (unsigned long, inittime)
 CpvStaticDeclare (uint64_t, inittime)
static uint64_t PPC64_TimeBase (void)
 CpvStaticDeclare (double, inittime_wallclock)
 CpvStaticDeclare (long long, inittime_wallclock)
int CmiLongSendQueue (int forNode, int longerThanBytes)
 Return 1 if our outgoing message queue for this node is longer than this many bytes.
void CmiSignal (int sig1, int sig2, int sig3, void(*handler)(int))
void CsdBeginIdle (void)
void CsdStillIdle (void)
void CsdEndIdle (void)
void CmiHandleMessage (void *msg)
 Takes a message and calls its corresponding handler.
void CmiDeliversInit (void)
int CmiDeliverMsgs (int maxmsgs)
 CpvDeclare (void *, CsdObjQueue)
void CsdSchedulerState_new (CsdSchedulerState_t *s)
void * CsdNextMessage (CsdSchedulerState_t *s)
 Dequeue and return the next message from the unprocessed message queues.
void * CsdNextLocalNodeMessage (CsdSchedulerState_t *s)
int CsdScheduler (int maxmsgs)
void machine_OffloadAPIProgress (void)
void CsdScheduleForever (void)
 The main scheduler loop that repeatedly executes messages from a queue, forever.
int CsdScheduleCount (int maxmsgs)
void CsdSchedulePoll (void)
void CsdScheduleNodePoll (void)
void CmiDeliverSpecificMsg (int handler)
 CpvStaticDeclare (CthThread, CthMainThread)
 CpvStaticDeclare (CthThread, CthSchedulingThread)
 CpvStaticDeclare (CthThread, CthSleepingStandins)
 CpvDeclare (int, CthResumeNormalThreadIdx)
 CpvStaticDeclare (int, CthResumeSchedulingThreadIdx)
 CpvDeclare (int, CthResumeStealableThreadIdx)
 CpvDeclare (int, CthResumeSuspendedStealableThreadIdx)
void CthStandinCode (void *arg)
static CthThread CthSuspendNormalThread (void)
void CthEnqueueSchedulingThread (CthThreadToken *token, int, int, unsigned int *)
CthThread CthSuspendSchedulingThread (void)
void CthResumeNormalThread (CthThreadToken *token)
void CthResumeSchedulingThread (CthThreadToken *token)
void CthEnqueueNormalThread (CthThreadToken *token, int s, int pb, unsigned int *prio)
void CthSetStrategyDefault (CthThread t)
void CthResumeStealableThread (CthThreadToken *token)
void CthEnqueueStealableThread (CthThreadToken *token, int s, int pb, unsigned int *prio)
void CthEnqueueSuspendedStealableThread (CthThreadToken *token, int s, int pb, unsigned int *prio)
void CthResumeSuspendedStealableThread (CthThreadToken *token)
CthThread CthSuspendStealableThread ()
void CthSetStrategyWorkStealing (CthThread t)
void CthSetStrategySuspendedWorkStealing (CthThread t)
void CthSchedInit ()
void CsdInit (char **argv)
void CmiSyncVectorSend (int destPE, int n, int *sizes, char **msgs)
CmiCommHandle CmiASyncVectorSend (int destPE, int n, int *sizes, char **msgs)
void CmiSyncVectorSendAndFree (int destPE, int n, int *sizes, char **msgs)
 CpvStaticDeclare (int, CmiReductionMessageHandler)
 CpvStaticDeclare (int, CmiReductionDynamicRequestHandler)
 CpvStaticDeclare (CmiReduction **, _reduce_info)
 CpvStaticDeclare (int, _reduce_info_size)
 CpvStaticDeclare (CmiUInt2, _reduce_seqID_global)
 CpvStaticDeclare (CmiUInt2, _reduce_seqID_request)
 CpvStaticDeclare (CmiUInt2, _reduce_seqID_dynamic)
CmiReductionCmiGetReductionCreate (int id, short int numChildren)
CmiReductionCmiGetReduction (int id)
void CmiClearReduction (int id)
CmiReductionCmiGetNextReduction (short int numChildren)
CmiReductionID CmiGetGlobalReduction (void)
CmiReductionID CmiGetDynamicReduction (void)
void CmiReductionHandleDynamicRequest (char *msg)
void CmiGetDynamicReductionRemote (int handlerIdx, int pe, int dataSize, void *data)
void CmiSendReduce (CmiReduction *red)
void * CmiReduceMergeFn_random (int *size, void *data, void **remote, int n)
void CmiResetGlobalReduceSeqID (void)
static void CmiGlobalReduce (void *msg, int size, CmiReduceMergeFn mergeFn, CmiReduction *red)
static void CmiGlobalReduceStruct (void *data, CmiReducePupFn pupFn, CmiReduceMergeFn mergeFn, CmiHandler dest, CmiReduceDeleteFn deleteFn, CmiReduction *red)
void CmiReduce (void *msg, int size, CmiReduceMergeFn mergeFn)
void CmiReduceStruct (void *data, CmiReducePupFn pupFn, CmiReduceMergeFn mergeFn, CmiHandler dest, CmiReduceDeleteFn deleteFn)
void CmiReduceID (void *msg, int size, CmiReduceMergeFn mergeFn, CmiReductionID id)
void CmiReduceStructID (void *data, CmiReducePupFn pupFn, CmiReduceMergeFn mergeFn, CmiHandler dest, CmiReduceDeleteFn deleteFn, CmiReductionID id)
void CmiListReduce (int npes, int *pes, void *msg, int size, CmiReduceMergeFn mergeFn, CmiReductionID id)
void CmiListReduceStruct (int npes, int *pes, void *data, CmiReducePupFn pupFn, CmiReduceMergeFn mergeFn, CmiHandler dest, CmiReduceDeleteFn deleteFn, CmiReductionID id)
void CmiGroupReduce (CmiGroup grp, void *msg, int size, CmiReduceMergeFn mergeFn, CmiReductionID id)
void CmiGroupReduceStruct (CmiGroup grp, void *data, CmiReducePupFn pupFn, CmiReduceMergeFn mergeFn, CmiHandler dest, CmiReduceDeleteFn deleteFn, CmiReductionID id)
void CmiNodeReduce (void *data, int size, CmiReduceMergeFn mergeFn, int redID, int numChildren, int parent)
void CmiNodeReduce (void *data, int size, void *(*mergeFn)(void *, void **, int), int redID)
void CmiNodeReduce (void *data, int size, void *(*mergeFn)(void *, void **, int), int numChildren, int parent)
void CmiNodeReduce (void *data, int size, void *(*mergeFn)(void *, void **, int))
void CmiNodeReduceStruct (void *data, CmiReducePupFn pupFn, CmiReduceMergeFn mergeFn, CmiHandler dest, CmiReduceDeleteFn deleteFn)
void CmiHandleReductionMessage (void *msg)
void CmiReductionsInit (void)
 CpvStaticDeclare (int, CmiGroupHandlerIndex)
 CpvStaticDeclare (int, CmiGroupCounter)
 CpvStaticDeclare (GroupDef *, CmiGroupTable)
void CmiGroupHandler (GroupDef def)
CmiGroup CmiEstablishGroup (int npes, int *pes)
void CmiLookupGroup (CmiGroup grp, int *npes, int **pes)
void CmiGroupInit (void)
void CmiSyncListSendFn (int npes, const int *pes, int len, char *msg)
CmiCommHandle CmiAsyncListSendFn (int npes, const int *pes, int len, char *msg)
void CmiFreeListSendFn (int npes, const int *pes, int len, char *msg)
 CpvDeclare (int, CmiMulticastHandlerIndex)
void CmiMulticastDeliver (MultiMsg msg)
void CmiMulticastHandler (MultiMsg msg)
void CmiSyncMulticastFn (CmiGroup grp, int len, char *msg)
void CmiFreeMulticastFn (CmiGroup grp, int len, char *msg)
CmiCommHandle CmiAsyncMulticastFn (CmiGroup grp, int len, char *msg)
void CmiMulticastInit (void)
void * arena_malloc (int size)
void arena_free (void *blockPtr)
void * CmiAlloc (int size)
 Allocate `size` bytes of memory usable as a message buffer.
void * CmiRdmaAlloc (int size)
static void * CmiAllocFindEnclosing (void *blk)
 Follow the header links out to the most enclosing block.
void CmiInitMsgHeader (void *msg, int size)
int CmiGetReference (void *blk)
void CmiReference (void *blk)
 Increment the reference count for this block's owner.
int CmiSize (void *blk)
 Return the size of the user portion of this block.
void CmiFree (void *blk)
 Decrement the reference count for this block.
void CmiRdmaFree (void *blk)
 CpvDeclare (CmiTmpBuf_t, CmiTmpBuf)
static void CmiTmpSetup (CmiTmpBuf_t *b)
void * CmiTmpAlloc (int size)
void CmiTmpFree (void *t)
void CmiTmpInit (char **argv)
void CmiMkdir (const char *dirName)
int CmiGetPageSize (void)
static int roundUpSize (unsigned int s)
static int paddingSize (unsigned int s)
static void _CmiMultipleSend (unsigned int destPE, int len, int sizes[], char *msgComps[], int immed)
void CmiMultipleSend (unsigned int destPE, int len, int sizes[], char *msgComps[])
void CmiMultipleIsend (unsigned int destPE, int len, int sizes[], char *msgComps[])
static void CmiMultiMsgHandler (char *msgWhole)
void CmiInitMultipleSend (void)
int HypercubeGetBcastDestinations (int mype, int total_pes, int k, int *dest_pes)
 CpvDeclare (int, CmiImmediateMsgHandlerIdx)
static void CmiImmediateMsgHandler (char *msg)
void CmiInitImmediateMsg (void)
static void on_timeout (cmi_cpu_idlerec *rec, double curWallTime)
static void on_idle (cmi_cpu_idlerec *rec, double curWallTime)
static void on_busy (cmi_cpu_idlerec *rec, double curWallTime)
static void CIdleTimeoutInit (char **argv)
void CrnInit (void)
void CmiIsomallocInit (char **argv)
void CmiIOInit (char **argv)
void CmiInitCPUAffinityUtil (void)
static void CmiProcessPriority (char **argv)
void CommunicationServerInit (void)
static int testEndian (void)
int CmiEndianness (void)
static void checkTSanOptions (void)
void ConverseCommonInit (char **argv)
 Main Converse initialization routine.
void ConverseCommonExit (void)
void register_accel_spe_funcs (void)
void CmiInitCell (void)
void CmiPrintf (const char *format,...)
void CmiError (const char *format,...)
void __cmi_assert (const char *errmsg)
char * CmiCopyMsg (char *msg, int len)
unsigned char computeCheckSum (unsigned char *data, int len)
unsigned int CmiILog2 (unsigned int val)
double CmiLog2 (double x)
int CmiMyRank_ (void)
double CmiReadSize (const char *str)
void CmiSetPeHelpsOtherThreads (int input)


const char *const CmiCommitID
CmiSwitchToPEFnPtr CmiSwitchToPE
static int CsdLocalMax = CSD_LOCAL_MAX_DEFAULT
int CharmLibInterOperate = 0
void(* notify_crash_fn )(int) = NULL
pthread_mutex_t prefetchLock
CmiNodeLock _smp_mutex
int CmiMyLocalRank
int DataNodeSize
int MaxDataNodes
int QueueUpperBound
int DataNodeWrap
int QueueWrap
int messageQueueOverflow
static int usageChecked = 0
static int printUsage = 0
static const char * CLAformatString = "%20s %10s %s\n"
static int CLAlistLen = 0
static int CLAlistMax = 0
static CLACLAlist = NULL
static int _absoluteTime = 0
static double inittime_wallclock
static double lastT = -1.0
double _cpu_speed_factor
static double clocktick
int _exitHandlerIdx
int _immediateLock = 0
int _immediateFlag = 0
int ccsRunning
int quietModeRequested
int quietMode
CmiSpanningTreeInfo_topoTree = NULL
int _BgOutOfCoreFlag = 0
int _BgInOutOfCoreMode = 0

Detailed Description

converse main core

Definition in file convcore.C.

Generated on Mon Sep 21 08:00:37 2020 for Charm++ by  doxygen 1.5.5