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Joint ACM Java Grande - ISCOPE 2002 Conference

Seattle, Washington, November 3-5, 2002

Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN


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JavaGrande/ISCOPE 2002 Program


  • NOVEMBER 3, 2002: JGI tutorials
  • NOVEMBER 4-5, 2002: JGI Technical Program (see below)
  • NOVEMBER 5, 2002, 5:30-7:30 PM: Posters with OOPSLA


  • The 3:20 and 4:35 talks on Tuesday have been interchanged.


Monday, November 4
Session I Grid Computing
Session Chair: Dennis Gannon
 8:30 KEYNOTE: Pratap Pattnaik, IBM, on Autonomic Computing
 9:30 The Ninf Portal: An Automatic Generation Tool for Computing Portals
9:55 BREAK
Session II Grid and Parallel Computing
Session Chair: Pratap Pattnaik
10:30 JavaSymphony: New Directives to Control and Synchronize Locality, Parallelism, and Load Balancing for Cluster and GRID-Computing
10:55 Ibis: an Efficient Java-based Grid Programming Environment
11:20 Efficient, Flexible and Typed Group Communications for Java
11:45 JOPI: A Java Object-Passing Interface
12:10 LUNCH
Session III Grid and Peer-to-peer Computing
Session Chair: Doug Lea
1:40 Abstracting Remote Object Interaction in a Peer-2-Peer Environment
2:05 Advanced Eager Scheduling for Java-Based Adaptively Parallel Computing
2:30 A Scaleable Event Infrastructure for Peer to Peer Grids
2:55 BREAK
Session IV Java Compilation
Session Chair: Judith Bishop
3:20 Elimination of Java Array Bounds Checks in the Presence of Indirection
3:45 Simple and Effective Array Prefetching in Java
4:10 Fast Subtype Checking in the HotSpot JVM
4:35 Almost-whole-program Compilation

Tuesday, November 5
Session I Object-based Computing
Session Chair: Sanjay Kalé
 8:30 KEYNOTE: Alexander Stepanov, The Future of Abstraction
 9:30 Generic Programming for High Performance Scientific Applications
9:55 BREAK
Session II Object-based Computing and Applications
Session Chair: Jorg Steignitz
10:30 Higher-Order Functions and Partial Applications for a C++ Skeleton Library
10:55 Ravenscar-Java: A High Integrity Profile for Real-Time Java
11:20 Parsek: Object Oriented Particle in Cell. Implementation and Performance Issues
11:45 inAspect - Interfacing Java and VSIPL
12:10 LUNCH
Session III Node Java I
Session Chair: Peter Capello
1:40 Open Runtime Platform: Flexibility with Performance Using Interfaces
2:05 Aggressive Object Combining
2:30 Run-time Evaluation of Opportunities for Object Inlining in Java
2:55 BREAK
Session IV Node Java II
Session Chair: Vladimir Getov
3:20 Jeeg: A Programming Language for Concurrent Objects Synchronization
3:45 Specifying Java Thread Semantics Using a Uniform Memory Model
4:10 Immutability Specification and its Applications
4:35 Adding Tuples to Java: a Study in Lightweight Data Structures

5:30-7:30 POSTER SESSION (with OOPSLA)


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