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Joint ACM Java Grande - ISCOPE 2002 Conference

Seattle, Washington, November 3-5, 2002

Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN


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JGI'02 - Papers Accepted

Keynote #1: Pratap Pattnaik, IBM, on Autonomic Computing
Click here for PDF of slides


The goal of autonomic computing is the reduction of complexity in the
management of large computing systems. The evolution of computing systems
faces a continuous growth in the number of degrees of freedom that the
system must manage in order to be efficient. Two major factors contribute
to the increase in the number of degrees of freedom:  Historically,
computing elements, such as  CPUs, memory, disks,  network, etc., have
non-uniform advancements.  The disparity between  the capabilities/speeds
of various elements opens up the opportunity for each element to introduce
a number of different strategies  depending upon the environment the
element is encountering. This eliminates the possibility of developing a
tightly managed global state.  In turn, this calls for a dynamic strategy
to make judicious choices  for achieving targeted efficiency.  Secondly,
the systems tend to have a global scope in terms of the demand for their
services and the resources they employ for rendering the services.  Changes
in the demands/resources in one part of the system can have a  significant
effect on other parts of the system.  Recent experiences with web servers
(related to popular events like the Olympics) emphasize the variability and
unpredictability  of demands and the need to rapidly react to the changes.
A system must perceive the changes in the environment and must be ready to
react with a variety of choices, so that suitable strategies can be quickly
selected for the new environment.

The autonomic computing approach is to orchestrate the management  of the
functionalities, efficiencies, and the qualities of services of large
computing systems through logically distributed,  autonomous controlling
elements, and to achieve a harmonious functioning of the global system
within the confines of its stipulated behavior, while individual elements
make locally autonomous decisions.  In this approach, one moves from a
resource/entitlement model to a goal-oriented model.  In order to
significantly reduce system management complexity, one must clearly
delineate the boundaries of these controlling elements. The reduction in
complexity is achieved mainly by making a significant  amount of decisions
locally in these elements. This enables the separation of subsystems into
various ranges of space and time.

In this talk we will review some of the major examples of autonomic
computing at various levels of the computing hierarchy, and will discuss a
framework to study them.  Also we will discuss some of the major challenges
and areas of autonomic computing that require significant theoretical

Keynote #2: Alexander Stepanov, The Future of Abstraction


Abstraction in programming languages is a mechanism that allows us to
group together similar sections of code, and, by doing so, better
organize our programs. C++ provides two different language constructs
to deal with abstraction: inheritance and templates. Both these
mechanisms, however, are flawed. After presenting the relative flaws
of inheritance and templates, a new, unifying mechanism called
concepts is proposed.

Title:   Aggressive Object Combining

Authors: Ronald Veldema, Vrije Universteit
         Ceriel Jacobs, Vrije Universteit
         Rutger Hofman, Vrije Universteit
         Henri Bal, Vrije Universteit

Title:   Ravenscar-Java: A High Integrity Profile for Real-Time Java

Authors: Jagun Kwon, University of York
         Andy Wellings, University of York
         Steve King, University of York

Title:   JavaSymphony: New Directives to Control and Synchronize Locality,
         Parallelism, and Load Balancing for Cluster and GRID-Computing

Authors: Thomas Fahringer, Institute for Software Science -
                 University of Vienna
         Alexandru Jugravu, Institute for Software Science -
                 University of Vienna

Title:   Run-time Evaluation of Opportunities for Object Inlining in Java

Authors: Ondrej Lhotak, School of Computer Science, McGill University
         Laurie Hendren, School of Computer Science, McGill University

Title:   Elimination of Java Array Bounds Checks in the Presence of

Authors: Mikel Lujan, University of Manchester
         John R. Gurd, University of Manchester
         T.L. Freeman, University of Manchester
         Jose Miguel, UPV-EHU, Spain

Title:   Ibis: an Efficient Java-based Grid Programming Environment

Authors: Rob V. van Nieuwpoort, Vrije Universiteit
         Jason Maassen, Vrije Universiteit
         Rutger Hofman, Vrije Universiteit
         Thilo Kielmann, Vrije Universiteit
         Henri E. Bal, Vrije Universiteit

Title:   Abstracting Remote Object Interaction in a Peer-2-Peer Environment

Authors: Patrick Eugster, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
         Sébastien Baehni, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne,

Title:   Efficient, Flexible and typed Group Communications for Java

Authors: Laurent Baduel, INRIA Sophia Antipolis,
                CNRS - I3S - University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
         Françoise Baude, INRIA Sophia Antipolis,
                CNRS - I3S - University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
         Denis Caromel, INRIA Sophia Antipolis,
                CNRS - I3S - University of Nice Sophia Antipolis

Title:   Parsek: Object Oriented Particle in Cell.  Implementation and
         Performance Issues

Authors: Stefano Markidis, Politecnico di Torino
         Giovanni Lapenta, LANL
         Brian VanderHeyden, LANL

Title:   Adding tuples to Java: a study in lightweight data structures

Authors: C. van Reeuwijk, Delft University of Technology
         H.J. Sips, Delft University of Technology

Title:   Almost-whole-program compilation

Authors: Zoran Budimlic, Rice University
         Ken Kennedy, Rice University

Title:   The Ninf Portal: An Automatic Generation Tool for Computing Portals

Authors: Toyotaro Suzumura, Tokyo Institute of Technology
         Hidemoto Nakada, National Institute of Advanced Industorial Science
                 and Technology (AIST)
         Masayuki Saito, IBM Japan
         Satoshi Matsuoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology/National Institute
                 of Informatics
         Yoshio Tanaka, National Institute of Advanced Industorial Science and
                 Technology (AIST)
         Satoshi Sekiguchi, National Institute of Advanced Industorial Science
                 and Technology (AIST)

Title:   Fast Subtype Checking in the HotSpot JVM

Authors: Cliff Click, Sun Microsystems
         John Rose, Sun Microsystems

Title:   Advanced Eager Scheduling for Java-Based Adaptively Parallel

Authors: Michael O. Neary, Dep. of Computer Science,
                 University of California, Santa Barbara
         Peter Cappello, Dep. of Computer Science,
                 University of California, Santa Barbara

Title:   Higher-Order Functions and Partial Applications for a C++
         Skeleton Library

Authors: Herbert Kuchen, University of Münster
         Jörg Striegnitz, Research Center Julich, Central Institute
                for Applied Mathematics, D-52425 Julich, Germany

Title:   Open Runtime Platform: Flexibility with Performance using Interfaces

Authors: Michal Cierniak, Intel
         Brian Lewis, Intel
         James Stichnoth, Intel

Title:   Specifying Java Thread Semantics Using a Uniform Memory Model

Authors: Yue Yang, University of Utah
         Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, University of Utah
         Gary Lindstrom, University of Utah

Title:   JOPI: A Java Object-Passing Interface

Authors: Nader Mohamed, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
         Jameela Al-Jaroodi, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
         Hong Jiang, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
         David Swanson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Title:   inAspect - Interfacing Java and VSIPL

Authors: Torey Alford, MPI Software Technology Inc.
         Vijay Shah, Mississippi State University
         David Whitcomb, MPI Software Technology Inc.
         Anthony Skjellum, MPI Software Technology Inc.
         Andrew Watkins, MPI Software Technology Inc.
         Nick Younan, Mississippi State University

Title:   Jeeg: A Programming Language for Concurrent Objects Synchronization

Authors: Giuseppe Milicia, BRICS - University of Aarhus
         Vladimiro Sassone, University of Sussex

Title:   Simple and Effective Array Prefetching in Java

Authors: Brendon Cahoon, University of Massachusetts
         Kathryn McKinley, University of Texas

Title:   Generic Programming for High Performance Scientific Applications

Authors: Lie-Quan Lee, Indiana University
         Andrew Lumsdaine, Indiana University

Title:   A Scaleable Event Infrastructure for Peer to Peer Grids

Authors: Geoffrey Fox, Community Grid Computing Laboratory,
                Dept. of Computer Science, Indiana University
         Shrideep Pallickara, Community Grid Computing Laboratory,
                Dept. of Computer Science, Indiana University
         Xi Rao, Community Grid Computing Laboratory,
                Dept. of Computer Science, Indiana University
         Qinglin Pei, Community Grid Computing Laboratory,
                Dept. of Computer Science, Indiana University

Title:   Immutability Specification and its Applications

Authors: Igor Pechtchanski, New York University
         Vivek Sarkar, IBM T.J.Watson Research Center

Aggressive Object Combining 
Object combining tries to put objects together that have roughly the same live times to reduce strain on the memory manager and to re- duce the number of pointer indirections during a program's execu- tion. Object combining works by appending the fields of one object to another, allowing allocation and freeing of multiple objects with a single heap (de)allocation. Unlike object inlining, which will only optimize objects where one has a (unique) pointer to another, our optimization also works if there is no such relation. Object inlin- ing is thus treated as a special case of object combining. Object inlining also directly replaces the pointer by the inlined object's fields. Object combining leaves the pointer in place to allow more combining. Elimination of the pointer accesses is implemented in a separate compiler optimization pass. This paper describes and evaluates techniques to implement ob- ject combining for Java. Unlike previous object inlining systems, reference field overwrites are allowed and handled, resulting in much more aggressive optimization. Our object combining heuris- tics also allow unrelated objects to be combined, for example those allocated inside a loop; recursive data structures (linked lists, trees) can be allocated several at a time and objects that are always used together can be combined. The main focus of object combining in this paper is on reducing object (de)allocation overhead, by reducing both garbage collection work and the number of object allocations. Reduction of memory management overhead causes execution time to be reduced by up to 35%. Indirection removal further reduces execution time by up to 6%.
Ravenscar-Java: A High Integrity Profile for Real-Time Java
For many, Java is the antithesis of a high integrity programming language. Its combination of object-oriented programming features, its automatic garbage collection, and its poor support for real-time multi-threading are all seen as particular impediments. The Real-Time Specification for Java has introduced many new features that help in the real-time domain. However, the expressive power of these features means that very complex programming models can be created, necessitating complexity in the supporting real-time virtual machine. Consequently, Java, with the real-time extensions as they stand, seems too complex for confident use in high integrity systems. This paper presents a Java profile for the development of software-intensive high integrity real-time systems. This restricted programming model removes language features with high overheads and complex semantics, on which it is hard to perform timing and functional analyses. The profile fits within the J2ME framework and is consistent with well-known guidelines for high integrity software development, such as those defined by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
JavaSymphony: New Directives to Control and Synchronize Locality, Parallelism, and Load Balancing for Cluster and GRID-Computing
There has been an increasing research interest in extending the use of Java towards performance-oriented programming for distributed and parallel applications. Numerous research projects have introduced class libraries or language extensions for Java in order to support automatic management of locality, parallelism and load balancing which is almost entirely under the control of a runtime system and frequently results in critical performance problems. In previous work we described JavaSymphony to substantially alleviate this problem. JavaSymphony is a Java class library that allows the programmer to control parallelism, load balancing , and locality at a high level. Objects can be explicitly distributed and migrated based on a high-level API to static and dynamic system parameters and dynamic virtual distributed architectures which impose a virtual hierarchy on a distributed system of physical computing nodes. In this paper we describe various important extensions to the original JavaSymphony API which includes a generalization of virtual architectures that can be used to specify and to request arbitrary heterogeneous distributed architectures. The number of threads that execute an object's methods can be controlled dynamically through single- and multi-threaded objects. Conventional Java objects can be dynamically converted to JavaSymphony objects. A (un)lock mechanism has been introduced in order to avoid inconsistent modification of objects or virtual architectures. A sophisticated event mechanism for asynchronous communication and interaction is provided. Moreover, we included several synchronization constructs including barrier synchronization and synchronization for asynchronous method invocations. We conducted an experiment to compare the performance of JavaSymphony against two related Java-based systems. We also demonstrate how to simplify the programming effort to synchronize and to coordinate distributed objects through the JavaSymphony event and synchronization mechanism.
Run-time Evaluation of Opportunities for Object Inlining in Java
Object-oriented languages, like Java, encourage the use of many small objects linked together by field references, instead of a few monolithic structures. While this practice is beneficial from a program design perspective, it can slow down program execution by incurring many pointer indirections. One solution to this problem is object inlining: when the compiler can safely do so, it fuses small objects together, thus removing the reads/writes to the removed field, saving the memory needed to store the field and object header, and reducing the number of object allocations. The objective of this paper is to measure the potential for object inlining by studying the run-time behavior of a comprehensive set of Java programs. We study the traces of program executions in order to determine which fields behave like inlinable fields. Since we are using dynamic information instead of a static analysis, our results give an upper bound on what could be achieved via a static compiler-based approach. Our experimental results measure the potential improvements attainable with object inlining, including reductions in the numbers of field reads and writes, and reduced memory usage. Our study shows that some Java programs can benefit significantly from object inlining, with close to a 10% speedup. Somewhat to our surprise, our study found one case, the db benchmark, where the most important inlinable field was the result of unusual program design, and fixing this small flaw led to both better performance and clearer program design. However, the opportunities for object inlining are highly dependent on the individual program being considered, and are in many cases very limited. Furthermore, fields that are inlinable also have properties that make them potential candidates for other optimizations such as removing redundant memory accesses. The memory savings possible through object inlining are moderate.
Elimination of Java Array Bounds Checks in the Presence of Indirection
The Java language specification states that every access to an array needs to be within the bounds of that array; i.e. be- tween 0 and array length - 1. Different techniques for dif- ferent programming languages have been proposed to elim- inate explicit bounds checks. Some of these techniques are implemented in off-the-self Java Virtual Machines (JVMs). The underlying principle of these techniques is that bounds checks can be removed when a JVM/compiler has enough information to guarantee that a sequence of accesses (e.g. in- side a for-loop) is safe (within the bounds). Most of the techniques for the elimination of array bounds checks have been developed for programming languages that do not support multi-threading and/or enable dynamic class loading. These two characteristics make most of these tech- niques unsuitable for Java. Those techniques developed specifically for Java have not addressed the elimination of array bounds checks when the index is stored in another array (indirection array) ­ in the presence of indirection. With the objective of optimising applications with array indirection, this paper proposes and evaluates three imple- mentation strategies, each implemented as a Java class. The classes provide the functionality of Java arrays of type int so that objects of the classes can be used instead of indirection arrays. Each strategy enables JVMs, when examining only one of these classes at a time, to obtain enough information to remove array bounds checks.
Ibis: an Efficient Java-based Grid Programming Environment
In computational grids, performance-hungry applications need to simultaneously tap the computational power of multiple, dynami- cally available sites. The crux of designing grid programming envi- ronments stems exactly from the dynamic availability of compute cycles: grid programming environments (a) need to be portable to run on as many sites as possible, (b) they need to be flexible to cope with different network protocols and dynamically changing groups of compute nodes, while (c) they need to provide efficient (local) communication that enables high-performance computing in the first place. Existing programming environments are either portable (Java), or they are flexible (Jini, Java RMI), or they are highly efficient (MPI). No system combines all three properties that are necessary for grid computing. In this paper, we present Ibis, a new program- ming environment that combines Java's "run everywhere" porta- bility both with flexible treatment of dynamically available net- works and processor pools, and with highly efficient, object-based communication. Ibis can transfer Java objects very efficiently by combining streaming object serialization with a zero-copy proto- col. Using RMI as a simple test case, we show that Ibis out- performs existing RMI implementations, achieving up to 9 times higher throughputs with trees of objects.
Abstracting Remote Object Interaction in a Peer-2-Peer Environment
Leveraged by the success of applications aiming at the "free" sharing of data in the Internet, the paradigm of peer-2-peer (P2P) computing has been devoted substantial consideration recently. This paper presents an abstraction for object interaction in a P2P environment, called query/share (QS). We present the principles underlying our QS abstraction, and its implementation in Java. We constrast our abstraction with established abstractions for distributed programming such as the remote method invocation or the tuple space, illustrating how the QS abstraction, obviously influenced by such predating abstractions, unifies flavors of these, but also how it captures the constraints specific to P2P environments.
Efficient, Flexible and typed Group Communications for Java
Group communication is a crucial feature for high-performance and Grid computing. While previous works and libraries proposed such a characteristic (e.g. MPI, or object-oriented frameworks), the use of groups was imposing specific constrained on the programmers -- for instance the use of dedicated interfaces to trigger group communications. We aimed at a more flexible mechanism. More specifically, this paper proposes a scheme where, given a Java class, one can initiate group communications using the standard public methods of the class together with the classical dot notation; in that way group communications remained typed. Furthermore, groups are automatically constructed to handle the result of collective operations, providing an elegant and effective way to program gather operations. The flexibility also allows to handle results that are groups of remotely accessible object, and to use group as a mean to dispatch different parameters to different group members (for instance in a cyclic manner). More, hierarchical groups can be easily and dynamically constructed; an important feature to achieve the use of several clusters in Grid computing. Performance measures demonstrated the viability of the approach. The challenge is to provide easy to use, efficient, and dynamic group management for objects dynamically distributed on the Grid.
Parsek: Object Oriented Particle in Cell. Implementation and Performance Issues
The paper describes a plasma physics simulation package written entirely in Java using a pure object-oriented design. Plasma simulation is an ideal candidate for object oriented programming since the physics of plasmas and the numerical schemes used lend themselves to a natural object oriented interpretation. In the present paper we primarily discuss three issues. First, we review briefly the numerical scheme used, based on the implicit formulation that results in a cost effective simulation method. With the use of implicit plasma simulation a gain of eight orders of magnitude in computational cost can be demonstrated compared with standard explicit methods. Second, we discuss the issue of object oriented implementation. We show that the use of the standard JIT compilation results in a penalty of the fully object oriented approach. Although the observed penalty is much less than previously observed, we still have to gain a factor of two to make the fully object oriented version competitive. To overcome this difficulty we try the JaMake compiler developed at Rice university. Finally, the implicit approach proposed here requires the most modern numerical techniques for the solution of non-linear equations(Newton-Krylov) and linear systems(genera-lized minimum residual with multigrid preconditioning). The complexity of the numerical methods also further complicate the design of parallelizable algorithms. We approach the problem using a package recently developed to handle multiple physics: CartaBlanca. CartaBlanca provides all the necessary classes to perform the advanced numerical operations required and provides a fully parallel environment based on native JAVA multithreading.
Adding tuples to Java: a study in lightweight data structures
Java classes are very flexible, but this comes at a price. The main cost is that every class instance must be allocated. Their access by reference introduces pointer dereferences and complicates program analysis. These costs are particularly burdensome for small, ubiqui- tous data structures such as coordinates and state vectors. For such data structures a lightweight representation would be desirable, al- lowing such data to be handled directly, similar to primitive types. A number of proposals introduce restricted or mutated variants of standard Java classes that could serve as lightweight representation, but the impact of these proposals has never been studied. Since we have implemented a Java compiler with lightweight data structures we are in a good position to do this evaluation. Our lightweight data structures are tuples. As we will show, their use can result in significant performance gains: for a number of ex- isting benchmark programs using tuples we gain more than 50% in performance relative to our own compiler, and more than 20% rela- tive to Sun's Hotspot 1.4 compiler. We expect similar performance gains for other implementations of lightweight data structures. With respect to the expressiveness of Java, lightweight variants of standard Java classes have little impact. In contrast, tuples add a different language construct that, as we will show, can lead to sub- stantially more concise program code.
Almost-whole-program compilation
This paper presents a strategy, called almost-whole-program compilation, for extending the benefits of whole-program optimization to large collections of Java components that are packaged as a group after the development phase. This strategy has been implemented in a framework that uses Java visibility and scoping rules to transform a collection of classes into a package that is amenable to whole-program optimizations, without precluding extensions to the optimized and compiled code. Thus, it enables the Java developer to balance performance against flexibility of the program after the development phase, without compromising the design process. The transformation is shown to incur only modest performance penalties, which are more than compensated for by the interprocedural optimizations it enables. The paper concludes with experimental results showing the benefits that can be achieved using this approach.
The Ninf Portal: An Automatic Generation Tool for Computing Portals
As the Grid proliferates as the next-generation comput- ing infrastructure, a user interface in the form of "Grid Portals" is becoming increasingly important, especially for computational scientists and engineers. Although several Grid Portal toolkits have been proposed, the portal devel- oper still must build and deploy both the user interface and the application, which results in considerable programming efforts. We aim to ease this burden by generating the por- tal frontend (that constitutes of JSP and Java Servlets) from a XML document for the former, and a GridRPC system, Ninf-G for easily "gridifying" existing applications for the latter, and realizing their seamless integration. The result- ing system, which we call the Ninf Portal, allowed concise description and easy deployment of a real Grid application with greatly small programming efforts.
Fast Subtype Checking in the HotSpot JVM
We present the fast subtype checking imple- mented in Sun's HotSpot JVM. Subtype checks occur when a program wishes to know if class S implements class T, where S and T are not known at compile-time. Large Java programs will make millions or even billions of such checks, hence a fast check is essential. In actual benchmark runs our technique performs com- plete subtype checks in 3 instructions (and only 1 memory reference) essentially all the time. In rare instances it reverts to a slower array scan. Memory usage is moderate (6 words per class) and can be traded off for time. Class loading does not require recomputing any data structures associated with subtype checking.
Advanced Eager Scheduling for Java-Based Adaptively Parallel Computing
Javelin 3 is a software system for developing large-scale, fault tolerant, adaptively parallel applications. When all or part of their application can be cast as a master-worker or as a branch-and-bound computation, Javelin 3 frees application developers from concerns about inter-processor communication and fault tolerance among networked hosts, allowing them to focus on the underlying application. The paper describes an advanced fault tolerant task scheduler and its performance analysis. The task scheduler integrates work stealing with an advanced form of eager scheduling. This scheduler enables dynamic task decomposition, which improves host load-balancing in the presence of tasks whose non-uniform computational load is evident only at execution time. Speedup measurements are presented of actual performance when using up to 1,000 hosts. We analyze the expected performance degradation due to unresponsive hosts, and measure the actual performance degradation due to unresponsive hosts.
Higher-Order Functions and Partial Applications for a C++ Skeleton Library
Message passing based on libraries such as MPI is typically used to program parallel machines with distributed memory. This is efficient but error prone. Algorithmic skeletons intend to simplify parallel programming by increasing the expressive power. The idea is to offer typical parallel programming patterns as polymorphic higher-order functions which are efficiently implemented in parallel. The present paper describes, how C++ templates and operator overloading can be used in order to provide the main features needed for algorithmic skeletons, namely higher-order functions, partial applications, and parametric polymorphism. Experimental results based on a draft implementation of our C++ skeleton library show that the higher expressive power can be gained without a significant performance penalty.
Open Runtime Platform: Flexibility with Performance using Interfaces
According to conventional wisdom, interfaces provide flexibility at the cost of performance. Most high- performance Java virtual machines today tightly integrate their core virtual machines with their just-in-time compilers and garbage collectors to get the best performance. The Open Runtime Platform (ORP) is unusual in that it reconciles high performance with the extensive use of well-defined interfaces between its components. ORP was developed to support experiments in dynamic compilation, garbage collection, synchronization, and other technologies. To achieve this, two key interfaces were designed: one for garbage collection and another for just-in-time compilation. This paper describes some interesting features of these interfaces and discusses lessons learned in their use.
Specifying Java Thread Semantics Using a Uniform Memory Model
Standardized language level support for threads is one of the most important features of Java. However, defining and understanding the Java Memory Model (JMM) has turned out to be a major challenge. Several models produced to date are not as easily comparable as first thought. Given the growing interest in multithreaded Java programming, it is essential to have a sound framework that would allow formal specification and reasoning about the JMM. This paper presents the Uniform Memory Model (UMM), a formal memory model specification framework. With a flexible architecture, it can be easily configured to capture different memory consistency requirements including both architectural and language level memory models. Based on guarded commands, UMM is integrated with a model check- ing utility, providing strong built-in support for formal veri- fication and program analysis. A formal specification of the JMM following the semantics proposed by Manson and Pugh is implemented in UMM. Systematic analysis has revealed interesting properties of the proposed semantics. Mistakes from the original specification have also been uncovered.
JOPI: A Java Object-Passing Interface
Recently there has been an increasing interest in developing parallel programming capabilities in Java to harness the vast resources available in clusters, grids and heterogeneous networked systems. In this paper, we introduce a Java object- passing interface (JOPI) library. JOPI provides Java programmers with the necessary functionality to write object-passing parallel programs in distributed heterogeneous systems. JOPI provides an MPI-like interface that can be used to exchange objects among processes. In addition to the well-known benefits of the object- oriented development model, using objects to exchange information in JOPI is advantageous because it facilitates passing complex structures and enables the programmer to isolate the problem space from the parallelization problem. The run-time environment for JOPI is portable, efficient and provides the necessary functionality to deploy and execute parallel Java programs. A number of experiments were conducted to measure JOPI's performance and compare it with MPI. The experiments were conducted on a cluster system and a collection of heterogeneous platforms and the results show good performance gain using JOPI.
inAspect - Interfacing Java and VSIPL
In this paper, we discuss the origin, design, performance, and directions of the inAspect high-performance signal and image processing package for Java. The Vector Signal and Image Processing (VSIPL) community provides a standardized API (Application Programmer Interface) for high-performance signal and image processing plus linear algebra with a C emphasis and object-based design framework. Java programmers need high performance and/or portable APIs for this broad base of functionality as well. InAspect addresses PDA's, embedded Java boards, workstations, and servers, with emphasis on embedded systems at present. Efforts include supporting integer precisions and utilizing CORDIC algorithms, both aimed at added relevance for limited-performance environments, such as present-day PDAs.
Jeeg: A Programming Language for Concurrent Objects Synchronization
We introduce Jeeg, a dialect of Java based on a declarative replacement of the synchronization mechanisms of Java that results in a complete decoupling of the `business' and the `synchronization' code of classes. Synchronization constraints in Jeeg are expressed in a linear temporal logic which allows to effectively limit the occurrence of the inheritance anomaly that commonly affects concurrent object oriented languages. Jeeg is inspired by the current trend in aspect oriented languages. In a Jeeg program the sequential and concurrent aspects of object behaviors are decoupled: specified separately by the programmer these are then weaved together by the Jeeg compiler.
Simple and Effective Array Prefetching in Java
Java is becoming a viable choice for numerical algorithms due to the software engineering benefits of object-oriented programming. Because these programs still use large arrays heavily, they con- tinue to suffer poor memory performance. To hide memory latency, we describe a new unified compile-time analysis for software pre- fetching arrays and pointers in Java. Our previous work uses data flow analysis to discover linked data structure accesses, and here we present a more general version that also identifies loop induc- tion variables used in array accesses. Our algorithm schedules pre- fetches for all array references that contain induction variables. We evaluate our technique on a set of array-based Java programs, and we report improvements greater than 15% in 6 of the 12 programs. Across all our programs, prefetching reduces execution time by an average of 23.5%, and the largest improvement is 57.5%. Tradi- tional software prefetching algorithms for C and Fortran use local- ity analysis and sophisticated loop transformations. Because our analysis is much simpler and quicker, it is suitable for including in a just-in-time compiler. We further show that the additional loop transformations and careful scheduling of prefetches used in pre- vious work are not always necessary for modern architectures and Java programs.
Generic Programming for High Performance Scientific Applications
We present case studies that apply generic programming to the development of high-performance parallel codes for solv- ing two archetypal PDEs. We examine the overall structure of the example scientific codes and consider their generic im- plementation. With a generic approach it is a straightforward matter to reuse software components from different sources; implementations with components from ITL, MTL, Blitz++, A++/P++, and Fortran BLAS are presented. Our newly- developed Generic Message Passing library is used for com- munication. We compare the generic implementation to equiv- alent implementations developed with alternative libraries and languages and discuss not only performance but software en- gineering issues as well.
A Scaleable Event Infrastructure for Peer to Peer Grids
In this paper we propose a peer-to-peer (P2P) grid comprising resources such as relatively static clients, high-end resources and a dynamic collection of multiple P2P subsystems. We investigate the architecture of the messaging and event service that will support such a hybrid environment. We designed a distributed publish-subscribe system NaradaBrokering for XML specified messages. NaradaBrokering interpolates between centralized systems like JMS (Java Message Service) and P2P environments. Here we investigate and present our strategy for the integration of JXTA into NaradaBrokering. The resultant system naturally scales with multiple JXTA Peer Groups linked by NaradaBrokering.
Immutability Specification and its Applications
In this paper, we introduce a framework for immutability specification, and discuss its application to code optimization. A location is said to be immutable if its value and the values of selected locations reachable from it are guaranteed to remain unchanged during a specified time interval. Compared to a final declaration, an immutability assertion in our framework can express a richer set of immutability properties along three important dimensions -- lifetime, reachability and context. We present a framework for processing and verifying immutability annotations in Java, as well as extending optimizations so as to exploit immutability information. Preliminary experimental results show that a significant number (82%) of read accesses could potentially be classified as immutable in our framework. Further, use of immutability information yields measurable speedups in the range of 6% to 11% for certain benchmark programs.

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