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ck-core/init.C File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  _statsHeader
struct  _WarningMsg


typedef void(* CkFtFn )(const char *, CkArgMsg *)
typedef struct _statsHeader statsHeader
typedef struct _WarningMsg WarningMsg


void CkRestartMain (const char *dirname, CkArgMsg *args)
 CksvDeclare (UInt, _numInitNodeMsgs)
 Count the number of nodegroups that have been created in mainchares.
 CksvDeclare (int, _numPendingRORdmaTransfers)
 CksvDeclare (bool, _triggersSent)
 CkpvDeclare (void *, _currentChare)
 CkpvDeclare (int, _currentChareType)
 CkpvDeclare (CkGroupID, _currentGroup)
 CkpvDeclare (void *, _currentNodeGroupObj)
 CkpvDeclare (CkGroupID, _currentGroupRednMgr)
 CkpvDeclare (GroupTable *, _groupTable)
 CkpvDeclare (GroupIDTable *, _groupIDTable)
 CkpvDeclare (CmiImmediateLockType, _groupTableImmLock)
 CkpvDeclare (UInt, _numGroups)
 CkpvDeclare (CkCoreState *, _coreState)
 CksvDeclare (UInt, _numNodeGroups)
 CksvDeclare (GroupTable *, _nodeGroupTable)
 CksvDeclare (GroupIDTable, _nodeGroupIDTable)
 CksvDeclare (CmiImmediateLockType, _nodeGroupTableImmLock)
 CksvDeclare (CmiNodeLock, _nodeLock)
 CksvStaticDeclare (PtrVec *, _nodeBocInitVec)
 CkpvDeclare (int, _charmEpoch)
 CkpvDeclare (bool, _destroyingNodeGroup)
 CkpvDeclare (Stats *, _myStats)
 CkpvDeclare (MsgPool *, _msgPool)
 CkpvDeclare (_CkOutStream *, _ckout)
 CkpvDeclare (_CkErrStream *, _ckerr)
 CkpvStaticDeclare (int, _numInitsRecd)
 CkpvStaticDeclare (bool, _initdone)
 CkpvStaticDeclare (PtrQ *, _buffQ)
 CkpvStaticDeclare (PtrVec *, _bocInitVec)
void _libExitHandler (envelope *env)
 CpvCExtern (int, interopExitFlag)
void StopInteropScheduler ()
 CpvExtern (char *, _validProcessors)
 CkpvDeclare (char, startedEvac)
void readKillFile ()
void processRaiseEvacFile (char *raiseEvacFile)
void _registerCommandLineOpt (const char *opt)
static void _parseCommandLineOpts (char **argv)
static void _bufferHandler (void *msg)
static void _discardHandler (envelope *env)
static void _printStats (void)
static void * mergeStats (int *size, void *data, void **remote, int count)
static void _sendStats (void)
static void * mergeWarningMsg (int *size, void *data, void **remote, int count)
static void _sendWarnings (void)
static void ReportWarnings (WarningMsg *msg)
void _messageLoggingExit ()
 Function to wrap up performance information.
void _skipCldHandler (void *converseMsg)
void _discard_charm_message ()
void _resume_charm_message ()
static void _exitHandler (envelope *env)
void _ROGroupRestartHandler (void *msg)
static void _processBufferedBocInits (void)
 Create all groups in this processor (not called on processor zero).
static void _processBufferedNodeBocInits (void)
 Create all nodegroups in this node (called only by rank zero, and never on node zero).
static void _processBufferedMsgs (void)
static int _charmLoadEstimator (void)
static void _sendTriggers (void)
 This function is used to send other processors on the same node a signal so they can check if their _initDone can be called: the reason for this is that the check at the end of _initHandler can fail due to a missing message containing a Nodegroup creation.
void _initDone (void)
 This function (not a handler) is called once and only once per processor.
static void _triggerHandler (envelope *env)
 Converse handler receiving a signal from another processors in the same node.
static void _processROMsgMsg (envelope *env)
static void _processRODataMsg (envelope *env)
static void _roRestartHandler (void *msg)
 This is similar to the _initHandler, only that the Groups and Nodegroups are initialized from disk, so only one single message is expected.
static void _roRdmaDoneHandler (envelope *env)
void checkForInitDone (bool rdmaROCompleted)
static void _initHandler (void *msg, CkCoreState *ck)
 This handler is used only during initialization.
void CkCleanup ()
void CkExit (int exitcode)
void CkContinueExit ()
void EmergencyExit (void)
static void _nullFn (void *, void *)
void _registerLBDatabase (void)
void _registerMetaBalancer (void)
void _registerPathHistory (void)
void _registerControlPoints (void)
void _registerTraceControlPoints ()
void _registerExternalModules (char **argv)
void _ckModuleInit (void)
void _loadbalancerInit ()
void _metabalancerInit ()
void _taskqInit ()
void LBTopoInit ()
void _initChareTables ()
void init_memcheckpt (char **argv)
void initCharmProjections ()
void CmiInitCPUTopology (char **argv)
void CmiCheckAffinity ()
 Check that there are not multiple PEs assigned to the same core.
void CmiInitMemAffinity (char **argv)
void CmiInitPxshm (char **argv)
void _registerInitCall (CkInitCallFn fn, int isNodeCall)
 CpvCExtern (int, cpdSuspendStartup)
void CpdFreeze (void)
void initQd (char **argv)
void CpdBgInit ()
void CpdBreakPointInit ()
void _sendReadonlies ()
void _initCharm (int unused_argc, char **argv)
 This is the main charm setup routine.
int charm_main (int argc, char **argv)
void FTN_NAME (CHARM_MAIN_FORTRAN_WRAPPER, charm_main_fortran_wrapper)
void registerExitFn (CkExitFn fn)


UChar _defaultQueueing = CK_QUEUEING_FIFO
UInt _printCS = 0
UInt _printSS = 0
UInt _numExpectInitMsgs = 0
 This value has the number of total initialization message a processor awaits.
UInt _numInitMsgs = 0
 This number is used only by processor zero to count how many messages it will send out for the initialization process.
UInt numZerocopyROops
UInt curROIndex
int _roRdmaDoneHandlerIdx
int _infoIdx
int _charmHandlerIdx
int _initHandlerIdx
int _roRestartHandlerIdx
int _bocHandlerIdx
int _qdHandlerIdx
int _qdCommHandlerIdx
int _triggerHandlerIdx
bool _mainDone = false
CkOutStream ckout
CkErrStream ckerr
CkInStream ckin
int userDrivenMode
int _libExitHandlerIdx
int _ROGroupRestartHandlerIdx
const char * _shrinkexpand_basedir
int _exitHandlerIdx
static Stats ** _allStats = 0
static bool _exitStarted = false
static int _exitcode
static InitCallTable _initCallTable
static CkFtFn faultFunc = NULL
static char * _restartDir
int teamSize = 1
int chkptPeriod = 1000
bool fastRecovery = false
int parallelRecovery = 1
bool killFlag
char * killFile
bool diskCkptFlag
int _defaultObjectQ = 0
bool _ringexit = 0
int _ringtoken = 8
int _messageBufferingThreshold
 Message size above which the runtime will buffer messages directed at unlocated array elements.
static bool _raiseEvac = 0
static char * _raiseEvacFile
bool useNodeBlkMapping
int quietMode
int quietModeRequested
std::set< std::string > _optSet
int messageQueueOverflow
int index_skipCldHandler
CkQ< CkExitFn_CkExitFnVec
int _dummy_dq
void(* CkRegisterMainModuleCallback )()

Generated on Mon Sep 21 07:59:01 2020 for Charm++ by  doxygen 1.5.5