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conv-core/converse.h File Reference

Main Converse header file. More...

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Data Structures

struct  PartitionInfo
struct  CmiSpanningTreeInfo
struct  CmiHwlocTopology
struct  CmiHandlerInfo
struct  CmiChunkHeader
 This header goes before each chunk of memory allocated with CmiAlloc. More...
struct  infiCmiChunkHeaderHelper
struct  infiCmiChunkHeaderStruct
struct  CsdSchedulerState_t
struct  CmiReduction
struct  CthThreadToken
struct  CthThreadListener
struct  Cfuture_s
struct  _CmiObjId
struct  CmiFragmentHeader
struct  CmiNotifyCommThdMsg


typedef int CmiNodeLock
typedef int CmiImmediateLockType
typedef struct
typedef void(* CmiStartFn )(int argc, char **argv)
typedef void *(* CmiReduceMergeFn )(int *, void *, void **, int)
typedef void(* CmiReducePupFn )(void *, void *)
typedef void(* CmiReduceDeleteFn )(void *)
typedef CmiUInt2 CmiReductionID
typedef struct CthThreadStructCthThread
typedef void(* CthVoidFn )(void *)
typedef void(* CthAwkFn )(CthThreadToken *, int, int prioBits, unsigned int *prioptr)
typedef CthThread(* CthThFn )(void)
typedef struct CtgGlobalStructCtgGlobals
typedef void(* CthThreadListener_suspend )(struct CthThreadListener *l)
typedef void(* CthThreadListener_resume )(struct CthThreadListener *l)
typedef void(* CthThreadListener_free )(struct CthThreadListener *l)
typedef struct Cfuture_s Cfuture
typedef void(* CldPackFn )(void *msg)
typedef void(* CldInfoFn )(void *msg, CldPackFn *packer, int *len, int *queueing, int *priobits, unsigned int **prioptr)
typedef int(* CldEstimator )(void)
typedef struct CmmTableStructCmmTable
typedef void(* CmmPupMessageFn )(pup_er p, void **msg)
typedef void(* CcdVoidFn )(void *userParam, double curWallTime)
typedef int(* CmiSwitchToPEFnPtr )(int pe)
typedef struct _CmiObjId CmiObjId
typedef void(* CmiCommThdFnPtr )(int numParams, void *params)


enum  memory_order {
  memory_order_relaxed = __ATOMIC_RELAXED, memory_order_consume = __ATOMIC_CONSUME, memory_order_acquire = __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE, memory_order_release = __ATOMIC_RELEASE,
  memory_order_acq_rel = __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL, memory_order_seq_cst = __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST


void CpdSetInitializeMemory (int v)
void CpdSystemEnter (void)
void CpdSystemExit (void)
int setMemoryChareIDFromPtr (void *p)
void setMemoryChareID (int id)
void setMemoryOwnedBy (void *p, int id)
int CmiMyRank_ (void)
void CmiCreatePartitions (char **argv)
void CmiSetNumPartitions (int nump)
void CmiSetMasterPartition (void)
void CmiSetPartitionSizes (char *size)
void CmiSetPartitionScheme (int scheme)
void CmiSetCustomPartitioning (void)
int CmiMyPeGlobal (void)
int CmiNodeSpan (void)
int node_lToGTranslate (int node, int partition)
int node_gToLTranslate (int node)
int pe_lToGTranslate (int pe, int partition)
int pe_gToLTranslate (int pe)
void CmiMemLock (void)
void CmiMemUnlock (void)
int CmiMyPe (void)
int CmiMyRank (void)
int CmiNodeSize (int node)
int CmiNodeFirst (int node)
int CmiNodeOf (int pe)
int CmiRankOf (int pe)
void CmiNodeBarrier (void)
void CmiNodeAllBarrier (void)
CmiNodeLock CmiCreateLock (void)
void CmiDestroyLock (CmiNodeLock lock)
void CmiMemcpy_qpx (void *dst, const void *src, size_t n)
void CmiLock (CmiNodeLock lock)
void CmiUnlock (CmiNodeLock lock)
int CmiTryLock (CmiNodeLock lock)
int CmiBarrier (void)
int CmiBarrierZero (void)
int CmiNumCores (void)
int CmiCpuTopologyEnabled (void)
int CmiPeOnSamePhysicalNode (int pe1, int pe2)
int CmiNumPhysicalNodes (void)
int CmiPhysicalNodeID (int pe)
int CmiNumPesOnPhysicalNode (int node)
void CmiGetPesOnPhysicalNode (int node, int **pelist, int *num)
int CmiGetFirstPeOnPhysicalNode (int node)
int CmiPhysicalRank (int pe)
void CmiInitCPUAffinity (char **argv)
int CmiPrintCPUAffinity (void)
int CmiSetCPUAffinity (int core)
void CmiInitCPUTopology (char **argv)
int CmiOnCore (void)
void CmiInitHwlocTopology (void)
int CmiLongSendQueue (int forNode, int longerThanBytes)
 Return 1 if our outgoing message queue for this node is longer than this many bytes.
 CpvExtern (CmiHandlerInfo *, CmiHandlerTable)
 CpvExtern (int, CmiHandlerMax)
 CpvExtern (Queue, CsdSchedQueue)
 CpvExtern (Queue, CsdTaskQueue)
 CpvExtern (void *, CmiSuspendedTaskQueue)
 CpvExtern (Queue, CsdGridQueue)
 CpvExtern (Queue, CsdObjQueue)
 CsvExtern (Queue, CsdNodeQueue)
 CsvExtern (CmiNodeLock, CsdNodeQueueLock)
 CpvExtern (int, CsdStopFlag)
 CpvExtern (int, CsdLocalCount)
void CmiAssignOnce (int *variable, int value)
int CmiRegisterHandler (CmiHandler h)
int CmiRegisterHandlerEx (CmiHandlerEx h, void *userPtr)
int CmiRegisterHandlerLocal (CmiHandler)
int CmiRegisterHandlerGlobal (CmiHandler)
void CmiNumberHandler (int n, CmiHandler h)
void CmiNumberHandlerEx (int n, CmiHandlerEx h, void *userPtr)
 CpvExtern (int, _curRestartPhase)
struct infiCmiChunkMetaDataStruct * registerMultiSendMesg (char *msg, int msgSize)
void * malloc_nomigrate (size_t size)
void free_nomigrate (void *ptr)
void * CmiAlloc (int size)
 Allocate `size` bytes of memory usable as a message buffer.
void CmiReference (void *blk)
 Increment the reference count for this block's owner.
int CmiGetReference (void *blk)
int CmiSize (void *blk)
 Return the size of the user portion of this block.
void CmiFree (void *blk)
 Decrement the reference count for this block.
void CmiRdmaFree (void *blk)
void CmiInitMsgHeader (void *msg, int size)
void * CmiTmpAlloc (int size)
void CmiTmpFree (void *)
void CmiMemoryCheck (void)
void CmiMemoryMark (void)
void CmiMemoryMarkBlock (void *blk)
void CmiMemorySweep (const char *where)
CMK_TYPEDEF_UINT8 CmiMemoryUsage (void)
 Return number of bytes currently allocated, if possible.
const char * CmiMemoryUsageReporter (void)
CMK_TYPEDEF_UINT8 CmiMaxMemoryUsageR (void)
CMK_TYPEDEF_UINT8 CmiMaxMemoryUsage (void)
 Return number of maximum number of bytes allocated since the last call to CmiResetMaxMemory(), if possible.
void CmiResetMaxMemory (void)
 Reset the mechanism that records the highest seen (high watermark) memory usage.
CMK_TYPEDEF_UINT8 CmiMinMemoryUsage (void)
void CmiResetMinMemory (void)
void * CmiMallocAligned (const size_t size, const unsigned int alignment)
void CmiFreeAligned (void *ptr)
int CmiMemoryIs (int flag)
int CmiThreadIs (int flag)
void CmiMkdir (const char *dirName)
int CmiGetPageSize (void)
double CmiCpuTimer (void)
static __inline__ unsigned
long long int 
rdtsc (void)
double CmiStartTimer (void)
double CmiInitTime (void)
void CmiTimerInit (char **argv)
int CmiTimerAbsolute (void)
double CmiTimer (void)
double CmiWallTimer (void)
int CmiTimerIsSynchronized (void)
char * CmiPrintDate (void)
void CmiPrintf (const char *,...)
void CmiError (const char *,...)
int CmiScanf (const char *,...)
void __cmi_assert (const char *)
 CpvExtern (int, _ccd_numchecks)
void CcdCallBacks (void)
void CsdEndIdle (void)
void CsdStillIdle (void)
void CsdBeginIdle (void)
void CsdSchedulerState_new (CsdSchedulerState_t *state)
void * CsdNextMessage (CsdSchedulerState_t *state)
 Dequeue and return the next message from the unprocessed message queues.
void * CsdNextLocalNodeMessage (CsdSchedulerState_t *state)
void * CmiGetNonLocal (void)
void CmiNotifyIdle (void)
int CsdScheduler (int maxmsgs)
void CsdScheduleForever (void)
 The main scheduler loop that repeatedly executes messages from a queue, forever.
int CsdScheduleCount (int maxmsgs)
void CsdSchedulePoll (void)
void CsdScheduleNodePoll (void)
int CmiNumSpanTreeChildren (int)
int CmiSpanTreeParent (int)
void CmiSpanTreeChildren (int node, int *children)
int CmiNumNodeSpanTreeChildren (int)
int CmiNodeSpanTreeParent (int)
void CmiNodeSpanTreeChildren (int node, int *children)
void CmiGroupInit (void)
CmiGroup CmiEstablishGroup (int npes, int *pes)
void CmiLookupGroup (CmiGroup grp, int *npes, int **pes)
void CmiPushPE (int, void *)
void CmiSuspendedTaskEnqueue (int targetRank, void *msg)
void * CmiSuspendedTaskPop (void)
void CmiSyncSendFn (int, int, char *)
CmiCommHandle CmiAsyncSendFn (int, int, char *)
void CmiFreeSendFn (int, int, char *)
void CmiSyncBroadcastFn (int, char *)
CmiCommHandle CmiAsyncBroadcastFn (int, char *)
void CmiFreeBroadcastFn (int, char *)
void CmiSyncBroadcastAllFn (int, char *)
CmiCommHandle CmiAsyncBroadcastAllFn (int, char *)
void CmiFreeBroadcastAllFn (int, char *)
void CmiSyncListSendFn (int, const int *, int, char *)
CmiCommHandle CmiAsyncListSendFn (int, const int *, int, char *)
void CmiFreeListSendFn (int, const int *, int, char *)
void CmiFreeNodeListSendFn (int, const int *, int, char *)
void CmiSyncMulticastFn (CmiGroup, int, char *)
CmiCommHandle CmiAsyncMulticastFn (CmiGroup, int, char *)
void CmiFreeMulticastFn (CmiGroup, int, char *)
void CmiInterSyncSendFn (int, int, int, char *)
void CmiInterFreeSendFn (int, int, int, char *)
void * CmiReduceMergeFn_random (int *, void *, void **, int)
void CmiReduce (void *msg, int size, CmiReduceMergeFn mergeFn)
void CmiReduceStruct (void *data, CmiReducePupFn pupFn, CmiReduceMergeFn mergeFn, CmiHandler dest, CmiReduceDeleteFn deleteFn)
void CmiReduceID (void *msg, int size, CmiReduceMergeFn mergeFn, CmiReductionID id)
void CmiReduceStructID (void *data, CmiReducePupFn pupFn, CmiReduceMergeFn mergeFn, CmiHandler dest, CmiReduceDeleteFn deleteFn, CmiReductionID id)
void CmiListReduce (int npes, int *pes, void *msg, int size, CmiReduceMergeFn mergeFn, CmiReductionID id)
void CmiListReduceStruct (int npes, int *pes, void *data, CmiReducePupFn pupFn, CmiReduceMergeFn mergeFn, CmiHandler dest, CmiReduceDeleteFn deleteFn, CmiReductionID id)
void CmiGroupReduce (CmiGroup grp, void *msg, int size, CmiReduceMergeFn mergeFn, CmiReductionID id)
void CmiGroupReduceStruct (CmiGroup grp, void *data, CmiReducePupFn pupFn, CmiReduceMergeFn mergeFn, CmiHandler dest, CmiReduceDeleteFn deleteFn, CmiReductionID id)
void CmiNodeReduce (void *msg, int size, CmiReduceMergeFn mergeFn, int, int, int)
void CmiNodeReduceStruct (void *data, CmiReducePupFn pupFn, CmiReduceMergeFn mergeFn, CmiHandler dest, CmiReduceDeleteFn deleteFn)
int CmiGetReductionHandler (void)
CmiHandler CmiGetReductionDestination (void)
CmiReductionID CmiGetGlobalReduction (void)
CmiReductionID CmiGetDynamicReduction (void)
void CmiGetDynamicReductionRemote (int handlerIdx, int pe, int dataSize, void *data)
void CmiResetGlobalReduceSeqID (void)
void CmiSyncVectorSend (int, int, int *, char **)
CmiCommHandle CmiAsyncVectorSend (int, int, int *, char **)
void CmiSyncVectorSendAndFree (int, int, int *, char **)
void CmiMultipleSend (unsigned int, int, int *, char **)
void CmiMultipleIsend (unsigned int, int, int *, char **)
int CmiAsyncMsgSent (CmiCommHandle)
void CmiReleaseCommHandle (CmiCommHandle)
void CmiSyncNodeSendFn (int, int, char *)
CmiCommHandle CmiAsyncNodeSendFn (int, int, char *)
void CmiFreeNodeSendFn (int, int, char *)
void CmiSyncNodeBroadcastFn (int, char *)
CmiCommHandle CmiAsyncNodeBroadcastFn (int, char *)
void CmiFreeNodeBroadcastFn (int, char *)
void CmiSyncNodeBroadcastAllFn (int, char *)
CmiCommHandle CmiAsyncNodeBroadcastAllFn (int, char *)
void CmiFreeNodeBroadcastAllFn (int, char *)
void CmiInterSyncNodeSendFn (int, int, int, char *)
void CmiInterFreeNodeSendFn (int, int, int, char *)
void CmiDeliversInit (void)
int CmiDeliverMsgs (int maxmsgs)
void CmiDeliverSpecificMsg (int handler)
void CmiHandleMessage (void *msg)
 Takes a message and calls its corresponding handler.
CthThreadTokenCthGetToken (CthThread)
void CthSetSerialNo (CthThread t, int no)
int CthImplemented (void)
int CthMigratable (void)
CthThread CthPup (pup_er, CthThread)
CthThread CthSelf (void)
CthThread CthCreate (CthVoidFn, void *, int)
CthThread CthCreateMigratable (CthVoidFn, void *, int)
void CthResume (CthThread)
void CthFree (CthThread)
void CthSetSuspendable (CthThread, int)
int CthIsSuspendable (CthThread)
void CthPrintThdMagic (CthThread)
void CthPrintThdStack (CthThread)
void CthSuspend (void)
void CthAwaken (CthThread)
void CthAwakenPrio (CthThread, int, int, unsigned int *)
void CthSetStrategy (CthThread, CthAwkFn, CthThFn)
void CthSetStrategyDefault (CthThread)
void CthSetStrategyWorkStealing (CthThread)
void CthSetStrategySuspendedWorkStealing (CthThread)
int CthScheduled (CthThread t)
void CthScheduledDecrement (void)
CthThread CthGetCurrentThread (void)
 CpvExtern (int, prevGtid)
void CthSetPrev (CthThread t, CthThread prev)
void CthYield (void)
void CthYieldPrio (int, int, unsigned int *)
void CthSetNext (CthThread t, CthThread next)
CthThread CthGetNext (CthThread t)
void CthSetEventInfo (CthThread t, int event, int srcPE)
void CthSwitchThread (CthThread t)
 switch the thread to t
size_t CthStackOffset (CthThread t, char *p)
char * CthPointer (CthThread t, size_t pos)
void CthAutoYield (CthThread t, int flag)
double CthAutoYieldFreq (CthThread t)
void CthAutoYieldBlock (void)
void CthAutoYieldUnblock (void)
void CtgInit (void)
 Initialize the globals support (called on each processor).
 CpvExtern (int, CmiPICMethod)
CtgGlobals CtgCreate (CthThread tid)
 Copy the current globals into this new set.
void CtgInstall (CtgGlobals g)
 Install this set of globals.
CtgGlobals CtgPup (pup_er, CtgGlobals g)
 PUP this (not currently installed) globals set.
void CtgFree (CtgGlobals g)
 Delete this (not currently installed) set of globals.
CtgGlobals CtgCurrentGlobals (void)
 Return the current global list.
void CtgInstallTLS (void *cur, void *next)
 for TLS globals
void CtgInstallMainThreadTLS (void *cur)
void CtgInstallCthTLS (void *cur, void *next)
void CmiEnableTLS (void)
void CmiDisableTLS (void)
void CthAddListener (CthThread th, struct CthThreadListener *l)
 This listener is about to begin receiving suspend and resume events for this thread.
void CthUserAddListeners (CthThread th)
 This is function is inserted into .def.h after thread creation.
 CthCpvExtern (char *, CthData)
size_t CthRegister (size_t dataSize)
 Allocate another size bytes of thread-local storage, and return the offset into the thread storage buffer.
void CthRegistered (size_t dataOffMax)
 Make sure we have room to store up to at least maxOffset bytes of thread-local storage.
char * CthGetData (CthThread t)
Cfuture CfutureCreate (void)
void CfutureSet (Cfuture f, void *val, int len)
void * CfutureWait (Cfuture f)
void CfutureDestroy (Cfuture f)
void * CfutureCreateBuffer (int bytes)
void CfutureDestroyBuffer (void *val)
void CfutureStoreBuffer (Cfuture f, void *value)
void CfutureInit (void)
int CldRegisterInfoFn (CldInfoFn fn)
int CldRegisterPackFn (CldPackFn fn)
void CldRegisterEstimator (CldEstimator fn)
int CldEstimate (void)
const char * CldGetStrategy (void)
void CldEnqueue (int pe, void *msg, int infofn)
void CldEnqueueMulti (int npes, const int *pes, void *msg, int infofn)
void CldEnqueueGroup (CmiGroup grp, void *msg, int infofn)
void CldNodeEnqueue (int node, void *msg, int infofn)
CmmTable CmmPup (pup_er p, CmmTable t, CmmPupMessageFn msgpup)
CmmTable CmmNew (void)
void CmmFree (CmmTable t)
void CmmFreeAll (CmmTable t)
void CmmPut (CmmTable t, int ntags, int *tags, void *msg)
void * CmmFind (CmmTable t, int ntags, int *tags, int *returntags, int del)
int CmmEntries (CmmTable t)
int CmmGetLastTag (CmmTable t, int ntags, int *tags)
void ConverseInit (int, char **, CmiStartFn, int, int)
void realConverseExit (int exitcode)
void ConverseCleanup (void)
CMK_NORETURN void CmiAbort (const char *)
 Serial version of common Charm++ routines:.
void CmiOutOfMemory (int nBytes)
void CcdCallFnAfter (CcdVoidFn fnp, void *arg, double msecs)
 Register a callback function that will be triggered after a minimum delay of deltaT.
int CcdCallOnCondition (int condnum, CcdVoidFn fnp, void *arg)
 Register a callback function that will be triggered when the specified condition is raised the next time.
int CcdCallOnConditionKeep (int condnum, CcdVoidFn fnp, void *arg)
 Register a callback function that will be triggered *whenever* the specified condition is raised.
void CcdCallFnAfterOnPE (CcdVoidFn fnp, void *arg, double msecs, int pe)
 Register a callback function that will be triggered on the specified PE after a minimum delay of deltaT.
int CcdCallOnConditionOnPE (int condnum, CcdVoidFn fnp, void *arg, int pe)
 Register a callback function that will be triggered on the specified PE when the specified condition is raised the next time.
int CcdCallOnConditionKeepOnPE (int condnum, CcdVoidFn fnp, void *arg, int pe)
 Register a callback function that will be triggered on the specified PE *whenever* the specified condition is raised.
void CcdCancelCallOnCondition (int condnum, int idx)
 Cancel a previously registered conditional callback.
void CcdCancelCallOnConditionKeep (int condnum, int idx)
 Cancel a previously registered conditional callback.
void CcdRaiseCondition (int condnum)
 Raise a condition causing all registered callbacks corresponding to that condition to be triggered.
double CcdSetResolution (double newResolution)
 Set the polling resolution for time based callbacks.
double CcdResetResolution (void)
 Reset the polling resolution for time based callbacks to its default value.
double CcdIncreaseResolution (double newResolution)
 "Safe" operation that only ever increases the polling resolution for time based callbacks
void CmiArgGroup (const char *parentName, const char *groupName)
 Identifies the module that accepts the following command-line parameters.
int CmiGetArgInt (char **argv, const char *arg, int *optDest)
int CmiGetArgIntDesc (char **argv, const char *arg, int *optDest, const char *desc)
 Find the given argument and integer option in argv.
int CmiGetArgLong (char **argv, const char *arg, CmiInt8 *optDest)
int CmiGetArgLongDesc (char **argv, const char *arg, CmiInt8 *optDest, const char *desc)
int CmiGetArgDouble (char **argv, const char *arg, double *optDest)
int CmiGetArgDoubleDesc (char **argv, const char *arg, double *optDest, const char *desc)
 Find the given argument and floating-point option in argv.
int CmiGetArgString (char **argv, const char *arg, char **optDest)
int CmiGetArgStringDesc (char **argv, const char *arg, char **optDest, const char *desc)
 Find the given argment and string option in argv.
int CmiGetArgFlag (char **argv, const char *arg)
int CmiGetArgFlagDesc (char **argv, const char *arg, const char *desc)
 Find the given argument in argv.
void CmiDeleteArgs (char **argv, int k)
 Delete the first k argument from the given list, shifting all other arguments down by k spaces.
int CmiGetArgc (char **argv)
 Count the number of non-NULL arguments in list.
char ** CmiCopyArgs (char **argv)
 Return a new, heap-allocated copy of the argv array.
int CmiArgGivingUsage (void)
 Return 1 if we're currently printing command-line usage information.
void CmiDeprecateArgInt (char **argv, const char *arg, const char *desc, const char *warning)
void CmiBacktraceRecord (void **retPtrs, int nSkip, int *nLevels)
 Extract the function-return pointers listed in the stack up to this depth.
char ** CmiBacktraceLookup (void **srcPtrs, int nLevels)
 Look up the names of these function pointers.
void CmiBacktracePrint (void **retPtrs, int nLevels)
 Print out the names of these function pointers.
void CmiPrintStackTrace (int nSkip)
int CmiIsFortranLibraryCall (void)
 CpvExtern (void *, CmiLocalQueue)
char * CmiCopyMsg (char *msg, int len)
int HypercubeGetBcastDestinations (int mype, int total_pes, int k, int *dest_pes)
 CpvExtern (int, CmiImmediateMsgHandlerIdx)
 CpvExtern (unsigned, networkProgressCount)
void CmiMachineProgressImpl (void)
void CommunicationServerPxshm (void)
void CmiDelayImmediate (void)
void CmiInitCounters (void)
void CmiStartCounters (int events[], int numEvents)
void CmiStopCounters (int events[], CMK_TYPEDEF_INT8 values[], int numEvents)
CmiObjIdCthGetThreadID (CthThread th)
void CthSetThreadID (CthThread th, int a, int b, int c)
void CthTraceResume (CthThread t)
 CpvExtern (char *, _validProcessors)
int CmiEndianness (void)
void setMemoryTypeChare (void *)
void setMemoryTypeMessage (void *)
double CmiReadSize (const char *str)
void CmiTurnOnStats (void)
void CmiTurnOffStats (void)
 CpvExtern (int, charmLibExitFlag)
size_t CmiFwrite (const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *f)
CmiInt8 CmiPwrite (int fd, const char *buf, size_t bytes, size_t offset)
int CmiOpen (const char *pathname, int flags, int mode)
FILE * CmiFopen (const char *path, const char *mode)
int CmiFclose (FILE *fp)
unsigned int CmiILog2 (unsigned int)
double CmiLog2 (double)
int CmiGetCluster (int pe)
int CmiGridQueueGetInterval (void)
int CmiGridQueueGetThreshold (void)
void CmiGridQueueRegister (int gid, int nInts, int index1, int index2, int index3)
void CmiGridQueueDeregister (int gid, int nInts, int index1, int index2, int index3)
void CmiGridQueueDeregisterAll (void)
int CmiGridQueueLookup (int gid, int nInts, int index1, int index2, int index3)
int CmiGridQueueLookupMsg (char *msg)
EXTERN CmiNotifyCommThdMsgCmiCreateNotifyCommThdMsg (CmiCommThdFnPtr fn, int numParams, void *params, int toKeep)
EXTERN void CmiFreeNotifyCommThdMsg (CmiNotifyCommThdMsg *msg)
EXTERN void CmiResetNotifyCommThdMsg (CmiNotifyCommThdMsg *msg, CmiCommThdFnPtr fn, int numParams, void *params, int toKeep)
EXTERN void CmiNotifyCommThd (CmiNotifyCommThdMsg *msg)
 CpvExtern (int, _urgentSend)
int CmiGetCurKnownOmpThreads (void)
 CpvCExtern (int, isHelperOn)
void CmiSetPeHelpsOtherThreads (int)


int memory_status_info
int memory_chare_id
int _Cmi_mype_global
int _Cmi_numpes_global
int _Cmi_mynode_global
int _Cmi_numnodes_global
PartitionInfo _partitionInfo
int _Cmi_mynodesize
int _Cmi_mype
int _Cmi_numpes
int _Cmi_myrank
int _Cmi_mynode
int _Cmi_numnodes
int _Cmi_sleepOnIdle
int _Cmi_forceSpinOnIdle
CmiNodeLock CmiMemLock_lock
CMK_THREADLOCAL int32_t _cmi_bgq_incommthread
int _immediateLock
int _immediateFlag
CmiNodeLock _smp_mutex
CmiHwlocTopology CmiHwlocTopologyLocal
void * memory_stack_top
double _cpu_speed_factor
CmiSwitchToPEFnPtr CmiSwitchToPE
int networkProgressPeriod
int _immRunning
CmiNodeLock cmiMemoryLock
int _BgOutOfCoreFlag
int _BgInOutOfCoreMode
int numMemCriticalEntries
int CharmLibInterOperate

Detailed Description

Main Converse header file.

Everything in Converse is either declared here directly, or else included from here.

Routine names in Converse include a short prefix starting with "C". These generally tell you what category the routine is in:

Globally accessible variables in Converse can be shared as:

Definition in file converse.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef int * CmiNodeLock

Definition at line 338 of file converse.h.

Definition at line 538 of file converse.h.

typedef void(* CmiStartFn)(int argc, char **argv)

Definition at line 1081 of file converse.h.


Definition at line 1179 of file converse.h.

typedef void*(* CmiReduceMergeFn)(int *, void *, void **, int)

Definition at line 1259 of file converse.h.

typedef void(* CmiReducePupFn)(void *, void *)

Definition at line 1260 of file converse.h.

typedef void(* CmiReduceDeleteFn)(void *)

Definition at line 1261 of file converse.h.

Definition at line 1280 of file converse.h.

typedef struct CthThreadStruct* CthThread

Definition at line 1468 of file converse.h.

typedef void(* CthVoidFn)(void *)

Definition at line 1480 of file converse.h.

typedef void(* CthAwkFn)(CthThreadToken *, int, int prioBits, unsigned int *prioptr)

Definition at line 1481 of file converse.h.

typedef CthThread(* CthThFn)(void)

Definition at line 1483 of file converse.h.

typedef struct CtgGlobalStruct* CtgGlobals

Definition at line 1538 of file converse.h.

typedef void(* CthThreadListener_suspend)(struct CthThreadListener *l)

Definition at line 1573 of file converse.h.

typedef void(* CthThreadListener_resume)(struct CthThreadListener *l)

Definition at line 1574 of file converse.h.

typedef void(* CthThreadListener_free)(struct CthThreadListener *l)

Definition at line 1575 of file converse.h.

typedef struct Cfuture_s Cfuture

typedef void(* CldPackFn)(void *msg)

Definition at line 1687 of file converse.h.

typedef void(* CldInfoFn)(void *msg, CldPackFn *packer, int *len, int *queueing, int *priobits, unsigned int **prioptr)

Definition at line 1689 of file converse.h.

typedef int(* CldEstimator)(void)

Definition at line 1696 of file converse.h.

typedef struct CmmTableStruct* CmmTable

Definition at line 1711 of file converse.h.

typedef void(* CmmPupMessageFn)(pup_er p, void **msg)

Definition at line 1715 of file converse.h.

typedef void(* CcdVoidFn)(void *userParam, double curWallTime)

Definition at line 1764 of file converse.h.

typedef int(* CmiSwitchToPEFnPtr)(int pe)

Definition at line 1809 of file converse.h.

typedef struct _CmiObjId CmiObjId

typedef void(* CmiCommThdFnPtr)(int numParams, void *params)

Definition at line 2235 of file converse.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 203 of file converse.h.


Definition at line 2018 of file converse.h.

Function Documentation

void CmiCreatePartitions ( char **  argv  ) 

Definition at line 1069 of file machine-common-core.C.

References _Cmi_mynode, _Cmi_mynode_global, _Cmi_mynodesize, _Cmi_numnodes, _Cmi_numnodes_global, _Cmi_numpes_global, Cmi_nodestart, Cmi_nodestartGlobal, CmiAbort(), create_partition_map(), and PartitionInfo::numPartitions.

Referenced by ConverseInit().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CmiSetNumPartitions ( int  nump  ) 

Definition at line 890 of file machine-common-core.C.

References PartitionInfo::numPartitions.

void CmiSetMasterPartition ( void   ) 

Definition at line 894 of file machine-common-core.C.

References CmiAbort(), PARTITION_DEFAULT, PARTITION_MASTER, and PartitionInfo::type.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CmiSetPartitionSizes ( char *  size  ) 

Definition at line 901 of file machine-common-core.C.

References CmiAbort(), length, malloc(), PARTITION_DEFAULT, PARTITION_PREFIX, PartitionInfo::partsizes, and PartitionInfo::type.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CmiSetPartitionScheme ( int  scheme  ) 

Definition at line 914 of file machine-common-core.C.

References PartitionInfo::isTopoaware, and PartitionInfo::scheme.

void CmiSetCustomPartitioning ( void   ) 

Definition at line 919 of file machine-common-core.C.

References PartitionInfo::isTopoaware, and PartitionInfo::scheme.

int CmiMyPeGlobal ( void   ) 

Definition at line 402 of file machine-common-core.C.

References CmiGetState(), and CmiStateStruct::pe.

Referenced by CmiInitCPUAffinity().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CmiNodeSpan ( void   ) 

Definition at line 399 of file machine-common-core.C.

int node_lToGTranslate ( int  node,
int  partition 

Definition at line 1091 of file machine-common-core.C.

References CmiAbort(), PartitionInfo::isTopoaware, PartitionInfo::nodeMap, PARTITION_DEFAULT, PARTITION_MASTER, PARTITION_PREFIX, PARTITION_SINGLETON, PartitionInfo::partitionPrefix, PartitionInfo::partitionSize, rank, and PartitionInfo::type.

Referenced by pe_lToGTranslate().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int node_gToLTranslate ( int  node  ) 

Definition at line 1127 of file machine-common-core.C.

References CmiAbort().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int pe_lToGTranslate ( int  pe,
int  partition 

Definition at line 1116 of file machine-common-core.C.

References CmiNodeOf(), CmiRankOf(), node_lToGTranslate(), PARTITION_SINGLETON, and PartitionInfo::type.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int pe_gToLTranslate ( int  pe  ) 

Definition at line 1132 of file machine-common-core.C.

References CmiAbort().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CmiMemLock ( void   ) 

Definition at line 358 of file machine-common-core.C.

Referenced by CmiMemoryMark(), CmiMemoryMarkBlock(), CmiMemorySweep(), free_nomigrate(), and malloc_nomigrate().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CmiMemUnlock ( void   ) 

Definition at line 359 of file machine-common-core.C.

Referenced by CmiMemoryMark(), CmiMemoryMarkBlock(), CmiMemorySweep(), free_nomigrate(), and malloc_nomigrate().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CmiMyPe ( void   ) 

Definition at line 396 of file machine-common-core.C.

References CmiGetState(), and CmiStateStruct::pe.

Referenced by __cmi_assert(), _bcastQD1(), _bcastQD2(), _callWhenIdle(), _checkpointBarrierAckHandler(), _createTracecounter(), _dummyMigrationHandler(), _getCheckpointHandler(), _getGlobalStepHandler(), _getRestartCheckpointHandler(), _handlePhase0(), _handlePhase1(), _handlePhase2(), _initCharm(), _initHandler(), _libExitHandler(), _messageLoggingExit(), _parseCommandLineOpts(), _qdCommHandler(), _qdHandler(), _receivedDetDataHandler(), _receivedTNDataHandler(), _receiveLocationHandler(), _receiveMigrationNoticeAckHandler(), _recvCheckpointHandler(), _recvGlobalStepHandler(), _recvRestartCheckpointHandler(), _sendDetsReplyHandler(), _sendReadonlies(), _startCheckpointHandler(), _storeCheckpointHandler(), _updateHomeRequestHandler(), _verifyAckHandler(), _verifyAckRequestHandler(), ackEntryMethodHandler(), bad_location(), TraceCounter::beginExecute(), TraceCounter::beginOverview(), TraceCounter::beginPack(), TraceCounter::beginUnpack(), CkArray::broadcastHomeElements(), CcsImpl_reply(), CcsInit(), CfutureCreate(), CfutureDestroy(), CfutureStoreBuffer(), CfutureWait(), check_range(), CkArray::CkArray(), CkCppInterpreter::CkCppInterpreter(), CkDieNow(), Converse::CkMyPe(), CldAckNoTaskHandler(), CldAverageHandler(), CldBalancePeriod(), CldComputeNeighborData(), CldEnqueue(), CldGraphModuleInit(), CldMinAvg(), CldModuleGeneralInit(), CldModuleInit(), CldMoveAllSeedsAway(), CldNodeEnqueue(), CldOtherInit(), CldReadNeighborData(), CldReadytoExec(), CldSendLoad(), CldSetPEBitVector(), CldStillIdle(), clearUpMigratedRetainedLists(), CmiAbortHelper(), CmiAddCLA(), CmiAlloc(), CmiArgGivingUsage(), CmiArgInit(), CmiBacktracePrint(), CmiCheckAffinity(), CmiCreateCompressPersistent(), CmiCreateCompressPersistentSize(), CmiCreatePersistent(), CmiCreateReceiverPersistent(), CmiEstablishGroup(), CmiGetDynamicReduction(), CmiGetDynamicReductionRemote(), CmiGetNonLocal(), CmiGetNonLocalNodeQ(), CmiGlobalReduce(), CmiGlobalReduceStruct(), CmiInitCell(), CmiInitCPUAffinity(), CmiInitMemAffinity(), CmiInterFreeSendFn(), CmiInterSendNetworkFunc(), CmiIsomallocBlockListPup(), CmiIsomallocInit(), CmiListReduce(), CmiListReduceStruct(), CmiMemorySweep(), CmiMulticastDeliver(), CmiMultiMsgHandler(), CmiPrintCLAs(), CmiProcessPriority(), CmiReduce(), CmiReduceID(), CmiReduceStruct(), CmiReduceStructID(), CmiRegisterHandlerGlobal(), CmiSendMessageCma(), CmiSyncBroadcastAllFn(), CmiSyncBroadcastFn1(), CmiSyncListSendFn(), CmiTLSInit(), converse_handlerBegin(), converse_handlerEnd(), ConverseCommonInit(), ConverseDeliver(), ConverseExit(), copyOut(), CountLogPool::CountLogPool(), CPathGetEltset(), CPathMakeArray(), CPathSendHandler(), cpd_memory_single_pup(), CpdNotify(), CpdStartGdb(), Cpthread_cond_broadcast(), Cpthread_cond_destroy(), Cpthread_cond_init(), Cpthread_cond_signal(), Cpthread_cond_wait(), Cpthread_mutex_destroy(), Cpthread_mutex_init(), Cpthread_mutex_lock(), Cpthread_mutex_trylock(), Cpthread_mutex_unlock(), cpuAffinityHandler(), cpuAffinityRecvHandler(), CQdBcastQD1(), CQdBcastQD2(), CQdHandlePhase0(), CQdHandlePhase1(), CQdHandlePhase2(), CQdStateCreate(), CsdInit(), CtgInit(), CthThreadBaseInit(), CWeb_Collect(), CWeb_Reduce(), CWebHandler(), CkArrayBroadcaster::deliver(), disable_isomalloc(), disabled_map(), StatTable::doReduction(), emptyReduction(), TraceCounter::endExecute(), TraceCounter::endOverview(), TraceCounter::endPack(), TraceCounter::endUnpack(), expand_ccd_heap(), find_largest_free_region(), finishedCheckpointLoadBalancing(), gengraph(), getCheckPointPE(), getGlobalStep(), getNewPagetable(), getNUMANidByRank(), getReverseCheckPointPE(), heartBeatCheckHandler(), heartBeatPartner(), HigherPriorityWork(), informLocationHome(), StatTable::init(), init_ranges(), initQd(), initTraceTauBOC(), CkMemCheckPT::inmem_restore(), CkMemCheckPT::isMaster(), isomalloc_internal_alloc_block(), isomallocfn(), LrtsInitCpuTopo(), machine_procBusy(), machine_procIdle(), map_slots(), memAbort(), memory_check(), mempool_free(), meta_aligned_alloc(), meta_calloc(), meta_cfree(), meta_free(), meta_init(), meta_malloc(), meta_memalign(), meta_posix_memalign(), meta_pvalloc(), meta_realloc(), meta_valloc(), ntohl(), on_timeout(), one_slotOP(), CountLogPool::openFile(), TraceLogger::openLogFiles(), GridMetisLB::Partition_ClusterObjects_Into_PEs(), prepare_slotmsg(), CkNcpyBuffer::print(), print_cpu_affinity(), print_mem_affinity(), print_myslots(), print_node0(), print_thread_affinity(), printBGP_UPC_Counters(), printSlot(), processReceivedTN(), CentralLB::ProcessReceiveMigration(), PumpMsgsBlocking(), CkLocMgr::pup(), ChareMlogData::pup(), pupArrayElementsSkip(), QdState::QdState(), readBlacklist(), CentralLB::ReceiveStats(), TraceCounter::registerArg(), TraceLogger::RegisterLanguage(), ReleasePostedMessages(), req_fw_handler(), ChareMlogData::searchRestoredLocalQ(), seedBalancerExit(), sendCheckpointData(), sendDummyMigrationCounts(), sendGroupMsg(), sendLocalMsg(), sendMlogLocation(), sendMsg(), SendMsgBuf(), sendRecvDoneMsgToPeers(), sendRemoveLogRequests(), CentralLB::SendStats(), SendTasktoPe(), set_process_affinity(), set_thread_affinity(), slotAbort(), StartInteropScheduler(), startLoadBalancingMlog(), startMlogCheckpoint(), StatTable::StatTable(), StatTableReduction(), status(), StealLoad(), StopInteropScheduler(), TraceCounter::switchCounters(), TaskQueuePop(), TraceCounter::traceBegin(), TraceCounter::traceClose(), traceCommonInit(), TraceCounter::traceEnd(), TraceCounter::traceInit(), TraceCounter::traceWriteSts(), try_largest_mmap_region(), unmap_slots(), CountLogPool::write(), StatTable::write(), CountLogPool::writeSts(), and zlib_compress().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int CmiMyRank ( void   ) 

int CmiNodeSize ( int  node  ) 

Definition at line 408 of file machine-common-core.C.

References _Cmi_mynodesize.

Referenced by _speedHdlr(), ccs_getinfo(), and LrtsNodeSize().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CmiNodeFirst ( int  node  ) 

int CmiNodeOf ( int  pe  ) 

int CmiRankOf ( int  pe  ) 

void CmiMemcpy_qpx ( void *  dst,
const void *  src,
size_t  n 

Definition at line 98 of file cmimemcpy_qpx.c.

void CmiLock ( CmiNodeLock  lock  ) 

void CmiUnlock ( CmiNodeLock  lock  ) 

int CmiTryLock ( CmiNodeLock  lock  ) 

Referenced by CldAskLoadHandler(), CmiGetNonLocalNodeQ(), CmiHandleImmediate(), and CsdNextMessage().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CmiBarrier ( void   ) 

int CmiBarrierZero ( void   ) 

Referenced by SendMsgBuf().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CmiNumCores ( void   ) 

Definition at line 57 of file cputopology.C.

References PUP::a, and PUP::b.

Referenced by _initCharm(), CmiInitCPUAffinity(), CmiSetCPUAffinity(), FuncCkLoop::createPThreads(), LrtsInitCpuTopo(), printTopology(), and XTTorusManager::XTTorusManager().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CmiCpuTopologyEnabled ( void   ) 

Definition at line 672 of file cputopology.C.

References LrtsCpuTopoEnabled().

Referenced by _initCharm(), and CmiCheckAffinity().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CmiPeOnSamePhysicalNode ( int  pe1,
int  pe2 

Definition at line 676 of file cputopology.C.

References LrtsPeOnSameNode().

Referenced by CmiInterSendNetworkFunc(), and findTransferMode().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CmiNumPhysicalNodes ( void   ) 

int CmiPhysicalNodeID ( int  pe  ) 

int CmiNumPesOnPhysicalNode ( int  node  ) 

Definition at line 684 of file cputopology.C.

References LrtsNodeSize().

Referenced by CmiCheckAffinity(), CmiSendMessagePxshm(), TopoManager::coordinatesToRank(), topo::getSpanningTreeStrategy(), CkMemCheckPT::isMaster(), LBTOPO_MACRO(), and TopoManager::TopoManager().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CmiGetPesOnPhysicalNode ( int  node,
int **  pelist,
int num 

Definition at line 688 of file cputopology.C.

References LrtsPeOnNode().

Referenced by _initCharm(), CkMemCheckPT::BuddyPE(), topo::impl::buildNextGen_nodeAware_minBytes(), topo::impl::buildNextGen_nodeAware_minGens(), and LBTOPO_MACRO().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CmiGetFirstPeOnPhysicalNode ( int  node  ) 

Definition at line 700 of file cputopology.C.

References LrtsNodeFirst().

Referenced by TopoManager::coordinatesToRank(), KLevelTree::KLevelTree(), LBTOPO_MACRO(), and ThreeLevelTree::ThreeLevelTree().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CmiPhysicalRank ( int  pe  ) 

Definition at line 692 of file cputopology.C.

References LrtsRankOf().

Referenced by CkMemCheckPT::BuddyPE(), LBTOPO_MACRO(), and TopoManager::rankToCoordinates().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CmiInitCPUAffinity ( char **  argv  ) 

int CmiPrintCPUAffinity ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1054 of file cpuaffinity.C.

References CmiPrintf(), print_cpu_affinity(), and print_thread_affinity().

Referenced by CmiInitCPUAffinity().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CmiSetCPUAffinity ( int  core  ) 

Definition at line 1049 of file cpuaffinity.C.

References CmiAbort(), CmiError(), CmiNumCores(), set_process_affinity(), and set_thread_affinity().

Referenced by CmiInitCPUAffinity(), cpuAffinityRecvHandler(), and ndhThreadWork().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CmiOnCore ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1098 of file cpuaffinity.C.

References CmiAbort(), and n.

Referenced by FuncCkLoop::createPThreads().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CmiInitHwlocTopology ( void   ) 

Definition at line 40 of file cpuaffinity.C.

References CmiHwlocTopology::num_cores, CmiHwlocTopology::num_pus, and CmiHwlocTopology::num_sockets.

Referenced by ConverseInit().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

CpvExtern ( CmiHandlerInfo ,

CpvExtern ( int  ,

CpvExtern ( Queue  ,

CpvExtern ( Queue  ,

CpvExtern ( void *  ,

CpvExtern ( Queue  ,

CpvExtern ( Queue  ,

CsvExtern ( Queue  ,

CsvExtern ( CmiNodeLock  ,

CpvExtern ( int  ,

CpvExtern ( int  ,

CpvExtern ( int  ,

struct infiCmiChunkMetaDataStruct* registerMultiSendMesg ( char *  msg,
int  msgSize 
) [read]

Referenced by CmiMultiMsgHandler().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void* malloc_nomigrate ( size_t  size  ) 

Definition at line 228 of file memory-isomalloc.C.

void free_nomigrate ( void *  ptr  ) 

Definition at line 236 of file memory-isomalloc.C.

int CmiThreadIs ( int  flag  ) 

Definition at line 209 of file threads.C.

References CmiThreadIs_flag.

Referenced by checkAddress(), and meta_malloc().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static __inline__ unsigned long long int rdtsc ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 947 of file converse.h.

References PUP::a, PUP::d, and x.

int CmiScanf ( const char *  ,

CpvExtern ( int  ,

void CcdCallBacks ( void   ) 

Definition at line 591 of file conv-conds.C.

References ccd_heap_update(), CcdRaiseCondition(), CmiWallTimer(), int, ccd_periodic_callbacks::lastCheck, ccd_periodic_callbacks::nextCall, ccd_periodic_callbacks::nSkip, periodicCallInterval, and ccd_periodic_callbacks::resolution.

Referenced by CsdBeginIdle().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void * CmiGetNonLocal ( void   ) 

In SMP mode with comm thread, it's possible a normal msg is sent from an immediate msg which is executed on comm thread. In this case, the msg is sent to the network queue of the work thread. Therefore, even there's only one worker thread, the polling of network queue is still required.

Definition at line 1764 of file machine-common-core.C.

References AdvanceCommunication(), ccsRunning, CmiGetState(), CmiIdleLock_checkMessage(), CmiMyPe(), CmiStateStruct::idle, msg, and CmiStateStruct::recv.

Referenced by CmiDeliverSpecificMsg(), and CsdNextMessage().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CmiNotifyIdle ( void   ) 

Referenced by CmiGetNonLocalNodeQ(), and ntohl().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CmiNumSpanTreeChildren ( int   ) 

int CmiSpanTreeParent ( int   ) 

Referenced by CldModuleInit(), CmiGlobalReduce(), CmiGlobalReduceStruct(), CQdStateCreate(), and QdState::QdState().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CmiSpanTreeChildren ( int  node,
int children 

Referenced by CQdStateCreate(), and QdState::QdState().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CmiNumNodeSpanTreeChildren ( int   ) 

Referenced by CmiNodeReduce().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CmiNodeSpanTreeParent ( int   ) 

Referenced by CmiNodeReduce().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CmiNodeSpanTreeChildren ( int  node,
int children 

void CmiPushPE ( int  rank,
void *  msg 

void CmiSuspendedTaskEnqueue ( int  targetRank,
void *  msg 

Definition at line 486 of file machine-common-core.C.

Referenced by CthEnqueueSuspendedStealableThread().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void * CmiSuspendedTaskPop ( void   ) 

Definition at line 490 of file machine-common-core.C.

Referenced by CsdNextMessage().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CmiSyncSendFn ( int  destPE,
int  size,
char *  msg 

Definition at line 595 of file machine-common-core.C.

References CmiFreeSendFn(), and CopyMsg().

Referenced by CmiAsyncSendFn(), CmiSyncBroadcastAllFn(), CmiSyncBroadcastFn1(), Converse::CmiSyncSend(), and QdState::propagate().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

CmiCommHandle CmiAsyncSendFn ( int  destPE,
int  size,
char *  msg 

Definition at line 725 of file machine-common-core.C.

References _cmi_log2(), CmiNodeOf(), CmiSendNetworkFunc(), CmiSyncSendFn(), msg_histogram, and MSG_STATISTIC.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CmiFreeSendFn ( int  destPE,
int  size,
char *  msg 

Definition at line 682 of file machine-common-core.C.

References CmiInterFreeSendFn().

Referenced by CkStartQD(), Converse::CmiSyncSendAndFree(), CmiSyncSendFn(), and QdState::sendCount().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CmiSyncBroadcastFn ( int  ,
char *   

Definition at line 320 of file machine-broadcast.C.

Referenced by Converse::CmiSyncBroadcast().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

CmiCommHandle CmiAsyncBroadcastFn ( int  ,
char *   

Definition at line 343 of file machine-broadcast.C.

Referenced by CmiAsyncBroadcastAllFn().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CmiFreeBroadcastFn ( int  ,
char *   

Definition at line 333 of file machine-broadcast.C.

Referenced by Converse::CmiSyncBroadcastAndFree().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CmiSyncBroadcastAllFn ( int  ,
char *   

Definition at line 351 of file machine-broadcast.C.

Referenced by Converse::CmiSyncBroadcastAll().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

CmiCommHandle CmiAsyncBroadcastAllFn ( int  ,
char *   

Definition at line 379 of file machine-broadcast.C.

void CmiFreeBroadcastAllFn ( int  ,
char *   

Definition at line 365 of file machine-broadcast.C.

Referenced by Converse::CmiSyncBroadcastAllAndFree().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CmiFreeNodeListSendFn ( int  ,
const int ,
int  ,
char *   

void CmiInterSyncSendFn ( int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
char *   

Definition at line 600 of file machine-common-core.C.

References CmiInterFreeSendFn(), and CopyMsg().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CmiInterFreeSendFn ( int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
char *   

Definition at line 687 of file machine-common-core.C.

References CmiInterSendNetworkFunc(), CmiMyPe(), CmiNodeOf(), CmiPushPE(), CmiRankOf(), CmiSendSelf(), CMK_REG_NO_CMA_MSG, and CQdCreate().

Referenced by CmiFreeSendFn(), and CmiInterSyncSendFn().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CmiGetReductionHandler ( void   ) 

CmiHandler CmiGetReductionDestination ( void   ) 

CmiCommHandle CmiAsyncVectorSend ( int  ,
int  ,
int ,
char **   

void CmiMultipleSend ( unsigned  int,
int  ,
int ,
char **   

void CmiMultipleIsend ( unsigned  int,
int  ,
int ,
char **   

int CmiAsyncMsgSent ( CmiCommHandle   ) 

void CmiReleaseCommHandle ( CmiCommHandle   ) 

void CmiSyncNodeSendFn ( int  destNode,
int  size,
char *  msg 

Definition at line 766 of file machine-common-core.C.

References CmiFreeNodeSendFn(), and CopyMsg().

Referenced by CmiAsyncNodeSendFn(), CmiSyncNodeBroadcastAllFn(), and CmiSyncNodeBroadcastFn().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

CmiCommHandle CmiAsyncNodeSendFn ( int  destNode,
int  size,
char *  msg 

Definition at line 810 of file machine-common-core.C.

References _cmi_log2(), CmiNodeFirst(), CmiSendNetworkFunc(), CmiSyncNodeSendFn(), msg_histogram, and MSG_STATISTIC.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CmiFreeNodeSendFn ( int  destNode,
int  size,
char *  msg 

Definition at line 777 of file machine-common-core.C.

References CmiInterFreeNodeSendFn().

Referenced by CmiSyncNodeSendFn().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CmiSyncNodeBroadcastFn ( int  ,
char *   

Definition at line 386 of file machine-broadcast.C.

Referenced by CmiAsyncNodeBroadcastFn(), CmiFreeNodeBroadcastAllFn(), CmiFreeNodeBroadcastFn(), and CmiSyncNodeBroadcastAllFn().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

CmiCommHandle CmiAsyncNodeBroadcastFn ( int  ,
char *   

Definition at line 413 of file machine-broadcast.C.

References CmiSyncNodeBroadcastFn().

Referenced by CmiAsyncNodeBroadcastAllFn().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CmiFreeNodeBroadcastFn ( int  ,
char *   

Definition at line 406 of file machine-broadcast.C.

void CmiSyncNodeBroadcastAllFn ( int  ,
char *   

Definition at line 419 of file machine-broadcast.C.

CmiCommHandle CmiAsyncNodeBroadcastAllFn ( int  ,
char *   

Definition at line 424 of file machine-broadcast.C.

void CmiFreeNodeBroadcastAllFn ( int  ,
char *   

Definition at line 429 of file machine-broadcast.C.

void CmiInterSyncNodeSendFn ( int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
char *   

Definition at line 771 of file machine-common-core.C.

References CmiInterFreeNodeSendFn(), and CopyMsg().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CmiInterFreeNodeSendFn ( int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
char *   

Definition at line 781 of file machine-common-core.C.

References _cmi_log2(), CmiInterSendNetworkFunc(), CmiNodeFirst(), CmiSendNodeSelf(), CMK_REG_NO_CMA_MSG, CQdCreate(), msg_histogram, and MSG_STATISTIC.

Referenced by CmiFreeNodeSendFn(), and CmiInterSyncNodeSendFn().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

CthThreadToken* CthGetToken ( CthThread   ) 

Definition at line 219 of file threads.C.

Referenced by CthResumeSchedulingThread().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CthSetSerialNo ( CthThread  t,
int  no 

Definition at line 400 of file threads.C.

int CthImplemented ( void   ) 

Definition at line 604 of file threads.C.

int CthMigratable ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1393 of file threads.C.

Referenced by TCharm::migrateTo(), and TCHARM_Migrate().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

CthThread CthPup ( pup_er  p,
CthThread  t 

Definition at line 1397 of file threads.C.

References CmiAbort(), CthFree(), CthPupBase(), malloc(), pup_bytes(), pup_isDeleting(), and pup_isUnpacking().

Referenced by TCharm::pupThread().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

CthThread CthSelf ( void   ) 

CthThread CthCreate ( CthVoidFn  fn,
void *  arg,
int  size 

Definition at line 1374 of file threads.C.

References CmiAbort(), CthThreadInit(), CthThreadStruct::fiber, FiberSetUp(), and malloc().

Referenced by CPathGetSingle(), CpdPythonGroup::cpdCheck(), CpmThread2(), CpmThreadSize2(), Cpthread_create(), CthCreateMigratable(), CthSuspendSchedulingThread(), PythonObject::execute(), and TCharm::TCharm().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

CthThread CthCreateMigratable ( CthVoidFn  fn,
void *  arg,
int  size 

Definition at line 1402 of file threads.C.

References CthCreate().

Referenced by TCharm::TCharm().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CthResume ( CthThread  t  ) 

void CthFree ( CthThread  t  ) 

Definition at line 1295 of file threads.C.

References CthThreadStruct::base, CthClearThreads(), CthSelf(), CthThreadFree(), CthThreadBase::exiting, free(), and malloc().

Referenced by TCharm::clear(), CpmThread3(), Cpthread_exit(), CthPup(), and TCharm::~TCharm().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CthSetSuspendable ( CthThread  ,

Definition at line 724 of file threads.C.

int CthIsSuspendable ( CthThread   ) 

Definition at line 725 of file threads.C.

void CthPrintThdMagic ( CthThread   ) 

Definition at line 2216 of file threads.C.

References CthThreadStruct::base, CmiPrintf(), and CthThreadBase::magic.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CthPrintThdStack ( CthThread   ) 

Definition at line 2178 of file threads.C.

References CthThreadStruct::base, CmiPrintf(), CthThreadBase::stack, and CthThreadStruct::stackp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CthSuspend ( void   ) 

void CthAwaken ( CthThread   ) 

void CthAwakenPrio ( CthThread  ,
int  ,
int  ,
unsigned int  

Definition at line 919 of file threads.C.

References CthNoStrategy(), and traceAwaken().

Referenced by CthYieldPrio().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CthSetStrategy ( CthThread  ,
CthAwkFn  ,

Definition at line 743 of file threads.C.

Referenced by CthSchedInit(), CthSetStrategyDefault(), CthSetStrategySuspendedWorkStealing(), CthSetStrategyWorkStealing(), and CthSuspendSchedulingThread().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CthScheduled ( CthThread  t  )  [inline]

Definition at line 750 of file threads.C.

void CthScheduledDecrement ( void   ) 

Definition at line 755 of file threads.C.

References CmiAbort(), CmiMyRank(), CmiWallTimer(), CthSelf(), and memory_order_release.

Referenced by CthResumeNormalThread(), CthResumeNormalThreadDebug(), CthResumeSchedulingThread(), CthResumeStealableThread(), and CthSuspend().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

CthThread CthGetCurrentThread ( void   ) 

CpvExtern ( int  ,

void CthSetPrev ( CthThread  t,
CthThread  prev 

Definition at line 730 of file threads.C.

Referenced by CthResumeNormalThread(), CthResumeNormalThreadDebug(), CthResumeSchedulingThread(), CthResumeStealableThread(), and CthSuspend().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CthYield ( void   ) 

void CthYieldPrio ( int  ,
int  ,
unsigned int  

Definition at line 934 of file threads.C.

References CthAwakenPrio(), and CthSuspend().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CthSetNext ( CthThread  t,
CthThread  next 

Definition at line 727 of file threads.C.

Referenced by CfutureWait(), CkWaitFutureID(), CthResumeSchedulingThread(), and CthResumeStealableThread().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

CthThread CthGetNext ( CthThread  t  ) 

Definition at line 728 of file threads.C.

Referenced by CfutureAwaken(), CthSuspendSchedulingThread(), CthSuspendStealableThread(), and setFuture().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CthSwitchThread ( CthThread  t  ) 

switch the thread to t

Definition at line 790 of file threads.C.

References CthBaseResume().

Here is the call graph for this function:

size_t CthStackOffset ( CthThread  t,
char *  p 

Definition at line 2184 of file threads.C.

References PUP::s, CthThreadStruct::stack, and CthProcInfo_s::stackbase.

Referenced by TCharm::UserData::UserData().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char * CthPointer ( CthThread  t,
size_t  pos 

Definition at line 2196 of file threads.C.

References p, CthThreadStruct::savedsize, CthThreadStruct::savedstack, CthThreadStruct::stack, and CthProcInfo_s::stackbase.

Referenced by TCharm::UserData::getData(), and TCharm::UserData::pup().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CthAutoYield ( CthThread  t,
int  flag 

double CthAutoYieldFreq ( CthThread  t  ) 

void CthAutoYieldBlock ( void   ) 

void CthAutoYieldUnblock ( void   ) 

void CtgInit ( void   ) 

Initialize the globals support (called on each processor).

Definition at line 426 of file global-elfgot.C.

References CtgGlobalStruct::allocate(), assert, CmiMyPe(), CmiPrintf(), CtgGlobalStruct::data_seg, CtgGlobalList::getSize(), CtgGlobalList::install(), PUP::l, quietModeRequested, CtgGlobalList::read(), and readBlacklist().

Referenced by TCharm::procInit().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

CpvExtern ( int  ,

CtgGlobals CtgCreate ( CthThread  tid  ) 

Copy the current globals into this new set.

Definition at line 455 of file global-elfgot.C.

References CtgGlobalStruct::allocate(), assert, CtgGlobalStruct::data_seg, CtgGlobalList::getSize(), and CtgGlobalList::read().

Referenced by TCharm::TCharm().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CtgInstall ( CtgGlobals  g  ) 

Install this set of globals.

If g==NULL, returns to original globals.

Definition at line 474 of file global-elfgot.C.

References assert, CtgCurrentGlobals(), CtgGlobalStruct::data_seg, CtgGlobalList::install(), and CtgGlobalStruct::installed.

Referenced by TCharm::activateThread(), and TCharm::deactivateThread().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

CtgGlobals CtgPup ( pup_er  ,
CtgGlobals  g 

PUP this (not currently installed) globals set.

Definition at line 462 of file global-elfgot.C.

References assert, CmiAbort(), CtgGlobalList::getSize(), CtgGlobalStruct::installed, PUP::er::isUnpacking(), p, CtgGlobalStruct::pup(), and CtgGlobalStruct::seg_size.

Referenced by TCharm::pupThread().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CtgFree ( CtgGlobals  g  ) 

Delete this (not currently installed) set of globals.

Definition at line 486 of file global-elfgot.C.

References CmiAbort(), and CtgGlobalStruct::installed.

Referenced by TCharm::~TCharm().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

CtgGlobals CtgCurrentGlobals ( void   ) 

Return the current global list.

Definition at line 491 of file global-elfgot.C.

Referenced by CtgInstall().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CtgInstallTLS ( void *  cur,
void *  next 

for TLS globals

Definition at line 565 of file threads.C.

References switchTLS().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CtgInstallMainThreadTLS ( void *  cur  ) 

Definition at line 566 of file threads.C.

References switchTLS().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CtgInstallCthTLS ( void *  cur,
void *  next 

Definition at line 567 of file threads.C.

References switchTLS().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CmiEnableTLS ( void   ) 

Definition at line 569 of file threads.C.

References switchTLS(), and tlsseg_ptr.

Referenced by FTN_NAME().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CmiDisableTLS ( void   ) 

Definition at line 568 of file threads.C.

References switchTLS(), and tlsseg_ptr.

Referenced by FTN_NAME().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CthAddListener ( CthThread  th,
struct CthThreadListener l 

This listener is about to begin receiving suspend and resume events for this thread.

"suspend", "resume", "free", and "data" fields must all already be set. When this thread exits, l->free will be called on this listener, which should deallocate the listener memory.

Definition at line 943 of file threads.C.

References CthThreadListener::next, p, and CthThreadListener::thread.

Referenced by CkMigratable::CkAddThreadListeners(), and TraceProjections::traceAddThreadListeners().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CthUserAddListeners ( CthThread  th  ) 

This is function is inserted into .def.h after thread creation.

It serves as an interface for the user to add the listeners as needed. User has to implement this somewhere in the system.

CthCpvExtern ( char *  ,

size_t CthRegister ( size_t  dataSize  ) 

Allocate another size bytes of thread-local storage, and return the offset into the thread storage buffer.

Definition at line 369 of file threads.C.

References CthFixData(), and CthThreadBase::data.

Referenced by Cpthread_key_create().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CthRegistered ( size_t  dataOffMax  ) 

Make sure we have room to store up to at least maxOffset bytes of thread-local storage.

Definition at line 388 of file threads.C.

References CthFixData(), and CthThreadBase::data.

Here is the call graph for this function:

char* CthGetData ( CthThread  t  ) 

Definition at line 343 of file threads.C.

Cfuture CfutureCreate ( void   ) 

Definition at line 27 of file futures.C.

References CmiMyPe(), Cfuture_s::data, data, malloc(), Cfuture_s::pe, Cfuture_data_s::ready, Cfuture_data_s::value, and Cfuture_data_s::waiters.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CfutureSet ( Cfuture  f,
void *  val,
int  len 

Definition at line 80 of file futures.C.

References CfutureCreateBuffer(), CfutureStoreBuffer(), and copy().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void* CfutureWait ( Cfuture  f  ) 

void CfutureDestroy ( Cfuture  f  ) 

Definition at line 105 of file futures.C.

References CmiFree(), CmiMyPe(), CmiPrintf(), Cfuture_s::data, free(), Cfuture_s::pe, Cfuture_data_s::value, and Cfuture_data_s::waiters.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void* CfutureCreateBuffer ( int  bytes  ) 

Definition at line 55 of file futures.C.

References CmiAlloc(), and PUP::m.

Referenced by CfutureSet().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CfutureDestroyBuffer ( void *  val  ) 

Definition at line 64 of file futures.C.

References CmiFree().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CfutureStoreBuffer ( Cfuture  f,
void *  value 

Definition at line 69 of file futures.C.

References CfutureAwaken(), CmiMyPe(), Converse::CmiSyncSendAndFree(), CfutureValue_s::data, Cfuture_s::data, PUP::m, Cfuture_s::pe, and CfutureValue_s::valsize.

Referenced by CfutureSet().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CfutureInit ( void   ) 

int CldRegisterInfoFn ( CldInfoFn  fn  ) 

Definition at line 55 of file cldb.C.

References CmiRegisterHandler().

Referenced by _initCharm().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CldRegisterPackFn ( CldPackFn  fn  ) 

Definition at line 60 of file cldb.C.

References CmiRegisterHandler().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CldRegisterEstimator ( CldEstimator  fn  ) 

Definition at line 31 of file cldb.C.

Referenced by _initCharm().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CldEstimate ( void   ) 

Definition at line 50 of file cldb.spray.C.

References CldLoad().

Referenced by CldAverageHandler(), and CldInitiateReduction().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

const char* CldGetStrategy ( void   ) 

Definition at line 22 of file cldb.bluegene.C.

Referenced by CldModuleGeneralInit().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CldEnqueue ( int  pe,
void *  msg,
int  infofn 

void CldEnqueueMulti ( int  npes,
const int pes,
void *  msg,
int  infofn 

Definition at line 95 of file cldb.bluegene.C.

References CldSwitchHandler(), CmiFree(), Converse::CmiSyncListSendAndFree(), Converse::CmiSyncSend(), peinfo::EnqueueHandler, and len.

Referenced by _CldEnqueueMulti().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CldEnqueueGroup ( CmiGroup  grp,
void *  msg,
int  infofn 

Definition at line 90 of file cldb.bluegene.C.

References CldSwitchHandler(), CmiAbort(), CmiFree(), CmiLookupGroup(), Converse::CmiSyncMulticastAndFree(), Converse::CmiSyncSend(), peinfo::EnqueueHandler, len, and npes.

Referenced by _CldEnqueueGroup().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CldNodeEnqueue ( int  node,
void *  msg,
int  infofn 

Definition at line 194 of file cldb.bluegene.C.

References CldCountTokens(), CldMinAvg(), CldSwitchHandler(), CmiMyPe(), CmiNodeOf(), CrnRand(), peinfo::EnqueueHandler, peinfo::HopHandler, and len.

Referenced by _CldNodeEnqueue(), and CldEnqueue().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

CmmTable CmmPup ( pup_er  p,
CmmTable  t,
CmmPupMessageFn  msgpup 

Definition at line 137 of file msgmgr.C.

References CmiFree(), CmmEntries(), CmmFree(), CmmNew(), CmmPut(), CmmTableStruct::first, free(), malloc(), msg, CmmEntryStruct::msg, CmmEntryStruct::next, CmmEntryStruct::ntags, pup_isDeleting(), pup_isUnpacking(), tags, and CmmEntryStruct::tags.

Referenced by MBlockChunk::pup().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

CmmTable CmmNew ( void   ) 

Definition at line 25 of file msgmgr.C.

References CmiAlloc(), CmmTableStruct::first, and CmmTableStruct::lasth.

Referenced by CmiInitCPUAffinity(), CmmPup(), CPathGetSingle(), cpuTopoHandler(), MBlockChunk::MBlockChunk(), and receiver::receiver().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CmmFree ( CmmTable  t  ) 

Definition at line 33 of file msgmgr.C.

References CmiAbort(), CmiFree(), and CmmTableStruct::first.

Referenced by CmmPup(), cpuAffinityHandler(), cpuTopoHandler(), MBlockChunk::~MBlockChunk(), and receiver::~receiver().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CmmFreeAll ( CmmTable  t  ) 

Definition at line 43 of file msgmgr.C.

References CmiFree(), CmmTableStruct::first, and CmmEntryStruct::next.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CmmPut ( CmmTable  t,
int  ntags,
int tags,
void *  msg 

Definition at line 54 of file msgmgr.C.

References CmiAlloc(), int, CmmTableStruct::lasth, CmmEntryStruct::msg, CmmEntryStruct::next, CmmEntryStruct::ntags, and CmmEntryStruct::tags.

Referenced by CmmPup(), CPathSendHandler(), cpuAffinityHandler(), cpuTopoHandler(), receiver::irecv(), MBlockChunk::recv(), and receiver::sendTo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void* CmmFind ( CmmTable  t,
int  ntags,
int tags,
int returntags,
int  del 

Definition at line 83 of file msgmgr.C.

References CmiFree(), CmmTagsMatch(), CmmTableStruct::first, CmmTableStruct::lasth, CmmEntryStruct::msg, msg, CmmEntryStruct::next, CmmEntryStruct::ntags, and CmmEntryStruct::tags.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int CmmEntries ( CmmTable  t  ) 

Definition at line 125 of file msgmgr.C.

References CmmTableStruct::first, n, and CmmEntryStruct::next.

Referenced by CmmPup(), cpuAffinityHandler(), cpuTopoHandler(), and receiver::pupCmmTable().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CmmGetLastTag ( CmmTable  t,
int  ntags,
int tags 

Definition at line 110 of file msgmgr.C.

References CmmTagsMatch(), CmmTableStruct::first, CmmEntryStruct::next, CmmEntryStruct::ntags, and CmmEntryStruct::tags.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ConverseInit ( int  argc,
char **  argv,
CmiStartFn  fn,
int  usched,
int  initret 

void realConverseExit ( int  exitcode  ) 

void ConverseCleanup ( void   ) 

Referenced by _exitHandler().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CmiAbort ( const char *  why  ) 

Serial version of common Charm++ routines:.

Serial version of common Charm++ routines:.

Currently only used for FEM_ALONE mode.

Orion Sky Lawlor, olawlor@acm.org, 2003/8/15

Definition at line 1758 of file machine-common-core.C.

References CmiAbortHelper().

Referenced by __cmi_assert(), _callWhenIdle(), _cmiZeroHandler(), _exitHandler(), _handlePhase1(), _initCharm(), _initHandler(), _libExitHandler(), _nullFn(), _ObjectQHandler(), _parseCommandLineOpts(), _processHandler(), _receiveLocationHandler(), _roRdmaDoneHandler(), _TokenHandler(), LogPool::add(), CkReductionMgr::addContribution(), NetFEM_update::addElems(), LBDatabase::addLoadbalancer(), NetFEM_update::addNodes(), advanceNodes(), ARMCI_Wait(), CkDelegateMgr::ArraySectionSend(), TraceCounter::beginExecute(), TraceCounter::beginOverview(), CkMemCheckPT::BuddyPE(), GreedyAgentLB::BuildCpuArray(), CkReductionMsg::buildFromTuple(), GreedyAgentLB::BuildObjectArray(), PUP::fromTextFile::bytes(), PUP::toTextFile::bytes(), PUP::toTextUtil::bytes(), PUP_toNetwork4_unpack::bytes(), PUP_toNetwork4_pack::bytes(), PUP_toNetwork_unpack::bytes(), PUP_toNetwork_pack::bytes(), PUP_fromPagedDisk::bytes(), PUP_fmt::bytes(), call_mmap_anywhere(), call_mmap_fixed(), call_munmap(), ccs_killpe(), CcsBufferMessage(), CcsImpl_ccs2converse(), CcsReply(), CcsSendReply(), CcsSetMergeFn(), CentralLB::changeFreq(), CharmBeginInit(), CharmLibInit(), check_and_set_queue_parameters(), CheckAllAsyncMsgsSent(), CheckAsyncMsgSent(), CkNcpyBuffer::checkDeregModeIsValid(), chpt< StateType >::checkpoint(), CkNcpyBuffer::checkRegModeIsValid(), checkTSanOptions(), CkDiskCheckPTInfo::CkDiskCheckPTInfo(), CkFindObjectPtr(), CkGetSectionInfo(), CkHashFunction_pointer(), CkMessageWatcherInit(), CkRdmaEMAckHandler(), CkRdmaEMBcastPostAckHandler(), CkRdmaIssueRgets(), CkSendMsg(), CkSendMsgBranchGroup(), CldComputeNeighborData(), CldEnqueue(), CldEnqueueGroup(), CldReadNeighborData(), CmiAddCLA(), CmiAsyncBroadcastFn(), CmiCheckAffinity(), CmiCommLock(), CmiCommUnlock(), CmiCreatePartitions(), CmiDisplayCMAThresholds(), CmiFree(), CmiGetArgIntDesc(), CmiGetArgLongDesc(), CmiGetArgStringDesc(), CmiGetDynamicReduction(), CmiGetNonLocalNodeQ(), CmiGetReductionCreate(), CmiGroupInit(), CmiHandleMessage(), CmiInitCma(), CmiInitCPUAffinity(), CmiInitMemAffinity(), CmiInitPxshm(), CmiInitXpmem(), CmiIOInit(), CmiIsomallocBlockListFree(), CmiIsomallocPup(), CmiMemoryMarkBlock(), CmiNodeReduce(), CmiNodeReduceStruct(), CmiOnCore(), CmiOutOfMemory(), CmiPoolFree(), CmiProcessPriority(), CmiRdmaFree(), CmiSendMessageXpmem(), CmiSetCPUAffinity(), CmiSetMasterPartition(), CmiSetPartitionSizes(), CmiStartCounters(), CmiStopCounters(), CmiTLSInit(), CmiUsePersistentHandle(), CmmFree(), PUP::fromTextFile::comment(), eventQueue::CommitEvents(), TopoLB::computePartitions(), TopoCentLB::computePartitions(), CkMulticastMgr::contribute(), ConverseCommonInit(), ConverseInit(), cpd_memory_single_pup(), CpdConditional_SetupComm(), CpdGetNextMessageConditional(), CpdStartGdb(), cpuAffinityRecvHandler(), CQdCallWhenIdle(), CQdHandlePhase1(), RefinerTemp::create(), RefinerApprox::create(), Refiner::create(), create_partition_map(), createCtrlMsgIrecvBufs(), CkMemCheckPT::createEntry(), CreateLBFunc_Def(), LogPool::createRC(), LogPool::createSts(), TraceBluegene::creatFiles(), CtgFree(), CtgGlobalList::CtgGlobalList(), CtgPup(), CthAliasCreate(), CthAliasEnable(), CthCheckThreadSanity(), CthCreate(), CthCreateInner(), CthNoStrategy(), CthPup(), CthPupBase(), CthScheduledDecrement(), CthSuspend(), CthSuspendStealableThread(), CWeb_Invalid(), CWeb_Reduce(), CWebPerformanceRegisterFunction(), decompressLz4(), StringPool::dump(), CkLocMgr::emigrate(), TraceCounter::endExecute(), TraceCounter::endOverview(), TopoCentLB::extractMax(), FEM_Coarsen_Operation(), PUP_fmt::fieldHeader(), fillblock(), CkHashtable::findEntry(), TraceMemory::flush(), PUP::fromMemBuf(), gengraph(), CkCheckPTEntry::getCopy(), CkMemCheckPTInfo::getCopy(), MSA::MSA3D< ENTRY, ENTRY_OPS_CLASS, ENTRIES_PER_PAGE >::getInitialAccum(), MSA::MSA3D< ENTRY, ENTRY_OPS_CLASS, ENTRIES_PER_PAGE >::getInitialWrite(), NetFEM_update::getItem(), getMeshCoord(), grab_slots(), Group::Group(), handleMsgOnChildPostCompletionForRecvBcast(), hostInfo(), liveVizConfig::init(), CkCheckPTEntry::init(), init_ranges(), initBigSimTrace(), initHandlerRec(), CkMemCheckPT::isMaster(), isomalloc_internal_alloc_block(), isomallocfn(), KLevelTree::KLevelTree(), liveVizInit(), LV3D_save_init(), LV3D_save_view(), main::main(), map_failed(), match(), matchTest(), memAbort(), mempool_malloc(), meta_free(), LBDB::Migrate(), MPISendOneMsg(), MPISendOrRecvOneBuffer(), ArmciVirtualProcessor::msgGop(), NborBaseLB::NborBaseLB(), node_gToLTranslate(), node_lToGTranslate(), ntohl(), ck::ObjID::ObjID(), on_timeout(), CountLogPool::openFile(), LogPool::openLog(), TraceLogger::openLogFiles(), _CkOStream::output(), PUP::fromTextFile::parseError(), GridMetisLB::Partition_ClusterObjects_Into_PEs(), pe_gToLTranslate(), performEmApiRget(), POSEreadCmdLine(), print_node0(), PumpMsgs(), PumpMsgsBlocking(), NetFEM_update::pup(), pup_checkMPIerr(), PUP_getRegEntry(), PUP::er::pupCmiAllocBuf(), CkHashtable::put(), read_randomflag(), readBlacklist(), readMHz(), readonlyGet(), readShmCma(), CentralLB::readStatsMsgs(), recursive_bisect(), CkMemCheckPT::recvArrayCheckpoint(), CkMemCheckPT::recvData(), CkMulticastMgr::recvRedMsg(), recvViaCtrlMsg(), CkMulticastMgr::reduceFragment(), TraceCounter::registerArg(), TraceLogger::RegisterLanguage(), ReleasePostedMessages(), CkCompactVec< T >::remove(), CkVec< CkZeroPtr< T, PUP_PTR > >::remove(), RefinerTemp::removeComputes(), Refiner::removeComputes(), chpt< StateType >::restore(), CkLocMgr::restore(), CkLocMgr::resume(), Chare::sanitycheck(), PUP::seekBlock::seek(), PUP::seekBlock::seekBlock(), CkCallback::send(), SendMsgBuf(), sendRemoveLogRequests(), CkMulticastMgr::sendToSection(), sendViaCtrlMsg(), FEM_Attribute::set(), PhaseTable::setEp(), PhaseEntry::setEp(), SumLogPool::setEp(), CountLogPool::setEp(), setReverseModeForNcpyOpInfo(), OrbLB::sort_partition(), LBDB::StartLB(), PhaseTable::startPhase(), TraceCore::startPtc(), NeighborCommLB::Strategy(), SumLogPool::SumLogPool(), CkMemCheckPT::syncFiles(), MSA::MSAHandle< MSA::MSA1D< ElemList, DefaultListEntry< ElemList, true >, MSA_DEFAULT_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE > >::syncRelease(), TempAwareRefineLB::TempAwareRefineLB(), PUP::toMemBuf(), TopologyAgent::TopologyAgent(), TopoManager_init(), traceCommonInit(), TraceCounter::traceInit(), TraceProjector::traceRegisterUserEvent(), parallelTransfer_c::transfer(), parallelSurfaceTransfer_c::transfer(), CkReduction::tupleReduction_fn(), BaseLB::turnOff(), BaseLB::turnOn(), ParFUMShadowArray::unlockSharedIdxls(), minHeap::update(), SumLogPool::updateSummaryDetail(), TramBroadcastInstance< CkArrayIndex >::value(), TopoLB::work(), TopoCentLB::work(), TempAwareCommLB::work(), RotateLB::work(), RefineTopoLB::work(), RandCentLB::work(), OrbLB::work(), GreedyLB::work(), GreedyCommLB::work(), CommLB::work(), BlockLB::work(), TraceSummaryBOC::write(), SumLogPool::write(), writeShmCma(), LogPool::writeStatis(), CentralLB::writeStatsMsgs(), TraceUtilization::writeSts(), SumLogPool::writeSts(), writeSts(), CountLogPool::writeSts(), and WSLB::WSLB().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CcdCallFnAfter ( CcdVoidFn  fnp,
void *  arg,
double  msecs 

Register a callback function that will be triggered after a minimum delay of deltaT.

Definition at line 522 of file conv-conds.C.

References CcdCallFnAfterOnPE().

Referenced by _qdHandler(), checkpointAlarm(), CkDieNow(), CldAverageHandler(), CWeb_Collect(), TCharm::evacuate(), CkMemCheckPT::isMaster(), killLocal(), on_idle(), processRaiseEvacFile(), readFaultFile(), readKillFile(), MeshStreamer< dtype >::registerPeriodicProgressFunction(), and startMlogCheckpoint().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CcdCallOnCondition ( int  condnum,
CcdVoidFn  fnp,
void *  arg 

Register a callback function that will be triggered when the specified condition is raised the next time.

Definition at line 450 of file conv-conds.C.

References append_elem().

Referenced by _initCharm(), _messageLoggingInit(), _qdHandler(), CIdleTimeoutInit(), CkMemCheckPT::CkMemCheckPT(), CkMessageDetailReplay::CkMessageDetailReplay(), CldGraphModuleInit(), CQdHandler(), CQdRegisterCallback(), heartBeatCheckHandler(), heartBeatPartner(), CkMemCheckPT::isMaster(), partnerFailureHandler(), CkMemCheckPT::pup(), and CkArray::setupSpringCleaning().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CcdCallOnConditionKeep ( int  condnum,
CcdVoidFn  fnp,
void *  arg 

void CcdCallFnAfterOnPE ( CcdVoidFn  fnp,
void *  arg,
double  msecs,
int  pe 

Register a callback function that will be triggered on the specified PE after a minimum delay of deltaT.

Definition at line 511 of file conv-conds.C.

References ccd_heap_insert(), and CmiWallTimer().

Referenced by CcdCallFnAfter(), CldBalancePeriod(), controlPointManager::controlPointManager(), MetaBalancer::periodicCall(), periodicProcessControlPoints(), and LBDB::batsyncer::resumeFromSync().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CcdCallOnConditionOnPE ( int  condnum,
CcdVoidFn  fnp,
void *  arg,
int  pe 

Register a callback function that will be triggered on the specified PE when the specified condition is raised the next time.

Definition at line 460 of file conv-conds.C.

References append_elem().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int CcdCallOnConditionKeepOnPE ( int  condnum,
CcdVoidFn  fnp,
void *  arg,
int  pe 

Register a callback function that will be triggered on the specified PE *whenever* the specified condition is raised.

Definition at line 480 of file conv-conds.C.

References append_elem().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CcdCancelCallOnCondition ( int  condnum,
int  idx 

Cancel a previously registered conditional callback.

Definition at line 490 of file conv-conds.C.

References remove_elem().

Referenced by CkArray::~CkArray().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CcdCancelCallOnConditionKeep ( int  condnum,
int  idx 

Cancel a previously registered conditional callback.

Definition at line 500 of file conv-conds.C.

References remove_elem().

Referenced by AMPI_Uninstall_idle_timer(), LBMachineUtil::StatsOff(), traceCommonInit(), and LV3D0_ClientManager_toMaster::~LV3D0_ClientManager_toMaster().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CcdRaiseCondition ( int  condnum  ) 

Raise a condition causing all registered callbacks corresponding to that condition to be triggered.

Definition at line 532 of file conv-conds.C.

References call_cblist_keep(), call_cblist_remove(), and CmiWallTimer().

Referenced by CcdCallBacks(), CQdAnnounceHandler(), CsdBeginIdle(), CsdEndIdle(), CsdStillIdle(), and LrtsInitCpuTopo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double CcdSetResolution ( double  newResolution  ) 

Set the polling resolution for time based callbacks.

Definition at line 563 of file conv-conds.C.

References CcdSetMinResolution().

Here is the call graph for this function:

double CcdResetResolution ( void   ) 

Reset the polling resolution for time based callbacks to its default value.

Definition at line 570 of file conv-conds.C.

References ccd_periodic_callbacks::resolution.

double CcdIncreaseResolution ( double  newResolution  ) 

"Safe" operation that only ever increases the polling resolution for time based callbacks

Definition at line 583 of file conv-conds.C.

References CcdSetMinResolution().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CmiBacktraceRecord ( void **  retPtrs,
int  nSkip,
int nLevels 

Extract the function-return pointers listed in the stack up to this depth.

nSkip is the number of enclosing functions to skip-- for example, nSkip==0 means the retPtrs[0] will be the caller of CmiBacktraceRecord. Returns retPtrs[0..*nLevels-1] stack pointers. nLevels may be decreased if not enough levels are available.

Definition at line 24 of file cmibacktrace.C.

Referenced by CmiIsFortranLibraryCall(), CmiPrintStackTrace(), CpdNotify(), and setSlot().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char** CmiBacktraceLookup ( void **  srcPtrs,
int  nLevels 

Look up the names of these function pointers.

Caller must free() the returned array, but not the individual strings.

Definition at line 40 of file cmibacktrace.C.

Referenced by CmiBacktracePrint(), and CmiIsFortranLibraryCall().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

CpvExtern ( void *  ,

CpvExtern ( int  ,

CpvExtern ( unsigned  ,

void CmiMachineProgressImpl ( void   ) 

void CommunicationServerPxshm ( void   ) 

Referenced by AdvanceCommunication(), and CmiSendMessagePxshm().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CmiInitCounters ( void   ) 

Definition at line 27 of file conv-counter.C.

void CmiStartCounters ( int  events[],
int  numEvents 

Definition at line 37 of file conv-counter.C.

References CmiAbort(), and start_counters().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CmiStopCounters ( int  events[],
CMK_TYPEDEF_INT8  values[],
int  numEvents 

Definition at line 55 of file conv-counter.C.

References CmiAbort(), and read_counters().

Here is the call graph for this function:

CmiObjId* CthGetThreadID ( CthThread  th  ) 

Definition at line 338 of file threads.C.

Referenced by CthEnqueueSuspendedStealableThread(), and traceThreadListener_resume().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CthSetThreadID ( CthThread  th,
int  a,
int  b,
int  c 

Definition at line 330 of file threads.C.

Referenced by CkMigratable::CkAddThreadListeners(), Group::CkAddThreadListeners(), and Chare::CkAddThreadListeners().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CthTraceResume ( CthThread  t  ) 

Definition at line 2210 of file threads.C.

References CthThreadStruct::base, CthThreadBase::tid, and traceResume().

Referenced by CthResumeNormalThread(), CthResumeNormalThreadDebug(), CthResumeSchedulingThread(), CthResumeStealableThread(), and PUPmarshall().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

CpvExtern ( char *  ,

void CmiTurnOnStats ( void   ) 

void CmiTurnOffStats ( void   ) 

CpvExtern ( int  ,

size_t CmiFwrite ( const void *  ptr,
size_t  size,
size_t  nmemb,
FILE *  f 

Definition at line 191 of file pup_util.C.

References PUP::mem::buf, CmiError(), and CmiWallTimer().

Referenced by PUP::toDisk::bytes().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

CmiInt8 CmiPwrite ( int  fd,
const char *  buf,
size_t  bytes,
size_t  offset 

Definition at line 223 of file pup_util.C.

References pwrite().

Referenced by Ck::IO::impl::WriteSession::flushBuffer().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CmiOpen ( const char *  pathname,
int  flags,
int  mode 

Definition at line 171 of file pup_util.C.

References CmiError(), fd, and Ck::IO::open().

Referenced by Ck::IO::impl::Manager::get().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

FILE* CmiFopen ( const char *  path,
const char *  mode 

Definition at line 260 of file pup_util.C.

References CmiError().

Referenced by openCheckpointFile().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CmiFclose ( FILE *  fp  ) 

Definition at line 276 of file pup_util.C.

References CmiError(), and status.

Referenced by CkCheckpointMgr::Checkpoint(), checkpointOne(), CkRestartMain(), and CkResumeRestartMain().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CmiGetCluster ( int  pe  ) 

int CmiGridQueueGetInterval ( void   ) 

Referenced by ArrayElement::initBasics().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CmiGridQueueGetThreshold ( void   ) 

Referenced by ArrayElement::initBasics().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CmiGridQueueRegister ( int  gid,
int  nInts,
int  index1,
int  index2,
int  index3 

void CmiGridQueueDeregister ( int  gid,
int  nInts,
int  index1,
int  index2,
int  index3 

void CmiGridQueueDeregisterAll ( void   ) 

Referenced by CentralLB::MigrationDoneImpl().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CmiGridQueueLookup ( int  gid,
int  nInts,
int  index1,
int  index2,
int  index3 

int CmiGridQueueLookupMsg ( char *  msg  ) 

Referenced by _skipCldHandler().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

EXTERN CmiNotifyCommThdMsg* CmiCreateNotifyCommThdMsg ( CmiCommThdFnPtr  fn,
int  numParams,
void *  params,
int  toKeep 

Definition at line 50 of file machine-commthd-util.C.

References CmiNotifyCommThdMsg::fn, malloc(), CmiNotifyCommThdMsg::numParams, CmiNotifyCommThdMsg::params, and CmiNotifyCommThdMsg::toKeep.

Here is the call graph for this function:

EXTERN void CmiFreeNotifyCommThdMsg ( CmiNotifyCommThdMsg msg  ) 

Definition at line 64 of file machine-commthd-util.C.

References free(), and CmiNotifyCommThdMsg::params.

Referenced by commThdHandleNotification().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

EXTERN void CmiResetNotifyCommThdMsg ( CmiNotifyCommThdMsg msg,
CmiCommThdFnPtr  fn,
int  numParams,
void *  params,
int  toKeep 

EXTERN void CmiNotifyCommThd ( CmiNotifyCommThdMsg msg  ) 

Definition at line 80 of file machine-commthd-util.C.

References CmiPushImmediateMsg().

Here is the call graph for this function:

CpvExtern ( int  ,

int CmiGetCurKnownOmpThreads ( void   ) 

CpvCExtern ( int  ,

Variable Documentation

Definition at line 152 of file machine-common-core.C.

Referenced by CmiStartThreads().

Definition at line 153 of file machine-common-core.C.

Referenced by CmiCreatePartitions().

Definition at line 155 of file machine-common-core.C.

Referenced by CmiCreatePartitions(), and create_partition_map().

Definition at line 151 of file machine-common-core.C.

Definition at line 445 of file converse.h.

Referenced by CkMessageWatcherInit(), and CmiStartThreads().

Definition at line 356 of file machine-common-core.C.

Referenced by CmiStartThreads().

CMK_THREADLOCAL int32_t _cmi_bgq_incommthread

Definition at line 38 of file cpuaffinity.C.

Referenced by ConverseInit(), and printTopology().

Definition at line 242 of file machine-common-core.C.

Referenced by ConverseInit().

Generated on Mon Sep 21 08:01:07 2020 for Charm++ by  doxygen 1.5.5