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ck-ldb/lbdb.C File Reference

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LDHandle LDCreate (void)
LDOMHandle LDRegisterOM (LDHandle _db, LDOMid _userID, void *_userptr, LDCallbacks _callbacks)
void LDUnregisterOM (LDHandle _db, LDOMHandle om)
void LDOMMetaLBResumeWaitingChares (LDHandle _db, int lb_ideal_period)
void LDOMMetaLBCallLBOnChares (LDHandle _db)
void * LDOMUserData (LDOMHandle &_h)
void LDRegisteringObjects (LDOMHandle _h)
void LDDoneRegisteringObjects (LDOMHandle _h)
LDObjHandle LDRegisterObj (LDOMHandle _h, CmiUInt8 _id, void *_userData, bool _migratable)
void LDUnregisterObj (LDObjHandle _h)
const LDObjHandleLDGetObjHandle (LDHandle h, int oh)
void LDObjTime (LDObjHandle &_h, LBRealType walltime, LBRealType cputime)
void LDGetObjLoad (LDObjHandle &_h, LBRealType *wallT, LBRealType *cpuT)
void LDQueryKnownObjLoad (LDObjHandle &_h, LBRealType *wallT, LBRealType *cpuT)
void * LDObjUserData (LDObjHandle &_h)
void * LDDBObjUserData (LDObjHandle &_h, int idx)
void LDDumpDatabase (LDHandle _db)
void LDNotifyMigrated (LDHandle _db, LDMigratedFn fn, void *data)
void LDAddStartLBFn (LDHandle _db, LDStartLBFn fn, void *data)
void LDRemoveStartLBFn (LDHandle _db, LDStartLBFn fn)
void LDStartLB (LDHandle _db)
void LDTurnManualLBOn (LDHandle _db)
void LDTurnManualLBOff (LDHandle _db)
int LDAddMigrationDoneFn (LDHandle _db, LDMigrationDoneFn fn, void *data)
void LDRemoveMigrationDoneFn (LDHandle _db, LDMigrationDoneFn fn)
void LDMigrationDone (LDHandle _db)
void LDTurnPredictorOn (LDHandle _db, void *model)
void LDTurnPredictorOnWin (LDHandle _db, void *model, int wind)
void LDTurnPredictorOff (LDHandle _db)
void LDChangePredictor (LDHandle _db, void *model)
void LDCollectStatsOn (LDHandle _db)
void LDCollectStatsOff (LDHandle _db)
int CLDCollectingStats (LDHandle _db)
int CLDRunningObject (LDHandle _h, LDObjHandle *_o)
void LDObjectStart (const LDObjHandle &_h)
void LDObjectStop (const LDObjHandle &_h)
void LDSend (const LDOMHandle &destOM, const CmiUInt8 &destid, unsigned int bytes, int destObjProc, int force)
void LDMulticastSend (const LDOMHandle &destOM, CmiUInt8 *destids, int ndests, unsigned int bytes, int nMsgs)
void LDBackgroundLoad (LDHandle _db, LBRealType *walltime, LBRealType *cputime)
void LDIdleTime (LDHandle _db, LBRealType *walltime)
void LDTotalTime (LDHandle _db, LBRealType *walltime, LBRealType *cputime)
void LDGetTime (LDHandle _db, LBRealType *total_walltime, LBRealType *total_cputime, LBRealType *idletime, LBRealType *bg_walltime, LBRealType *bg_cputime)
void LDNonMigratable (const LDObjHandle &h)
void LDMigratable (const LDObjHandle &h)
void LDSetPupSize (const LDObjHandle &h, size_t obj_pup_size)
void LDAsyncMigrate (const LDObjHandle &h, bool async)
void LDClearLoads (LDHandle _db)
int LDGetObjDataSz (LDHandle _db)
void LDGetObjData (LDHandle _db, LDObjData *data)
int LDGetCommDataSz (LDHandle _db)
void LDGetCommData (LDHandle _db, LDCommData *data)
void LDGetCommInfo (LDHandle _db, int &bytes, int &msgs, int &withinbytes, int &outsidebytes, int &n_nghbors, int &hops, int &hopbytes)
int LDMigrate (LDObjHandle _h, int dest)
void LDMigrated (LDObjHandle _h, int waitBarrier)
LDBarrierClient LDAddLocalBarrierClient (LDHandle _db, LDResumeFn fn, void *data)
void LDRemoveLocalBarrierClient (LDHandle _db, LDBarrierClient h)
LDBarrierReceiver LDAddLocalBarrierReceiver (LDHandle _db, LDBarrierFn fn, void *data)
void LDRemoveLocalBarrierReceiver (LDHandle _db, LDBarrierReceiver h)
void LDAtLocalBarrier (LDHandle _db, LDBarrierClient h)
void LDDecreaseLocalBarrier (LDHandle _db, LDBarrierClient h, int c)
void LDLocalBarrierOn (LDHandle _db)
void LDLocalBarrierOff (LDHandle _db)
void LDResumeClients (LDHandle _db)
static void work (int iter_block, int *result)
int LDProcessorSpeed ()
void LDSetLBPeriod (LDHandle _db, double s)
double LDGetLBPeriod (LDHandle _db)
void LDQueryEstLoad (LDHandle bdb)
int LDMemusage (LDHandle _db)
bool LDOMidEqual (const LDOMid &i1, const LDOMid &i2)

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