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libs/ck-libs/ParFUM/parallel_part.C File Reference

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void clearPartition (void)
int FEM_Mesh_Parallel_broadcast (int fem_mesh, int masterRank, FEM_Comm_t comm_context)
int FEM_master_parallel_part (int fem_mesh, int masterRank, FEM_Comm_t comm_context)
int FEM_slave_parallel_part (int fem_mesh, int masterRank, FEM_Comm_t comm_context)
struct partconndataFEM_call_parmetis (int nelem, MSA1DINT::Read &rPtr, MSA1DINT::Read &rInd, FEM_Comm_t comm_context)
void FEM_write_nodepart (MSA1DINTLIST::Accum &nodepart, struct partconndata *data, MPI_Comm comm_context)
void FEM_write_part2node (MSA1DINTLIST::Read &nodepart, MSA1DNODELIST::Accum &part2node, struct partconndata *data, MPI_Comm comm_context)
void FEM_write_part2elem (MSA1DINTLIST::Accum &part2elem, struct partconndata *data, MPI_Comm comm_context)
FEM_MeshFEM_break_mesh (FEM_Mesh *m, int numElements, int numChunks)
void sendBrokenMeshes (FEM_Mesh *mesh_array, FEM_Comm_t comm_context)
void FEM_write_part2mesh (MSA1DFEMMESH::Accum &part2mesh, struct partconndata *partdata, struct conndata *data, MSA1DINTLIST::Read &nodepart, int numChunks, int myChunk, FEM_Mesh *m)
void sortNodeList (NodeList &lnodes)
void addIDXLists (FEM_Mesh *m, NodeList &lnodes, int myChunk)
struct ghostdatagatherGhosts ()
void makeGhosts (FEM_Mesh *m, MPI_Comm comm, int masterRank, int numLayers, FEM_Ghost_Layer **layers)
bool listContains (FEM_Comm_List &list, int entry)
void makeGhost (FEM_Mesh *m, MPI_Comm comm, int masterRank, int totalShared, FEM_Ghost_Layer *layer, CkHashtableT< CkHashtableAdaptorT< int >, char > &sharedNode, CkHashtableT< CkHashtableAdaptorT< int >, int > &global2local)
bool sharedWith (int lnode, int chunk, FEM_Mesh *m)


double elemlistaccTime = 0
 This file contains code for parallely partitioning the initial mesh into multiple chunks It uses PARMETIS to do the actual partitioning.
double listSearchTime = 0
double sharedSearchTime = 0

Generated on Mon Sep 21 08:07:25 2020 for Charm++ by  doxygen 1.5.5